” Discuss a fart, don’t think you can’t find it if you don’t hand it over!”

Ye Fei winked in secret, Dragon Tortoise had already thrown the stone puppet down from behind On the ground, still reluctant to give up, he took out the black pot, which was boiling hot, and wanted to try if it could be fried.

The stone puppet was furious, and a bucket of paint was brushed over, and the Dragon Tortoise was slapped on the ground. Unable to move, and he didn’t care about cleaning up the Dragon Tortoise, he quickly moved towards the Holy Palace and chased it.

During this period, the stone puppets also tried to activate the sanctuary, kicking Ye Fei in and trapping Ye Fei, revealing the nature of the miser.

Ye Fei also woke Xiaocao decisively, with Xiaocao’s induction of Spiritual Qi. These restrictions not only did not hurt Ye Fei, but also allowed Xiaocao to quickly find out the possession of the Asura Holy Palace. The treasure room is located.

That is a huge secret room with many sculptures inside. These sculptures include men and women, young people, and old man, but all of them are imposing manner majestic and use knives. Use swords, more empty-handed. It seems that empty-handed can break everything.

“these all are the discipline of the Asura Holy Palace?” Ye Fei looked at the lifelike sculptures, he could actually feel a strong pressure of assaults the senses, and that pressure was better than facing the guardian Elder Sometimes, terrifying is required. Only through these sculptures, he can also imagine how powerful the Asura Palace at the peak period is.

The stone puppets also came over and sighed: “Only the strongest War God can get the title of Asura, but don’t look at their looks very cool. In fact, they were all villains and bandits before they were alive. There are gangsters and female gangsters! In the entire Asura Palace, it is clear as ice and clean as jade that I counted as uncle. They get out of the silt without staining. Their treasures are very unlucky, Ye Xiaozi, take a piece of bad luck. In the next year, take two pieces, bad luck 20 years!”

Seeing Ye Fei remain unmoved, the stone puppets are clever tongues, and continue to belittle this group of dead Senior Brother Junior Brothers, “Look at Ye Xiaozi There is no Warhammer. It was left behind by someone hammering a certain Martial Emperor. The Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family still exists. If you take it out, someone will chase you down immediately.”

“…and that Black Sword, which was originally a Sect Protecting Treasure of a Sword Sect, was forcibly snatched by a bandit. At that time, the Sword Sect was chased directly from the starry sky to Heavenly Martial Continent. He threatened that if he held this sword, he would be the enemy of the Sword Sect.” The stone puppet chattered and threatened continuously, and almost said that these treasures were scourges, and if you touch one, you will die.

Ye Fei naturally kept poking his lips, cursing the stone puppet cheapskate secretly, and at the same time he pushed back: “I even offend the black prison, and I am afraid of the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, what is the starry sky Sword? Sect, I think the Black Sword is good, I want this sword.”

“This little bastard, with poisonous eyes… Why not choose, I actually chose the Number One of the Asura Palace Divine Sword!”

The stone puppet’s eyelids twitched and watched Ye Fei take the Black Sword off the stone table below the sculpture, “My heart hurts so much.”

Black Sword looked unremarkable, but the weight was extremely heavy. Ye Fei picked it up, and the skeleton of his arm made a ka-cha sound, as if it was about to be broken by the weight of Black Sword.

He quickly put down Black Sword.


Black Sword landed, and the ground of the entire Asura Palace trembled violently. Ye Fei complexion changed, such a heavy sword, he couldn’t imagine how the Senior of the Asura Holy Palace lifted it up, and then took it with him, escaped from a starry sky Sword Sect all the way back to six Holy Sects.

“This Black Sword is definitely a treasure beyond the Emperor Artifact!” Ye Fei made a judgment.

The stone puppet came over and looked at Black Sword and explained: “No, this Black Sword is a Star Sword Sect called Limitless Sect. It destroyed several mortal planets and collected the core of the planet. It’s just a sword embryo, not at all. It’s a Demi-God Artifact. Anyway, you’re definitely not using it, or you should keep it.”

“Demi-God Artifact The sword embryo of Ye Fei?” Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly brightened. The Emperor Artifact is generally a weapon used by the Martial Emperor, so Demi-God Artifact is probably a weapon used only by Martial God!

If you encounter such a good thing, you must never let it go. At this time, Ye Fei didn’t care about it, and he just used all his strength to put the heavy Black Sword on his shoulder.


When the Black Sword was lifted again, the heavy weight, even the Fleshy body Great Accomplishment, Ye Fei felt the skeleton creaking all over, but thinking that the Black Sword is Built with stars, it is normal to have such a weight.

“At least I can carry it, then it proves that this Black Sword is not unusable.” Ye Fei likes this Black Sword very much, even if he is not able to use it now, but when his battle demonic path When he breaks through to the 9th floor and 10th floor, his power will increase. When the time comes, he can naturally swing the Black Sword easily.

When the time comes, let alone Martial Sovereign, it is the Martial Emperor. If his sword smashes past, Martial Emperor may not be able to withstand it. Check the Black Sword not at all seal, or produce the Sword Spirit, it is indeed the first-level sword embryo, Ye Fei is unceremonious, and put it into the space belt.

The space belt is very peculiar. The space inside is weightless, so Black Sword can fit in even if it is heavy.

Of course, even if there is no space for weight, there will be a limit to bear. After installing the Black Sword, Ye Fei clearly feels that his space belt has almost reached this limit.

He had no choice but to give up and take away the idea of ​​Warhammer, who was said to have hammered Martial Emperor to death. After all, Warhammer was not as good as Black Sword in terms of weight.

“The second weapon, I still choose light, preferably a long-range weapon!” Ye Fei thought of the completely destroyed Ice Bow, which was the first Emperor Artifact he had obtained. It’s a pity that it was completely scrapped without much use. But Frostbolt is still there.

But there is no corresponding bow that can withstand the chill of Frost Arrow, so Ye Fei quickly decided that he wanted to find a good bow.

It just so happens that the discipline of the Asura Sacred Palace also has many female disciples. Except for a small number of tall and burly, men are blushed with shame, there are also gentle and small, like elves in the forest.

Such women like to use light and long-range weapons. Soon, Ye Fei came to a sculpture of a woman in green.

Her sculptural hand happened to be holding an emerald green bow. Ye Fei took a look and found that this bow was very peculiar. It was covered with various complicated runes. What’s even more strange was that, He didn’t know any of those runes, nor did he have any strong aura.

Chapter 1428 siblings meet

Chapter 1428 siblings meet

Ye Fei used divine sense to check again, but he still didn’t find anything peculiar. Planning to give up, after all, the Asura Palace is not the only bow.

When the stone puppet saw that Ye Fei had picked up the bow, he was secretly nervous, until Ye Fei put it down, he let out a long breath.

But when Ye Fei and the stone golem stopped paying attention to the green bow, in the beast print space, Xiaocao suddenly widened his eyes, staring at the green bow, and stayed silently. Tears came.

“What’s wrong with you, Xiaocao?”

Ye Fei and part of Divine Sense stayed inside, and suddenly saw Xiaocao crying. He was a little confused and asked quickly. Xiaocao suddenly woke up, she touched the tears on her face in surprise, but there was no sad expression, and she looked at Ye Fei with the same puzzlement.

“Isn’t Xiaocao crying, but yawning when he gets tired?” Ye Fei wondered.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Bow was a little stunned, but Xiaocao didn’t know why she was stunned.

Ye Fei’s heart moved, “Xiaocao, do you know this bow?”


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