Ye Fei was taken aback. He remembered entering the desert not very long. Suddenly, there was a cold voice in his ears.

What’s even more bizarre is that when he spoke, he looked at the surrounding environment subconsciously, but was stunned to find that this was no longer a desert, but a strange and dark space.

If it weren’t for the wizard’s weird methods in advance, this scene alone would be enough to scare people half to death, and then Ye Fei immediately, looked towards the beast seal space, but saw the shoulder position, there was nothing, There is no grass and no Dragon Tortoise.

He was shocked in his heart, his eyes suddenly passed through his body, and his consciousness floated out of the dark space. A vast, dry desert reappeared before his eyes.

In the desert, a huge sand boat is advancing aimlessly. In front of the sand boat, stands a silhouette of a young man wearing a black Purple Gold robe.

“That’s my body, my body stayed on the sand boat, and my consciousness was pulled into that strange space by the wizard and god unconsciously?”


Ye Fei’s scalp is numb. He doesn’t know what effect this separation of consciousness and body will cause, but his subconsciousness tells him that he must go back as soon as possible.

His consciousness began to drift downward, wanting to return to the sand boat, but before his eyes, the desert suddenly disappeared, and the sand boat disappeared.

Vaguely, before he landed on the sand boat, he heard the snoring sound of his body while he was asleep.

“I actually fell asleep on the sand boat?” Ye Fei felt a little unbelievable. He no longer panicked this time, but looked at the dark void and asked vigilantly: “You Who is it, what kind of witchcraft is this?”

“Witchcraft? What a foolish person, if you weren’t a man who was abandoned by the heavens, I would definitely practice you based on your insult to witchcraft. Become the ugliest corpse puppet!”

The dark space gradually became brighter, and Ye Fei only saw that in this endless depth, there was a silhouette, always sitting there, half of him The body has decayed, exuding a rotten breath, and the other half of the body is exuding faint silver rays of light.

The rays of light are getting brighter and brighter. When I look carefully, I find that the silver is not rays of light, but the original color of the silhouette.

“Silver-skinned person?” Ye Fei feigning ignorance, with a slight daze on his face, “Your voice is so familiar…”

“Let me see the sky again, thanks Your eternal glory!” The tone of the silver silhouette became ancient and majestic, like singing in a sacrifice.

Ye Fei’s expression suddenly flashed with a deep “shock”, looking at the half-remaining silver silhouette: “It’s you, you are that silhouette in the stone gate of the emperor’s tomb, how did you come out? What? And what is witchcraft?”

I felt the shock from Ye Fei’s heart, and the silver silhouette smiled with satisfaction. His tone was proud and enthusiastic: “Witch Law is the powerful power of heaven and earth. It surpasses gods and demons, surpasses magical arts, and naturally surpasses the martial arts of your Human Race!”

“For example, what I use now is the great magic of witchcraft. Dreams are like the law, once you do it, as long as I remember your breath, I can pull you into my dreams, or even kill people in my dreams at any time!”

In order to deepen Ye Fei’s power against witchcraft His impression, the silver silhouette, opened his hands again, and what appeared in his hand was a seed.

“The witchcraft is respected! The witchcraft can change everything. For example, this seed, my witchcraft, can make it grow quickly without any nutrients.”

silver palm The seed is slightly trembled without any Spiritual Qi nourishment. That seed has quickly taken root, sprouted, bloomed, and bear fruit.

This is not over yet, with a stroke of the palm of the silver silhouette, a peculiar symbol emerges quickly on the blooming flowers.

In Ye Fei’s eyes, the flower that was originally the most common had grown a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, from an ordinary flower to a fierce piranha.

“This is the power of witchcraft! Our wizards are the strongest creators between Heaven and Earth, omnipotent, Undying and Inextinguishable, Sun and Moon’s Splendor! This is the witch, too The highest realm of our wizard.”

Silver silhouette took a big hand, and the piranha turned into an ordinary flower and grass, and finally became the most ordinary seed, just like the scene just now. All are hallucinations.

But Ye Fei clearly sensed that it would definitely not be as simple as an illusion. Apart from the shock at the witchcraft, the rest is curiosity about the witchcraft.

However, in order to extract more information from this wizard, he deliberately said with a sneer in disdain: “boasting everyone knows, your method is very strange, you can force me into you Dreamland, since this is your dreamland, what you want to make is not up to you.”

“You still don’t understand! That’s right, in Human Race, you are just the most unremarkable Ant, you are simply not qualified to know, the power of witchcraft, the greatness of witchcraft!” The silver silhouette shook his head. He stopped speaking, and all around became pitch black again.

On the sand boat, Ye Fei’s standing body suddenly fell. The whole person has been awakened from his sleep, and he can feel his body again. But don’t wait for him to carefully recall everything just now.

Suddenly, his body became extremely exhausted again. It seemed that there was an invisible force, which invisibly deprived him of his energy and made him sleepy again, actually on the sand boat. Standing, fell asleep again.

Chapter 1432 is here to kill me

Chapter 1432 is here to kill me

Ye Fei’s consciousness is once again drawn into a dream. But he is no longer as scared as at first, “It’s just a dream, what can you do to me?”


A silver light flew up and pierced his arm, There was a sudden tingling in his arm, and then he woke up from his deep sleep.

After waking up, Ye Fei was surprised to find that there was an extra bloody finger hole on his arm, and the skin of the great witch guarding Elder had no effect at all.

“Because of Old Guy, I still keep on saying that he is a good person!”

Ye Fei’s face was black, as if he saw the hundred thousand ominous beasts running by. But before he could react, another strange force forcibly dragged him into a dream.

Ye Fei is also speechless for the strangeness of the wizard.

“Don’t come, you just want to tell me that you can kill people in your dreams at any time! Then force me to help you escape from the tomb of the emperor. If you have anything to say, I am amenable to coaxing but not coercion !”


The silver silhouette still did not speak, he once again pointed out a silver light and pierced Ye Fei’s body into a finger hole, bloody, Very terrible.

The pain caused Ye Fei’s face to become distorted, but he was swearing in his heart: “Elder, the guardian of the old fart, said that our Asura Palace is not a thing. I think the Evil Palace is the least thing. It is said that the skin of the great witch can block the witchcraft, but the hair can’t block one!”

Ye Fei was really angry. At this time, looking back to protect Elder, his desperate heart was gone. He came back from fighting all the way from Zhong Prefecture, and he has never suffered such a loss.

The silver silhouette still didn’t speak, and when he saw Ye Fei refused to speak, it stabbed him with three consecutive silver lights.

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