But Taikoo Tiangong is different. What’s implied in it is originally a combination of various powerful fields explored by the predecessors.

So, as long as the cultivation success Taikoo Tiangong, the realm of understanding must be extremely powerful. It is also because of this that Ye Fei plans to use the realm of True Martial to learn from each other’s strengths to cultivation his Tianlong Baji.

After all, the eight realms of Tianlong Baji are definitely much stronger than the four realms of True Martial. Even Ye Fei plans to combine the four phases of True Martial and Tai Chi to see if it can create a new Sword Art based on Tai Chi.

“Since I can create the Taiji Two-Year Sword based on Yin and Yang, why can’t I create the Taiji Four-phase Sword based on the four phases!”

Of course I have to The process of creating such a Sword Art must be very difficult. At present, he can only integrate the power of despair five times. At least, he needs to integrate the power of despair six times to reach the top level of genius before it is possible to realize Tai Chi. Four-phase.

Now Ye Fei still focuses on the cultivation of True Martial four phases. Ye Fei decides to first understand the White Tiger field in the True Martial four phases.

“The cloud is from the dragon, the wind is from the tiger! The White Tiger domain corresponds to the wind hexagram in the gossip. I learned the White Tiger domain. I can integrate the White Tiger domain into the eighth-level Tianlong. Behind the blood dragon representing the earth hexagram, the condense represents the wind dragon of the wind hexagram!”

Ye Fei converged his mind and began to concentrate on the cultivation White Tiger domain. What appeared in his mind was not a cultivation technique. , But various mysterious symbols. These symbols are the specific methods of cultivation White Tiger.

What he has to do now is to condense these symbols into a complete White Tiger natural phenomenon in his mind. This kind of natural phenomenon can inspire the Rule Power of heaven and earth, so that he has the general White Tiger power.

Moreover, each person has a different image of the White Tiger, and the strength of the White Tiger obtained is different. For example, Xi Yingqing, the White Tiger natural phenomenon he cultivated is a God. The True Martial Divine Emperor was cultivated, but it was a divine fist formed by the White Tiger sharp claw.

“I don’t know what I have cultivated. The White Tiger Divine Fist is certainly very strong, but the incomplete and formidable power of the White Tiger Divine Fist is definitely not comparable to other complete Taikoo Tian Gong. By the way, why don’t I turn the White Tiger Divine Sword into a White Tiger Divine Sword? In this way, I can also create a Tai Chi four-phase sword and lay the foundation!”

Ye Fei suddenly flashed like this in his heart Thoughts, along with his thoughts, the White Tiger in his mind, also changed.

It is no longer a tiger with sharp claw, but a terrifying sword tiger with a giant sword on its back, squatting in the void and tearing the cage apart.

“Azure Dragon town hell, White Tiger get out of the cage!”

Ye Fei’s mouth, suddenly shouted, he stepped, from inside the Holy Son tower, appeared in the True Martial Saint Court Small World high in the sky, suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped it forward. Suddenly, a terrifying tiger roar came from the sky.

But what appeared in Ye Fei’s hands was a huge silver white sword mountain. As Ye Fei waved the sword mountain, it cut forward, surrounded by the fifty peaks surrounding his Holy Son peak. Suddenly there was a Saint Court disciple that was chopped in half by Linkong to form a half-hill. The Saint Court disciple of the nearby mountain cultivation was shocked.

Even Ye Fei’s White Tiger Divine Sword also attracted the attention of cultivation Xi Yingqing. When he saw that Ye Fei cultivation came out of the divine sense, it was neither a god nor a White Tiger. By the time of sharp claw, Rao Shi had already become the quasi emperor, Xi Yingqing couldn’t help but open his mouth wide: “This kid, he condensed, is the White Tiger natural phenomenon?”

“Seventh Gold Qi, The meaning of killing is indeed a White Tiger natural phenomenon!” Next to Xi Yingqing, a white clothed old man who couldn’t see his face was slightly nodded. “This child is not peerless genius, but the perception is amazing. It has been catching up with those ancient geniuses. Next, we can rest assured and let him go on the Ancient Starry Sky Road.”

Chapter 1389 Ancient Starry Sky Road

Chapter 1389 Ancient Starry Sky Road

“Master Tai, Ye Fei just went to the Ancient Starry Sky Road just after breaking through the Half-Emperor Realm. Isn’t it too reluctant?” Xi Yingqing asked a little surprised.

