Xiao Cao shook her head, saying that she did not know each other, but she was not sure. She hesitated to tell Ye Fei that she felt very familiar with this bow, as if she had seen it somewhere.

Without a word, Ye Fei picked up the bow immediately and said to the stone puppet: “I want this bow.”

“Boy, you can figure it out clearly. This bow is the worst in it.” The stone puppet was visibly shocked.

Ye Fei also checked this bow and found that it was indeed just the most common Emperor Artifact, but even so, he decided to want this bow, not for him, but for the grass.

“Ye Xiaozi, listen to me, you’d better change another one. You can choose any other weapon, but this bow is an ominous thing!” The stone puppet looked embarrassed. , Rarely did not belittle, but revealed a touch of worry.

“Ominous thing?” Ye Fei asked in confusion.

The stone puppet mood grave said: “This bow was obtained by the palace lord who killed the great witch by accident. What is strange is that this bow is in the hands of the great witch. The formidable power is amazing. It is obviously only the Emperor Artifact. It can cause damage to Martial God’s body, but in our hands, it becomes the most common Emperor Artifact. The formidable power is very poor, and it is also very evil. Everyone who has used this bow will eventually die. Is now.”

The stone puppet pointed to the green girl in front with a sad tone, “For example, she, she used to be our Asura sacred palace, the most likely breakthrough Martial God’s discipline, just because With this bow, she was accidentally killed by a wizard in the final battle! There are other holy palaces. Anyone who has touched this bow eventually died in various accidents.”

“All accidents happened? Is there any witch curse on this bow?” Ye Fei was secretly surprised. This bow is obviously not an ordinary Emperor Artifact.

The stone puppet said: “We also suspected this. For this reason, we specially invited the only forging Martial God to check it, but no curse was found. In the end, we can only speculate that this bow is unknown. If it weren’t for the last relic left by the uncle, we would have destroyed it, Ye Xiaozi, you’d better choose another one.”


When Xiaocao heard this, he quickly told Ye Fei that this bow grass was no longer needed.

Ye Fei understands that this is Xiaocao worrying about himself, but when he sees Xiaocao crying, his heart is also a little distressed. He must understand the relationship between this bow and Xiaocao .

As for the accident, he simply didn’t take seriously.

“This bow is an ominous thing to others. Don’t forget, the most ominous thing is actually the people who abandoned us. No matter what weird this bow is, it will never hurt. Me.” Ye Fei threw the bow directly into the beast seal space, let Xiaocao study it slowly, and perhaps figure out the origin of the bow.

“Ye Xiaozi, you are really going to die!”

The stone puppet is heartbroken, but can’t find a word to refute, “But in the eyes of many distant Ancient Sect doors, heaven The abandoned person is indeed the biggest unknown, and you will have to deal with the tomb of the emperor soon. Maybe you can take the opportunity to find out the origin of this green bow.”

See Ye Fei The decision was made, and the stone puppets did not dissuade them any more, until Ye Fei later learned that this was actually the tradition of the Asura Palace. The disciplines that came out of the Asura Sacred Palace are too strong one by one, like wild horses that are out of control, very difficult to control.

So the Martial God of the Asura Sacred Palace thought of a strange way, that is to let it go, only not betray Holy Sect, whatever you toss.

For example, if Ye Fei chooses the green bow, if you change to the Evil Palace, the guardian Elder must earn and well-meant advised. If you can’t persuade, then you can directly hit it. You succumb.

But the Asura Sacred Palace is different. Even if it feels wrong, Ye Fei makes up his mind, and the stone puppets immediately let go and assume responsibility for themselves. It was so crisp, Ye Fei couldn’t help feeling depressed.

Choose treasure, he is not good to stay here for a long time, he can only follow the stone puppets out of the Asura Holy Palace, and then, he saw two slim girls, talking and laughing from a distance Come over.


Seeing Ye Fei coming out, Ye Shanshan’s eyes were red, and he rushed over from a distance. Throwing into Ye Fei’s arms, she started crying.

“Brother, I miss you.” Ye Shan said tiredly.

