After these two people regard him as who, Ye Fei can only emphasize again, “I am an upright person. These spirit veins are all from the Holy Son Tower. It came out.”

In the end, the black prison is too sensitive, knowing too much will only add unnecessary pressure and burden to Jing Wushou and Luo Xing.

Ye Fei can only push the spirit vein to the True Martial Saint Court. Then, he chose a suitable location for the group of Star Island and arranged two spirit veins.

So, Ye Fei’s actions also scared a group of people.

A group of Elders of Divine Fist Sect, their eyes are as red as rabbits. You know, even Spirit Stone is rare in the sea of ​​chaos, let alone a complete spirit vein.

However, after Ye Fei said that he would also leave a spirit vein for Divine Fist Sect, these Elder eyes were red and moved to tears.

“Then bastard, I have followed a good big brother!” Divine Fist Sect, the master of the sect, was relieved and admired his own eyes secretly. Had he not let Xia Jun recognize Ye Fei as the big brother, how could Divine Fist Sect’s glory today?

“Ye Fei, I don’t understand, the spirit vein is so precious, why do you want to give a Divine Fist Sect one?” There are also martial artists in the Northern Territory who are puzzled about this, and through Shi Feng, they gently advise Ye Fei.

Ye Fei is just slightly smiled and said nothing.

If he just left the spirit vein in the group Star Island, after a long time, Divine Fist Sect will definitely be jealous, which will cause dissatisfaction.

For Divine Fist Sect, the martial artists of the Northern Territory are Outsiders. Therefore, he will also leave a spirit vein in Divine Fist Sect. This is comfort! Also balance!

Only when a balance is reached, the northern martial artist and the offshore martial artist will not have conflicts of interest. And because of his special relationship with Xia Jun, as long as they are in one day, Divine Fist Sect and Northern Territory will always live in peace, and the chaotic sea will always maintain a calm cultivation environment.

At the same time, these are the only contributions that Ye Fei can make to the Northern Territory, and it is also regarded as a reward for the nurturing of the Northern Territory.

As for how the Northern Territory and the Sea of ​​Chaos will evolve in the future, it is no longer his business. It is a question that the later martial artist should consider.

“The affairs of Ye Divine Sect are done, and the affairs of the Sea of ​​Chaos are also handled. Now, it is time for me to return to the Northern Territory. It is time to return to Ye Family.”

While all the martial artists were celebrating in front of the newly born spirit vein, Ye Fei bid farewell to Jing Wushou, and also bid farewell to Luo Xing. By the way, the drunk Dragon Tortoise, who was dragging his drink, restarted. Battleship. This time the warship will take him through the Chaos Sea, directly into the North Sea, and return to Ye Family.

Chapter 1419 is unprecedented

Chapter 1419 is unprecedented

The sea in the northern region is still the same, without wind and waves, very calm, Martial God The ban on the Northern Territory covers the entire Northern Territory, and makes it impossible for martial artists who are not in the Northern Territory to enter, and those above the Martial Lord cannot enter; those below the Martial Lord can’t get in too much.

Of course, this kind of prohibition is only for martial artists from outside. For martial artists returning from the Northern Territory, the prohibition will not prevent or suppress them.

So Ye Fei’s current realm is still half-emperor realm. With his powerful strength, sailing on the sea, that is, half a month, he has already seen the land.

Some fishermen dragged their fishing nets and returned from fishing. In the seaside villages, many of the villages on the sea had smoked. With a large number of martial artists, they left the north and went to the open sea to work hard. The originally quiet seaside villages and small towns have gradually become lively.

Many small village entrances have been covered with chic little Inns, or in the verdant bamboo forests, signboards with the word “wine” have been stretched out.

Groups of returning martial artists, or martial artists preparing to go to sea, sit around the wine table outside these villages, talking about the customs of the northern region and the level of martial arts of the debaters. By chance, a child in the village ran out holding a sword and a harpoon.