The white clothed old man shook the head with a serious tone: “Jade is not cut, it is not a tool! Others may be able to wait, but Ye Fei can’t wait, because he is a man who is abandoned by the sky, no one knows , How terrible his Martial Sovereign robbery will be, only the Ancient Starry Sky Road can make him change!”

Xi Yingqing mood grave said: “The dean, are you gambling? “

The white clothed old man said loudly: “Since this Little Brat can open the real Martial God Palace that hasn’t been opened for thousands of years, how about the old man betting once? Ye Fei passed the Ancient Starry Sky Road I, True Martial Saint Court, must be very happy. If he can’t pass, then True Martial Saint Court will be buried with him! In response, do you understand the hard work of the old man?”

“Of course I understand, Thunder Tribulation fluid has only one effect, and it can only extend our life essence for ten years. In these ten years, we still cannot see the rise of Saint Court. When we die, True Martial Saint Court will definitely be removed from Zhong Prefecture, Ye Fei, it is our only hope.” Xi Yingqing’s tone was solemn.

The white clothed old man also sighed, “We are all old. The hope of reviving Saint Court depends on this Little Brat. We must fully support him and embark on this path.”


The formidable power of the White Tiger Divine Sword slashed through the mountain with a sword, which made Ye Fei very satisfied: “The main killing of the White Tiger, this White Tiger Divine Sword, The formidable power is enough. Even if it is displayed, it is still not round enough, and there is still room for improvement.”

Don’t look at the True Martial four phases are just incomplete ancient power, but even if it is incomplete, every The formidable power that has been cultivated into one phase is also equivalent to another Saint Court, a Martial Emperor.

Of course, if you want to fully practice and play the formidable power of the White Tiger Divine Sword, the most important thing is to cultivation out of the White Tiger field.

Only by owning the domain can the formidable power of White Tiger Divine Sword be maximized.

“I am only initially condensing the White Tiger Divine Sword, and there is still a long way to go from the condense White Tiger domain. Continue to retreat and see if I can condense the White Tiger domain…”


Ye Fei did not show up for a few breaths, and then he submerged in the Holy Son tower and continued closed-door cultivation. After another three months, he finally took the White Tiger Divine Sword. cultivated to do as one pleases.

But Ye Fei still failed to cultivation out of the White Tiger field.

It’s not that his aptitude is not enough, but that the spiritual river in the Holy Son Tower has almost dried up. After all, the spiritual river in the Holy Son Tower is the gathering of the spirit veins, and the spirit vein in the hands of Ye Fei , Is not endless.

When he finishes refining the Spiritual Qi condensed in the Holy Son Tower, the spiritual river will naturally disappear. Fortunately, the spirit vein in the Holy Son Tower is still there, so just wait for a while and wait for the spirit vein When Spiritual Qi recovers, he has a continuously spiritual river again, which can be cultivated.

“Hey, the third dean, you are standing outside, is there something looking for me?” Ye Fei called Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise back, then put away the Holy Son tower and walked out of Cave Mansion, facing him I saw Xi Yingqing standing outside, and he quickly invited Xi Yingqing into Cave Mansion.

Xi Yingqing slightly nodded and said: “Ye Fei, since you have a breakthrough of half the emperor and cultivation success True Martial four phases, in Saint Court, you don’t want to improve quickly, unless you go Ancient Starry Sky Road.”

“What is Ancient Starry Sky Road?” Ye Fei was curious.

Xi Yingqing has a serious expression: “The formation of Ancient Starry Sky Road can be traced back to Ancient Era. It is an ancient and ancient genius, an exclusive experience place, hidden in countless opportunities, and many more. Martial Emperor, Martial God, even Heaven and Earth Supreme, the various opportunities left behind, the Secret Realm, and the ruins. Finding one will be enough for you to benefit endlessly.”

“Four Saint Court in the past. When Holy Son graduates, many will choose to enter the Ancient Starry Sky Road to hone, as the final graduation assessment, of course, not only our Saint Court, Aristocratic Family, and even the genius children of Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, many also I will go in and practice, now it’s up to you whether you dare to go in…”

Xi Yingqing introduced very detailedly, and finally said: “For example, the ancient heavenly merits obtained by Zhundi from heavenly punishment Found in the remains of Holy Sect on Ancient Starry Sky Road.”

“What did you say, Dean, on Ancient Starry Sky Road, there is Taigu Tiangong?” Ye Fei stared in surprise. wide-eyed, but he was not blinded by these temptations, but his expression was full of solemnity.

“This Ancient Starry Sky Road must be very dangerous, right?”

The Taikoo Tiangong is enough for any quasi emperor to fight to the death.

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