“I miss you too!” Ye Fei looked at Ye Shanshan, who was obviously taller, and a blushed with shame flashed across his face. Indeed, he has been busy cultivation in Zhong Prefecture. , I did ignore the feelings of the younger sister.

However, he was very happy to see Ye Shanshan break through to Martial Saint 7th Layer in less than ten years.

Especially, Ye Shanshan’s breakthrough was the ancient Martial Saint. Ye Fei was even happier. At the same time, he couldn’t help but look at the stone puppet and said, “Look at the Saint’s Palace, and I’m a younger My sister took good care of me, and even pointed out Martial Dao’s return to truth. When I joined the Asura Sacred Palace, apart from getting a copy of the War God Dao, you didn’t even say Martial Dao’s return to truth in advance.”

Stone The puppet was embarrassed and exasperated: “Don’t talk nonsense, boy, what did the uncle say at the beginning, let you stay here for cultivation for ten years, but you are in a hurry to go out. Besides, we are the discipline of the Asura Holy Palace. A genius, a genius just wants to let it go and be pointed, what kind of genius is that?”

“Well, when you met me in Zhong Prefecture, why didn’t you say it?” Ye Fei continued to ask Tao.

The stone puppet continued to vigorously speak, pointing to Ye Shanshan and said: “It’s not that the uncle is dedicated to protecting your younger sister. If you are happy, you accidentally forget it. Besides, the discipline of the Asura Palace has always been self-taught. Become a talent, I am optimistic about you, uncle.”

“Self-taught? Ye Fei, your Asura Palace is really fortunate to suffer!” Zhao Simian was stunned, suddenly very lucky that she joined the Evil Palace. Even if guarding Elder is very strict, but pointing her to it is very making an all-out effort.

Ye Fei also finally knows why the stone puppets are so weird. This Asura Palace is obviously the upper beam is not upright and the lower beam will be crooked. Not only must the upper beam be left alone, but also the self-taught, Ye Fei left depressed. The heart of Asura Sacred Palace is there.

Chapter 1429 Fusion Domain

Chapter 1429 Fusion Domain

disinclined to pay attention to the sophistry of the stone puppet, Ye Fei and younger sister Ye Shanshan, Together with the newly-joined Zhao Sinian, everyone found a quiet place and began to inquire about their situation.

Among them, Ye Shanshan is the happiest person. Although the cultivation in the Six Paths Saint Palace is very hard, the female puppets of Saint Palace take care of her very much. Efforts, and directly treated Ye Shanshan as a daughter, and she couldn’t bear to say a word about it.

When Ye Shanshan mentioned the Saint Palace, he was full of happiness.

Then Zhao Si-nian also talked about the cultivation in the Evil Sacred Palace. He couldn’t help but feel bitter. He said that guarding Elder was too strict and he didn’t learn well, so he put on a zombie face.

“Ye Fei, you don’t know how abnormal your teacher grandfather is. If the cultivation fails to meet his requirements, you must always cultivation. You are not allowed to eat or sleep. You have to practice until there is no flaw. Okay, you can touch it to see if I have lost a lot of weight.”

Ye Fei raised his eyes and found out that Zhao Si-nian has lost a lot of weight compared to the last time I saw it, but the curve has changed. It’s a lot more feminine, but it’s a pity that this village owner is a beautiful woman on the outside and a female bandit in her heart, and even the daughter of Zhao Qianjun. If he dares to touch it, it is estimated that Zhao Qianjun will be able to jump out and slay someone immediately.

“cough cough, I am a man of integrity.” Ye Fei had to emphasize this fact again.

“I think you have a guilty heart. Don’t be guilty.” Zhao Si-nian actually gave him a fascinating look at this time. That look made Ye Fei’s heart jump, subconsciously reaching out. impulse.

But his reaction was very quick. As soon as he thought of this, he woke up and looked at Zhao Simian with some surprise: “What kind of martial arts are you that can shake my mind?”

“This is the Absolute Art of the Heavenly Sage Demon Art, the Absolute Art of the Evil Demon Sacred Palace. I just missed the elder sister after she became a master, but it hasn’t been used yet. Not honest.” Ye Shanshan puchi laughed and explained by the way.

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