“It’s not my style to suffer!” Ye Fei thought with a sneer in his heart.

The look in the silver silhouette’s eyes suddenly became gloomy and shouted: “Stop, in front of me, how come you come and leave if you want?”

“Why. You want to kill me , Then you come to kill, frown, shout for pain, count me as losing!” Ye Fei looked back coldly.

Although guarding Elder asked him to follow the meaning of the silver silhouette to obtain information, Ye Fei did not intend to accommodate the wizard.

From the way the wizard tortured him just now, he can see that the wizard is definitely a cruel race. When dealing with such a race, blindly weak will only suffer more bullying.

Sure enough, seeing Ye Fei put on another hob and begging for death, the silver silhouette didn’t dare to really kill Ye Fei even though her heart trembled.

“Very well, it seems that you are right. I have to rely on you to get out of this tomb. Are you afraid that after I go out, I will continue to torture you with witchcraft?” The silver silhouette stood. When he got up, even though only half of his body was intact, the imposing manner he radiated was still full of depression and majesty.

For a general martial artist, this imposing manner alone is enough to feel shaken by the wizard, but Ye Fei is different. After a battle of wits and courage with the blood demon, he I have been familiar with the breath of Martial Emperor. The most important thing is that from the attitude of the wizard, he affirmed that the wizard did not dare to kill him. This is where his confidence lies.

Faced with the threat of the wizard, Ye Fei also coldly warned: “You are not afraid of me, do your hands and feet when you go out?”

“You dare!” silver silhouette murderous intention unlimited.

“Look, I dare not!” Ye Fei also looked coldly.

The two sides are just like that, staring at each other.

Finally, the murderous aura on the silver silhouette disappeared, indifferently said: “Sit down and talk, as long as you help me get out of trouble, I will never harm you, and I will accept you as a discipline. Here!”

“First compensate for my compensation for medical expenses, let’s talk about saving you out, remember, now it’s you who beg me!” Ye Fei patted, there is no dust, sit again Down the road.

silver silhouette’s face stiffened for a while, and then he squeezed out a smile. He took out a blank slip from in the sky and put it in the middle, saying: “I can benefit you, but your Human Race has always cunning, you say nothing, can you dare to sign the Ancestral Witch’s Oath with me?”

“What is the Ancestral Witch’s Oath?” Ye Fei asked curiously.

silver silhouette said: “That is our wizard, the highest oath. Once it is made, it will not be regrettable. Once violated, it will immediately turn into ashes, consigned to eternal damnation!”

” Is it so serious?”

Ye Fei was secretly frightened, knowing that this ancestral witch’s oath is almost similar to the Heavenly Dao blood oath, and it is difficult to regret it once issued.

“It seems that this wizard is also afraid that I will do tricks when saving him, but if you want to get information from the wizard clan, you must gain the trust of this guy…”

Thinking of this, Ye Fei decided to fight, so he nodded and said: “It’s okay to make an oath, but I need to know the content of the oath, and we must use our Human Race text!”

Ye Fei The attitude is very firm.

“Damn treacherous Human Race!” The silver silhouette was extremely angry. Originally, he wanted to use the Witch script to kill Ye Fei, but he didn’t expect Ye Fei to be shrewd and prepared in advance. .

Knowing that it is impossible to do hand and foot in words, the silver silhouette is also free and easy, directly biting the finger and dripping out a drop of silver blood.

With his incantion, the blood quickly turned into a pile of distorted words, which appeared on the slip, “The first article of the ancestral witch’s oath, wait for you to help me out of the tomb, I will accept you For the discipline, this is okay.”

“There is a problem, I am a martial artist, and I am also Human Race. I can really learn witchcraft. Don’t lie to me!” Ye Fei took the opportunity to inquire.

silver silhouette’s tone: “Any wizard who dares to cheat in the ancestral witch vows will definitely not die! Don’t worry, ordinary people can’t learn witchcraft, but you are a man who is abandoned by the sky. Can learn!”

“Those who have been abandoned by the sky can learn? Why?” Ye Fei was a little surprised.

silver silhouette looked indifferent and did not answer. He thought of incantion and continued to write: “Second, if you are my discipline, you should abandon the Human Race position, from now on. Based on interests, can you obey?”

“Isn’t that a traitor?”

Ye Fei is secretly upset, but he has heard the guardian Elder say that the original Life and Death The traitors of Palace have also signed a similar ancestral oath.

At the same time, this ancestral witch’s oath is indeed the highest oath of wizards. It has absolute binding force on the great witch and below the Martial God, and it also has a partial binding effect on the above Martial God.

Guardian Elder also told him that if the silver silhouette makes such a request, otherwise it will also be agreed, Ye Fei will also be nodded, said solemnly: “This is no problem, but I will add One! I can promise to be your discipline and learn witchcraft from you, but to sign an oath, you must compensate for my loss and answer all my questions.”

“What do you want to ask? “The look in the silver silhouette’s eyes was suddenly full of vigilance and a trace of suspicion.

Ye Fei’s expression remains unchanged, coldly said: “You want me to work for your witch clan. I always want to know, is the witch clan worth my life?”

“Okay , You can ask questions, but only three questions!” The silver silhouette did not give Ye Fei the opportunity to continue bargaining.

His last blood is solidified on the slips, representing the slips of the Ancestral Witch’s Oath. Suddenly, deep black rays of light burst out.

At the same time, Ye Fei suddenly felt that a pair of majestic and indifferent pupil lights seemed to penetrate the infinite time and space, locking him and the silver silhouette at the same time.

Chapter 1434 Spiritual weapon

Chapter 1434 Spiritual weapon

That kind of look, indifference with the majesty of Heavenly Dao, Ye Fei secretly He was shocked and surprised at the power of the wizard clan. He was sure that such a gaze was not Heavenly Dao, was it the ancestral witch in the wizard’s mouth?

“The Eye of the Ancestor Witch, it turned out to be the Eye of the Ancestor Witch. I didn’t think that one day my candle sheep would be favored by the Ancestor Witch!” The silver silhouette was very excited, and his face appeared from the heart. Of awe and fanaticism.

Ye Fei also knew the name of the wizard, Candle Goat.

He curiously asked: “What is the Eye of the Ancestor Witch, should I sign the Oath of the Ancestor Witch, and the Ancestor Witch must witness it in person?”

The power of the wizard family is huge, if every wizard , The ancestor witch must testify to hold the oath, isn’t the ancestor witch busy dying?

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