“Yes, this road is very dangerous. Even if the emperor enters , he may die on the road if he is not careful. However, anyone who can pass the Ancient Starry Sky Road smoothly will be safe in the end. After the Martial Sovereign robbery, I became the Martial Sovereign and even the quasi-emperor.”

Xi Yingqing paused, leaving Ye Fei time to digest, he said: “Ye Fei, you can also refuse this path, like that. As long as you can trigger Martial Sovereign within ten years, our three quasi emperors and the Supreme Dean will do our best to help you through this Heavenly Tribulation.”

“The Dean, Have you walked this Ancient Starry Sky Road?” Ye Fei pondered for a while, then asked back.

Xi Yingqing said: “Of course I have passed, the old man 30 years old, became the True Martial Saint Court Holy Son, until 50 years old, he only mustered up the courage, and the other three Saint Court Holy Son, and more than twenty top geniuses from the Aristocratic Family, set foot on the Ancient Starry Sky Road together. In the end, 2/3 of us died in the starry sky, and the rest of us returned safely. I made a breakthrough in Martial Sovereign!”

“So, if you pass the Ancient Starry Sky Road, you will definitely be able to pass Martial Sovereign. Is this true?” Ye Fei was secretly surprised, with more than twenty tops Genius, 2/3 died, this ratio of casualties is too terrifying. But soon Ye Fei noticed another important message.

Everyone who walked out of Ancient Starry Sky Road passed the Martial Sovereign disaster smoothly in the end, which made him quite moved. In the end, he is a man who has been abandoned by the sky. The difficulty of martial Sovereign is ten times, or even dozens of times, that of others.

Even if he comprehended Profound Truth and integrates the domain, it can reduce the difficulty of the disaster to a certain extent, but this is only a theoretical speculation. In fact, as to whether it can survive the Martial Sovereign disaster, Ye Fei also had no bottom in his heart, and the appearance of this Ancient Starry Sky Road gave Ye Fei a glimmer of hope.

“The Third Dean, are you really sure that the people who walked through the Ancient Starry Sky Road last passed the Martial Sovereign robbery?” Ye Fei’s expression was serious.

Xi Yingqing said solemnly: “I can be sure that this is clearly recorded in the classics. There is no precedent for the genius who walks out of the Ancient Starry Sky Road. However, this Ancient Starry Sky Road, I can’t guarantee whether it will also be effective for the abandoned people.”

“It’s human, how can you know that there is no effect if you don’t try it.” Ye Fei shook his head, his eyes suddenly changed Be firm, “This Ancient Starry Sky Road, I want to try it!”

When Ye Fei was so simple, I made up my mind. Xi Yingqing was also taken aback. Said solemnly: “Ye Fei, you made the decision so quickly. You are not afraid of the danger of Ancient Starry Sky Road?”

“Of course I am afraid, but as long as there is a slight possibility, I can reduce the risk of Martial Sovereign. I must try it.”

Ye Fei’s tone, resolute and decisive.

Martial Sovereign is the mortal catastrophe of those who have been abandoned by the sky. This catastrophe must be overcome by all means. Only after the Martial Sovereign robbery can he truly set foot on the Peak of Martial Dao.

“But the Third Dean, I can’t walk on the Ancient Starry Sky Road right now. If you allow me, I would like to take a leave of absence and go home.”

Think of the Northern Territory A touch of warmth flashed in Ye Fei’s heart, loved ones.

Chapter 1390 is arranged properly

Chapter 1390 is arranged properly

“Okay, you have to go back and you can leave at any time, but you’d better within ten years, Enter the Ancient Starry Sky Road, while we Old Guys can still do it, you are in danger, and we can help.”

Xi Yingqing understands Ye Fei’s mood very well. Before he embarked on the Ancient Starry Sky Road, he had prepared for 20 years before finally plucking up the courage to go in.

“If we didn’t have much life essence left, we really want to give you more time to prepare.” Xi Yingqing sighed again.

Ten years may seem like a long time, but for a powerful martial artist, a retreat can be more than ten years, hundreds of years, very short.

