The consequence is that anyone can enter the cultivation. Now the senior management of Saint Court has begun to discuss, arrange the discipline in batches, and enter the temple cultivation.

“You have to use up the more than one hundred enlightenment opportunities left in the Dao Comprehension Stone before no one enters. Otherwise, if there are too many people, the big blue stone cannot be hidden, and you will be caught. If it ran away, it would definitely renege on a debt.”

So after dismissing Lu Qing, Ye Fei found Xia Jun and the others, and told the truth about the Martial God Palace and the enlightenment. everyone.

“What, as long as we enter the temple, we can enlighten the Tao, true or false?” Xia Jun and Lin Heaven’s Chosen were shocked.

“Ye Fei, tell me honestly, is there any treasure in the temple that can be enlightened?” Shangluo deserves to be the Eldest Miss of the Chamber of Commerce. She feels keenly, making Ye Fei feel terrified.

I even made up my mind not to let Shangluo know about Daqingshi, otherwise this Eldest Miss would definitely do things like demolishing the temple.

Ye Fei can only vaguely say: “It’s not treasure, but I got Divine Emperor inheritance, and the rewards I got will be gone.”

“Really?” Shang Luo’s face was still full of suspicion, and even more directly moved his face, staring at Ye Fei intently.

Even Ye Fei can smell the body scent from Shangluo. He can only cough and declare again: “I am an upright person!”

“You Honesty, what does it have to do with whether there is treasure in it?” Shangluo was still suspicious, but still reluctantly moved away from Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was immediately depressed, and almost, he was cross-examined by Shangluo, showing his feet. Fortunately, he finally passed the test.

Shangluo had already happily ran back to the room to pack his things, and was about to go to the temple to enlighten him. Of course, before leaving, Shangluo actually called Lu Qing.

This makes Ye Fei even more depressed. This Lu Qing is originally a peerless genius. If he enlightens once more, he will be fine.

“It seems that I have to work hard too!”

Ye Fei was secretly under a little pressure, so he was throwing the enlightenment matter to Xia Jun and the others to allocate it by himself After that, he returned to Cave Mansion and began to retreat, striving to cultivation success True Martial as soon as possible. This Divine Emperor is unique.

After overnight discussions, Xia Jun and Lin Heaven’s Chosen finally selected a total of 100, including the King of Trigrams. They believed that they were reliable and belonged to the True Martial Saint Court strongly. Court disciple, go into the real Martial God Palace together for cultivation.

It is worth mentioning that these selected disciplines are all inspired by the battle between Ye Fei and Lu Qing, and they have volunteered to become followers of Holy Son.

The opportunity of enlightenment is also the best opportunity to buy people’s hearts. Under the suggestion of the king of Gua, Ye Fei also agreed to let these followers also get the opportunity of enlightenment, which is also a disguised return to Saint Court.

However, Ye Fei also clearly told the King of Gua that he would never want any other followers except for the followers that Gong Zhi had originally joined.

One is management troubles, and the other is that there are too many followers.

“Ten wolves are not as good as one tiger! I believe in my own power more than relying on the power of others! I will start cultivation True Martial Four Phases now!”

Slowly close With the upper eyes, Ye Fei was immersed in the cultivation. In his mind, countless mysterious messages appeared. These messages were the inheritance of the True Martial Divine Emperor. At this time, they all turned into strange runes. From Ye Fei’s mind, Go deep into his soul.

Ye Fei suddenly felt that for the Four Phases of True Martial, he seemed to have comprehended countless years. Any change is clear to his heart. All he has to do is to continue cultivation, and then cultivation, Rune, transformed into real power.

This is also a huge benefit of inheritance.

You don’t need to spend time to comprehend, you can start cultivation directly. The things that should be comprehended have already been sealed in the inheritance and integrated into his soul.

Chapter 1386 Gathering Veins into Rivers

Chapter 1386 Gathering Veins into Rivers

hong long long!

Ye Fei was immersed in the cultivation, and time passed day by day. Soon, a month later, Ye Fei reluctantly stopped the cultivation.

Today, Lu Qing has been a maid for a month. At this time, if the heavenly punishment quasi emperor can’t come to redeem people, he wouldn’t make it difficult for Lu Qing, the quasi emperors of Saint Court, Tolerated it.

In the end, the grudge between True Martial Saint Court and heavenly punishment Zhundi is too deep. The decline of Saint Court was the heavenly punishment of the quasi emperor.

“Qing’er, it seems that your grandfather doesn’t take you seriously. It’s been a month, but he didn’t mean to redeem you.”

Ye Fei walked out of the Cave Mansion , I happened to see Lu Qing returning from the real Martial God Palace, so he greeted him by the way. When he heard his name, Lu Qing choked fiercely in his heart, and finally resisted the urge to shoot at this time, but there were countless things on his body. The thunderbolt, the scared Xia Junlin Heaven’s Chosen and the others quickly withdrew a long distance for fear of being affected.

Fortunately, Ye Fei and Lu Qing are not at all fighting. Outside Small World, there was already a huge sound. Then, Small World broke open and rushed in countless mountains. Under those peaks, there was a Martial Sovereign, carrying the peaks and constantly moving in the sky.

“Fifty Martial Sovereigns, fifty spirit veins! These are all Martial Sovereigns of Lú Family?” Ye Fei brows tightly knit, if he remembers right, heavenly punishment Lú Family of Zhundi It is the Aristocratic Family that has only become a quasi-emperor in the last few hundred years.

In a few hundred years, fifty Martial Sovereigns and fifty spirit veins can be gathered. This power is simply terrifying!

“Yes, this is the strength of my Lú Family! These spirit veins are all brought by my grandfather from Heavenly Thunder Holy Sect.” Lu Qing was full of pride.

Tian Lei Holy Sect, is the True Martial Divine Emperor, the sect that had been cultivation, where he created the Martial Emperor’s way of heavenly punishment.

Just for unknown reasons, the True Martial Divine Emperor finally left the Holy Sect and created the True Martial chapter and became Martial God in one fell swoop.

According to this clue, the quasi-emperor of heavenly punishment at that time didn’t know what method was used to obtain the inheritance of the heavenly punishment after obtaining the chapter on heavenly punishment. He completely mastered the ancient heavenly punishment. Tian Gong also became Heavenly Martial Continent, one of the most powerful quasi emperors.

When Ye Fei remembered this in his mind, among the fifty Martial Sovereigns carrying the mountain range, a middle-aged man in brocade clothes had come out, and his eyes passed countless The mountain peak eventually fell on the peak of Ye Fei.

“Lu Qing, are you okay!” The middle-aged man’s gaze was filled with anxiety.

Fifty spirit veins are nothing in Ancient Era. In an era when resources are poor and Martial Dao is declining, fifty spirit veins are more precious than fifty Martial Sovereigns.

Even Lú Family, with this batch of spirit veins, struggled for a long time, and it was even more painful. However, under the insistence of the heavenly punishment of Emperor Zhun, and the identity of Lu Qing’s peerless genius, Lú Family Still holding back the heartache, all these fifty spirit veins, together with the mountains above, were carried over.

Above, Ye Fei also saw many buildings, which should be the children of Lú Family, where they usually cultivation.

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