Unless Ye Fei dares to once again, let him within the body “Demon God” take action.

Of course, the heavenly punishment quasi emperor did not know that Liu Rulong and Fire Dragon, the two quasi emperors, only saw Ye Fei being controlled by the blood demon, but did not see Ye Fei using Heavenly Tribulation to destroy the blood demon. Only made a wrong judgment and missed the best chance to start with Ye Fei.

Holy Son Tower.

The spiritual river is turbulent, although it is not as good as the spiritual river of the Senluo Temple, which turns into a big river, but even a small river, the spiritual Qi that gathers is very amazing.

With this spiritual river, Ye Fei is finally relaxed.

“Finally, I don’t have to worry about Spirit Stone anymore. As long as I don’t destroy these fifty spirit veins, the spiritual river of the Holy Son Tower, I will continue to provide my cultivation.”


He is sitting on this spiritual river now, running the War God Dao and the war demonic path at the same time, and begins to try to use the Spiritual Qi gathered by these fifty spiritual veins to break through his own realm.

Xiaocao is carrying Dragon Tortoise, swimming continuously on this spiritual river, absorbing the amazing Spiritual Qi gathered in the spiritual river everywhere.

That kind of feeling is as comfortable as being in the Spirit Pond of heaven and earth. Of course, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise are well-measured. They only intercepted the Spiritual Qi on the two layers of the spiritual river, and the remaining 80% Spiritual Qi, all turned into a long river of Spiritual Qi, poured into Ye Fei’s Primordial Spirit.

At this time, Ye Fei’s eight Primordial Spirits have completely turned into eight huge black hole spaces, constantly sucking the Spiritual Qi of this spiritual river within the body, and then quickly refining.

With the refining of a large number of Spiritual Qi, even if Ye Fei has eight Primordial Spirits, it quickly feels like being filled by the Spiritual Qi river.

Eight Primordial Spirits have reached saturation at the same time.

Within the body’s true essence, accumulated to an unprecedented depth and vagueness, Ye Fei has already felt that within the body An invisible barrier. This barrier is his breakthrough Half Emperor Realm, the last obstacle.

After that, Ye Fei mobilized all the Spiritual Qi within the body refining and condensed it into a more terrifying true essence than the spiritual river, whizzing, fiercely rushing towards the invisible barrier.


The invisible barrier began to shake, but there was no sign of breakthrough. From Martial Saint tenth to half the emperor, it was a very difficult process, equivalent to martial artist One of the bottleneck, is that many top geniuses, need to hit a few times before they can break through.

And those ordinary geniuses are more likely to be successful. It takes dozens or hundreds of shocks before they can succeed. The Spiritual Qi and Spirit Stone consumed during this period is even more astronomical. .

Therefore, in Zhong Prefecture, relying on their own strength, there are very few breakthroughs of the half-emperor. Even if there is, it will take several decades, hundreds of years.

This is also the reason why the geniuses of those empires broke their heads and joined the Saint Court to join the Aristocratic Family. 99% of the spirit veins in Zhong Prefecture are concentrated in the hands of these forces.

If they want a quick breakthrough, their only way is to join Saint Court, or to join the Aristocratic Family. If it hadn’t happened to have obtained fifty spiritual veins this time, and condensed into a spiritual river, Ye Fei would not dare to be so fast, and would try to break through the half-emperor realm.

“If you can’t do it once, you can do it twice. If you can’t do it twice, then three times. Anyway, I have spiritual river in hand, and there is no lack of Spiritual Qi!”

One failed, Ye Fei did not Disheartened, but continued to mobilize Spiritual Qi within the body, starting the second and third impact.

Finally, when the impact reached the fourth time, Ye Fei suddenly felt that the invisible barrier he was within the body, with a bang, all split up and in pieces, and then, a thicker one The power of He was released from his Primordial Spirit. There is also a hint of Sovereign’s majesty.

Chapter 1388 White Tiger Divine Sword

Chapter 1388 White Tiger Divine Sword

“Half Emperor Realm, finally breakthrough.”

Ye Fei sighed for a long time, and then became very happy. You know, he originally expected that it would take at least ten years of hard work to break through half the emperor.

A Holy Son tower and a spiritual river allowed him to break through to the half-emperor realm in just one year. According to the rules of Saint Court, if the discipline strength reaches the half-emperor realm, he is eligible. Like the mentor, he opened the door and accepted his disciples.

Every teacher is a small sect.

When these sects are combined, it becomes a powerful Saint Court.

But Ye Fei does not intend to accept disciples to preach.

“Now I still have a certain gap compared with those peerless genius. Since these peerless genius are all focused on cultivation and strive for breakthrough, what reason do I have to slack off?”

Especially Xia Jun also told Ye Fei that Zhao Yu has now become Heavenly Dao Saint Court Saintess, and there are more faint signs of breakthrough Martial Sovereign, which makes Ye Fei feel more pressured.

“The mother Old Hu, if it is a breakthrough Martial Sovereign, she will definitely kill me again. Anyone can lag behind, but can’t lag behind Zhao Yu.”

In the end, this is related to Ye Fei dare not careless about the major event of his own life. I specifically instructed Xiaocao to pay close attention to Dragon Tortoise and not to give Dragon Tortoise a chance to eat the spirit vein under the black mouth.

The first thing about the breakthrough half emperor, Ye Fei is to use the remaining spiritual river to start cultivation True Martial Divine Emperor’s Taikoo Tiangong, True Martial Four Phases.

“There are four realms in this heavenly skill, namely, Black-Turtle Territory, Vermilion Bird, White Tiger, and Azure Dragon. Four realms, in no particular order, one for each cultivation success Realm, even if it is condensed into one domain, and the four domains are practiced together, True Martial four-phase, even if it is a cultivation success.”

“Of course, this heavenly skill is also flawed. It can only be cultivation success four. As for the field, after the cultivation success, what will happen next? There is no record of Tiangong, maybe it is incomplete, maybe it is the Martial God who created this Tiangong, and it hasn’t been perfected yet.”

“…but this Tiangong Even if it is flawed, it is far more powerful than those Martial Emperors. In addition, in the field of cultivation, I can incorporate them into the gossip.”

Ye Fei’s eyes flashed brightly.

In the end, the Heavenly Venerate cultivation technique is a Heavenly Venerate cultivation technique, far surpasses the ancient Tiangong, on this, there is no record about the field of cultivation.

Perhaps in the eyes of Heavenly Venerate, the power of the domain is too low, he disdains to record it, but in the eyes of Ye Fei, his starting point is too low, and what he lacks is the method of Condensing Domain.

He happened to get the four phases of True Martial, and the process of comprehending the realm was recorded in detail above, and it was one of the four phases of True Martial that he could obtain a complete realm for every cultivation success True Martial.

This is also the power of Taikoo Tiangong.

Generally, the martial arts below the Martial Emperor understand the Profound Truth. Therefore, many martial artists need to continuously learn a lot of martial arts, comprehend the Profound Truth inside, and merge with each other to form a field. Not only is it time-consuming and laborious, but this field is still mixed. Before the field is formed, no one can guarantee the strength of this field.

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