They stood far away, listening to the discussions of martial artists, they imagined the blade light and sword shadows of Martial Artists World in their minds, and their immature faces showed longing and expectation, and The bold child, with an immature and trembling voice, holding his sword made of wood, asked martial artists for advice on martial arts, which drew a lot of well-meaning laughter.

At this time, there will be big-footed women in the village, waving a rolling pin or a spatula, panting with rage and running out, and then grabbing all these little children back. It’s common for people with tough temper to start fighting after pulling their pants in public.

For these ordinary villagers, the world of martial artist is too mysterious and too dangerous. It is a world of blood and corpses. They would rather their children be safe and stable for the rest of their lives, and don’t want them to experience those terrifying blade light and sword shadows.

This naturally makes martial artists laugh again. Ye Fei also laughed. The men of the Northern Territory advocate bloodliness. They just play a few times, and they can’t frighten the children’s yearning for Martial Artists World. Instead, they will deepen a layer of mysterious color and attract them to continue exploring.

After passing through these noisy and bustling small villages, the real eighteen countries of Beihai are in front of you. Ye Fei inquired that in the ten years he left, the original eighteen countries were all Has disappeared, and now there is only one country, and that is the North Sea country.

Originally, the Imperial Family of the Kingdom of Zhao became the Imperial Family of the Kingdom of Beihai. Zhao Sheng has also become the emperor again. He is an emperor who has something to do. Without the intervention of the Queen Mother, Zhao Sheng governed the Kingdom of Beihai. It is very stable and prosperous. Songs to the emperor can be heard everywhere.

On the road, you can see many scholars carrying a book basket and heading to imperial city to rush to the imperial city. They are also martial artists, but they will also be cultivation while studying, but these scholars have been cultivated. Not for fighting, but for longevity.

Only by living longer can it be easier to display their ambitions and beliefs.

Ye Family did not establish a country.

This makes Ye Fei very satisfied. There is only an Aristocratic Family for thousands of years. There is no emperor for thousands of years. Compared with Jianguo, the establishment of the Aristocratic Family is undoubtedly more in line with the current situation of Ye Family.

Sword King Mansion is still the same, what Ye Fei was like before leaving, what it is now, the only change is that Ye Fei saw a huge sculpture on the square of Sword King Mansion.

The sculpture is shining with golden light in the sun, a group of Ye Family children, the first thing to do in the morning is to come over to admire the sculpture and listen to the Elders tell the story of the Holy King.

Ye Fei can only smile bitterly about this. Fortunately, he has seen Ye Divine Sect’s sculpture, and he can barely accept his golden sculpture.

Then he reached out divine sense, covering the entire North Customs and Sword King Mansion. He saw the Flood Dragon playing in the big pond, Xiao Hei, and many young Ye Family. Child, the silhouette of the hard training on the Martial Practice Stage.

He also saw a study hall with a well-educated scholar hired by Ye Family. He was explaining poems and etiquette to many young children, advocating modesty and courtesy.

divine sense continued to deepen, he also sensed many powerful breaths of retreat, these all are Titled Martial Monarch, many are very familiar, such as the golden machine of Taixuan Holy Land, such as the Old of Tianyun Wufu Dean.

These Old Seniors have also broken through to the Tilted Martial Monarch level over a long period of time, which makes Ye Fei quite gratified. Finally, he began to sense Ye Jian’s breath.

Soon, in the inner hall of Sword King Mansion. He felt the breath of Ye Jian, as well as the breath of Ye Family Elder. In ten years, these Elders have made great progress, weakly reaching Martial Sect, and strong reaching Martial King.

There are many new faces. Some faces are still young, but they can also participate in major meetings of Ye Family. These are undoubtedly the new geniuses of Ye Family.

At this time, Ye Jian is gathering the core executives of Ye Family to discuss the future development of Ye Family. At this time, everyone saw a flash in the inner hall. There was an extra silhouette wearing a black Purple Gold robe, which scared many young powerhouses in Ye Family to death.

Someone broke into Ye Family’s inner hall silently. It was incredible.

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