Seeing that Ye Fei finally noticed himself, Qi Chuchu was a little happy, and a little angry said while staring: “Sister-in-law, little brother, your eyes are not so good!”

She deliberately increased the nasal sound on the little brother, Ye Fei was very depressed, and felt that the demonic girl is the demonic girl, both married, and the lethality is still so great.

I can only say with a bitter face: “sister-in-law is always beautiful and young. By the way, this is…” Ye Fei’s gaze fell on the child Qi Chuchu was holding. Vaguely, he felt that the child’s appearance was somewhat similar to Jing Wushou.

“Is this the child of Senior Brother Jing?” Ye Fei sighed very much. He didn’t expect, their this generation, actually someone has already become a father.

The years are still flowing.

Qi Chuchu happily said: “Yes, this is the child I and Wushou, Jing Xiaoman, Xiaoman, named Ye Uncle!”

“Good Uncle! “As expected of Jing Wushou’s son, he was full of breath when he spoke, but Ye Fei was very depressed, and touched his bare chin again.

Make sure there is no beard, and he is clearly a beautiful young man! Why, the child he sees is always called Uncle, can’t it be called Big Brother Ye, or a little brother Ye?

Seeing Ye Fei’s depressed look, Qi Chuchu smiled again and blinked at Ye Fei and said: “It’s okay for Xiaoman not to call you Uncle, unless you come up with a meeting gift that pleases Xiaoman .”

“Chuchu, don’t mess around!” Jing Wushou couldn’t stand it anymore.

Ye Fei knew that Qi Chuchu was joking, but then he thought, after all, this is Jing Wushou and his most respected Senior Brother. Now that Senior Brother has a child, how can he be stingy?

“Let’s do this, I have a drop of the dragon bloodline here, as a meeting gift for Xiaoman, after fusion, he can become a martial artist with a special bloodline.” Ye Fei took out the drop again The magic dragon bloodline, this was originally for Hu Yanchao, since Hu Yanchao didn’t want it, he just took it out as a meeting ceremony.

“Magic, the dragon bloodline…Ye Fei, the bloodline you gave Xiaoman is actually a special bloodline…” Qi Chuchu suddenly stammered speechless.

Xia Feng and other Divine Fist Sect Elder’s more shocking eyes are protruding, the special bloodline, that very expensive special bloodline, is enough to make Martial Saint go crazy. Ye Fei actually gave it out without blinking?

“We really can’t compare to him!” The former prince of the barbarian country, ancient barbarian, is also in the crowd. He also has the bloodline of the barbarian king of the ancient barbarian country.

Unfortunately, it is very thin and it is difficult to wake up. This is the case. When the ancient man came to the open sea, he was also greatly awed by the martial artist of the open sea. Everyone knows that once the ancient man awakens bloodline and becomes a bloodline martial artist, he will soar into the sky and become extremely powerful.

This also made Gu Man feel a little proud, but he was proud of it. After seeing Ye Fei without blinking his eyes, he took out a special bloodline, which is still a powerful dragon bloodline. Man suddenly became depressed, and made up his mind to compare with anyone in the future, and never compare with Ye Fei’s abnormality.

Chapter 1418 Homecoming

Chapter 1418 Homecoming

In this way, under the envious eyes of many martial artists, Jing Wushou’s Son, successfully integrated the magic dragon bloodline.

This also greatly stimulated everyone’s martial heart. After all, many people know that Ye Fei is a body abandoned by the sky. This is a waste body destined to have no future on Martial Dao, but That’s it, Ye Fei is still brave and diligent, breaking through half the emperor.

His success is a huge encouragement to many young martial artists present.

“It seems that these ten years have been too easy for us. It’s also time for us to go out for a while.” Jing Wushou was very moved.

Luo Xing is very depressed, “What about going out, we are just ordinary martial artists, even if we go to Zhong Prefecture, it is difficult to have a foothold.”

“This Click I can help you!”

One is his brother and the other is the respected Senior Brother. As long as they have a determined Heart of Martial Dao, Ye Fei will not give up on them.

After the party, he called the two of them to a secret room alone, and then took out the Kagemu bloodline he found in the dark prison.

Seeing that Ye Fei actually took out two more bloodline crystals, Jing Wushou and Luo Xing almost fainted, “Junior Brother, where did you get so many special bloodlines?”

Know that those who can have a special bloodline are all geniuses. In order to obtain a special bloodline, Martial Saint may fight life and death, but Ye Fei did not blink his eyes and took it out one after another.

If this is spread out, it will definitely stun a group of people. Luo Xing and Jing Wushou are strong willed, and they are also frightened at this time.

Ye Fei’s expression is serious: “This is the Shadow Warrior bloodline, which is different from the low-level dragon bloodline. If it awakens, it has a certain chance to awaken a high-level bloodline!”

Luo Xing wondered: “Brother Fei, since you have the Shadow Warrior bloodline, why don’t you give it to Xiaoman, but just a low-level bloodline?”

“Junior Brother Ye, what are your concerns? There should be a problem with the origin of bloodline, right?” Jing Wushou eyes flashed, said solemnly.

Ye Fei nodded: “These bloodlines are all taken from an Assassin Organization called the Black Prison. Unless they are someone who is particularly trusted, giving such bloodlines is harmful! Now! , Are you determined to pay attention to refining this kind of bloodline?”

Seeing his serious expression, Luo Xing and Jing Wushou’s expressions also became serious, and then Jing Wushou was the first Picked up the Shadow Warrior bloodline.

“danger lurks within the riches and honour! Master said, Marital Dao Path, as a press forward! I’ve been on Martial Dao for too long, now I have a son, no more Worry, it’s time for me to pursue my Martial Dao.” A light flashed in Jing Wushou’s eyes.

Luo Xing also picked up another bloodline crystal and solemnly said: “Without the strength, I can’t even call my own life and death! I want to become stronger, I want to go up with Fei Ge Peak of Martial Dao, for this goal, it’s worth taking some risks!”

“Hey, I hope your choice is correct.”

Ye Fei sighed, to be honest He took out the Shadow Warrior bloodline and hesitated for a long time, but this is the only bloodline crystallization in his hand that can awaken the higher bloodline.

It is the magic dragon bloodline, which is one level lower. Now Ye Fei just hopes that the Assassin Organization, the black prison, has long since disappeared in the tens of thousands of years.

“Senior Brother Jing, Luo Xing, remember that if you have not reached the Martial Sovereign level, you must never expose the Shadow Warrior bloodline within the body. Wait until I return to Zhong Prefecture to investigate the details of the black prison. , I will come back to inform you.” Ye Fei finally told the duo seriously.

“Junior Brother don’t worry, we will never say anything. Starting today, we will hide in the open sea cultivation and wait for your news by the way!” Jing Wushou and Luo Xing’s expressions are also very solemn.

Seeing their serious expressions, Ye Fei was slightly smiled again, comforting them: “Don’t worry, after all, it’s not ancient. It’s hard to show the Martial Emperor Level expert. Strong, without the Martial Emperor, it would be difficult to threaten us. By the way, before I leave, I will leave two spirit veins in the group of Star Island, which can also be regarded as doing my part for the Northern Territory!”

“What, Ye Fei, you still have a complete spirit vein!” Jing Wushou’s expression was unavoidable. Luo Xing asked directly: “Brother Fei, you are in Zhong Prefecture, are you a robber?”


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