Ye Fei was very satisfied with this. Ten years’ time was enough for him to return to the Northern Territory and reunite with his family. It was also enough for him to prepare to go to the Ancient Starry Sky Road.

So in the next time, he began to make various preparations for going home. Originally, Ye Fei wanted to invite Xia Jun and Lin Heaven’s Chosen back together.

Unfortunately, with the complete opening of the real Martial God Palace, Lu Lao and other Martial Sovereign also selected the first batch of disciplines to enter the temple cultivation, Lin Heaven’s Chosen, Xia Jun, and Shangluo. In the column, under the arrangement of Martial Sovereign, they have once again entered the temple to retreat for one year.

Because of the special restrictions of the Martial God Palace, one year of cultivation inside is equivalent to ten years of outside cultivation. The opportunity is very precious, and Ye Fei is not good for them to miss this opportunity in vain.

“It’s fine. Although it’s a bit deserted, it’s also free. But before leaving, there are two things that must be handled well.”

Ye Fei In Cave Mansion, sort out the things to be brought back in the space belt. When he saw the remaining three drops of bloodline crystals, his heart moved, and the king of hexagrams sound transmission, calling him over.

“How about, have you contacted Fayihai?” Ye Fei asked.

“We have already contacted, Fa Yihai is waiting outside Small World.” King Gua said.

“Very well, let him wait for me in the old place. King Gua, you will take care of the Holy Son Peak during the time I am away. Followers of Gongzhi, just stay at the command. Let them leave without observing the order. I will not force anyone to stay.”

Ye Fei was lightly instructed.

The king of Gua was nodded, and suddenly remembered something: “Holy Son, there are many disciplines recently, I want to be your followers, look at these newcomers…”

Ye Fei shook his head in a deep voice: “Never, quality but not quantity! These are the current followers. After I leave, you will have to identify them one after another. They can be weak, but they must have a Pure Heart!”

As for what Pure Heart is, Ye Fei did not say, but he believes that the wisdom of King Gua surely understands the meaning.

In the remaining few days, Ye Fei talked to Gong Zhi alone again, and then went to the residence of the old discipline, planning to visit Jiang Cheng, a friend of the former snow empire.

When the two met again, they were very embarrassed. Ye Fei still remembered that Jiang Cheng was still the Prince of the Wind King during the Snowstorm Empire, and he needed him to come to see him.

Over time, he has become the Holy Son of True Martial Saint Court. Jiang Cheng has changed from the new discipline of True Martial Saint Court to the old one. Although he has not been eliminated, he is in Saint Court. Under the fierce environmental competition, it is also very difficult.

Even so, Jiang Cheng still mustered up his courage again and again, constantly improving himself, and impacting the evaluation of the human-level discipline.

It’s not just Jiang Cheng, maybe it’s the influence of the country’s subjugation. Many martial artists of the former snow empire were very desperate. After several years of training in Saint Court, Jiang Xiaomo, Her Highness the Princess, has completely abandoned the enmity of subjugation and started to cultivate in Saint Court, and is also hitting the test of the human level discipline.

Among them, Number One Person, the snow empire that was once and now, has no injuries, and even before Ye Fei returns, he has successfully passed the test and has become a human-level discipline, and has gradually received the attention of Saint Court.

Of course some people are improving and some are falling behind.

The former first sword of the Snowstorm Empire, Ning Zhongchen, was influenced by the establishment of the Yongning Empire by the Ning Family, and gradually began to slack off in Marital Dao Path. In the past few years, not only has the breakthrough been slow, but recently he plans to completely abandon Martial Dao and will soon return to the Yongning Empire as the Crown Prince.

There are Huang Feiying, Jiang Fan and other empires like Heaven’s Chosen, who were once hostile to Ye Fei. After several years of competition, they not only lost their morale, but also refused to leave Saint Court. They were ridiculed by others. Like many slacking old disciplines, they began to build luxurious palaces outside Saint Court, enjoy life to the fullest, and some married wives and children, and had offspring.

Ye Fei also sighed about this. In addition to giving Jiang Cheng and the others some treasures to enhance his strength, he also instructed the King of Gua to take care of these people properly. This is also a cause and effect for the Snow Empire. Draw a full stop.

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