Ye Fei still didn’t open his mouth. He could only stare at the silver silhouette coldly. He knew that the silver silhouette wanted to use this torture to force him to speak and make him surrender!

Unfortunately, this silver silhouette obviously underestimated him. He is hard in everything, especially his bones.

“If you want me to beg for mercy, there is no door. If there is a kind, you kill me! If there is no kind to kill me, you just talk to me, not I beg you, but you beg me!”

pu! pu! pu!

This remark undoubtedly angered the silver silhouette completely. His inattentive fingers suddenly became quick and cruel.

More than ten consecutive silver rays of light, all pierced in the most painful part of Ye Fei’s body. Ye Fei just gritted his teeth and stared at the silver silhouette indifferently.

Knowing that in the dreamland, he was impossible to be a prepared wizard opponent, Ye Fei didn’t bother to hide, let the silver rays of light, one after another stab him.

“Anyway, I have been hacked countless times by Heavenly Tribulation. It hurts a little bit. I’m almost numb.” Ye Fei continued to stand erect, like a broken but strong sword, coldly Look at the silver silhouette.


silver silhouette can’t stand Ye Fei’s equal eyes, his purpose is simple, make Ye Fei fear, yield, beg for mercy, and then swear to be him Witch slave.

But Ye Fei’s crazy will and amazing endurance to pain also made the silver silhouette secretly frightened. It seemed that Ye Fei would be so tenacious and fierce. and unafraid of death.

Finally, the silver silhouette thought of a more vicious way. He no longer just poked Ye Fei’s body, but brazenly pierced Ye Fei’s eyes with two fingers.

He must make Ye Fei scared, as long as Ye Fei has a trace of fear, he can use witchcraft to better control Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was indeed taken aback when seeing the two malicious silver lights poked, but it was far from the level of fear.

“I’m not scared, the old bastard who guards Elder said that this wizard has not completely breakthrough the seal, besides me, he can’t find a second spell target, killing me, He has lost the hope of getting out of trouble. If that’s the case, then fight it!”

Anyway, he doesn’t have the means to fight witchcraft. In this case, it is better to take advantage of the hole cards in hand and preemptively follow this. Wizards showdown.

“Do you dare to do it again, I will issue the Heavenly Dao blood oath, I would rather die of the gods, and never save you, I promise you any request!”

Ye Fei With an indifferent complexion, he took a violent step forward and took the initiative to move his body over to torture the silver silhouette: “Come and kill me, you can do it if you have a seed!”

“Could it be that you are a lunatic?” Silver silhouette It was also a little frightened. He didn’t speak, but kept torturing Ye Fei in order to deter Ye Fei and destroy Ye Fei’s spirit, so as to make better use of Ye Fei and perform stronger witchcraft.

Ye Fei was actually scared in her heart, too scared to death. But he knew better in his heart that he was probably the only hope for the wizard to get out of trouble. Otherwise, the wizard would have killed him in a dream, so how could he be tortured without saying a word.

I also figured this out. Of course, Ye Fei wouldn’t be afraid, and he took the courage to test the wizard’s attitude. In turn threatened the wizard.

“Hurry up and kill me!”

Seeing the pause of the silver light, Ye Fei felt more confident in his heart. He took a step forward again, seemingly impatient, and eager to die.

silver silhouette is even more hesitant. It is obviously the first time that Ye Fei has encountered a hob meat like Ye Fei, threatening, Ye Fei is not afraid, not threatening, a trifling Human Race, is so disrespectful to him, is it so? Forget it?

“Are you really afraid of death?” The tone of the silver silhouette suddenly became cold. The coldness gave Ye Fei the illusion that his soul would be frozen.

He quickly adjusted his mentality again. In the end, this is a silver-skinned wizard comparable to the Martial Emperor. Without a little ability, guarding Elder would not be like a big enemy, let him come in as a bait.

“Of course I am afraid of death, but I also know that just being afraid is useless. You have to kill me. You have killed me long ago. Why do so many tricks?”

Ye Fei look When the wizard did not intend to continue to make a move, he simply raised his foot and walked directly to the silver silhouette for about ten steps. He also sat down cross-legged and directly assumed a negotiating posture.

silver silhouette’s brows couldn’t help but fiercely beating, but the rare thing did not stop Ye Fei’s move. After all, he has been trapped here for almost ten thousand years, and he has been seriously injured, no matter how strong Wizard, if this delay continues, he is also at risk of falling.

This is also the reason why Ye Fei was found in the tomb of the emperor, and he immediately launched the witchcraft to sound transmission to Ye Fei. It was just that Ye Fei left too fast that time, and the seal of the emperor’s tomb was still very strong. He could not quickly prepare to deal with Ye Fei’s witchcraft.

But this time is different. He is already fully prepared. Only when Ye Fei gets the bait, he can use Ye Fei to escape from the tomb and gain freedom.

“You are very good, and your will is stronger than I thought! I set this test specially. I have stumped countless people. They all failed. I appreciate your will. You Hopefully, follow me and learn witchcraft?”

The tone of the silver silhouette is no longer indifferent, but more faintly with a hint of appreciation. Even the torture he had just now turned into a test for Ye Fei Willpower.

“These wizards, it’s faster to turn their faces than a book.” Ye Fei looked at the wizard whose attitude had changed dramatically, and she was speechless.

Chapter 1433 Ancestral Witch’s Oath

Chapter 1433 Ancestral Witch’s Oath

Although he is very disdainful of the black and white rhetoric of the wizard, Ye Fei came in this time The purpose is to inquire about the information of the Witch tribe, but to inquire about the information, you must first obtain the trust of the silver silhouette to prevent him from telling lies and deceiving himself.

Ye Fei can only try his best to be honest, nodded and said: “Originally Senior, you were testing me just now, but the method was too harsh, I almost didn’t make it through. Senior Look, since it’s a test, I’m also injured. The compensation for medical expenses……”

“Shut up!”

silver silhouette corner of mouth twitching, see you This Human Race act recklessly, even if he dared to ask for compensation, he had the heart to kill Ye Fei with a witchcraft.

I just thought that Ye Fei would still be needed to help him get out of the tomb of the emperor, and the silver silhouette would forcibly suppress the anger in my heart. Said solemnly: “You pass the test, that is, you are connected with the Wu clan. I have decided to accept You’re a discipline, isn’t this even compensation?”


Ye Fei was confident, pointing to the scars on his body and said: “Even if it’s a test, I was hurt too badly. You have to teach me the witchcraft, that is, you still expect me to save you out, and you have to be responsible for this injury, otherwise, let’s shoot two!”

Just do it.

Ye Fei patted his butt and stood up, turned around and was about to leave. This negotiation is to do business. The Wu clan just tortured him so badly. Even if he can’t beat him, he must fiercely disgusting. Wizard, just breathe out a bad breath.

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