The Candle Goat faces the void, kneels three times and knocks nine times, and then utters the ancient sacrificial syllables, then stands up, looking at Ye Fei indifferently: “Not every wizard is lucky. It can trigger the Eye of the Ancestral Witch, and once it is triggered, even at the level of the Great Witch and the Venerable Witch, he absolutely dare not violate the oath! You are worthy of being abandoned by the sky. Unexpectedly, even the pupil light of the Ancestral Witch can pay attention to you. , This is the glory of your life! You must remember that regardless of life or death, you must be absolutely loyal to the witch tribe and be a obedience of the witch tribe!”

The candle sheep warned, the appearance of the eye of the ancestor witch obviously made him treat Ye Fei’s attitude has improved a lot. It is also because, under the witness of the Eye of the Ancestor Witch, he expected that Ye Fei could no longer violate the Ancestral Witch Oath, and he had begun to trust Ye Fei partly.

Faced with the sudden trust of Candle Goat, Ye Fei was not happy, but rather depressed. Guardian Elder had also told him about the ancestor witch’s vow. But it didn’t say that there would still be the Eye of Ancestral Witch.

“Next time I believe that a good person came out of the Evil Sacred Palace, I’ll hit him to death!”

Ye Fei secretly remembered this account, and secretly thanked him, and signed The candle sheep of the oath had already been seriously injured. Although the wizard was cruel and strange, it was the time when the candle sheep was at its weakest. If the guardian Elder could really kill the wizard, he could also forcibly cancel the ancestral witch’s oath.

Thinking of being outside, both the guarding Elder and the tomb-keeper were prepared, but the candle sheep trapped in the seal had difficulty getting news. The enemy was in the dark, and the guardian Elder killed the wizard. The probability is still great.

What Ye Fei has to do is to actively learn from wizards to get more information from the wizards before they do.

So Ye Fei can only brace oneself under the witness of Zuwu’s Eye. Together with Zhuyang, the blood dripped again, and the two of them left their breath on the slips at the same time.

The book slips began to burn, and later turned into two strange witch charms, which fell into the palm of the other party respectively. In this way, the contract was officially reached.

The witch talisman is the cohesion of the oath of both parties, just like the blood bead of the Heavenly Dao blood oath, once the blood bead is broken, the other party will destroy both body and soul.

It’s just the Heavenly Dao blood oath, which is only restricted under the Martial Emperor, while the Ancestral Witch Oath, which seems to have absolute binding force on Martial God, is also speechless. Ye Fei is also speechless, and I feel the risk this time. Actually quite big, accidentally, he might become a traitor to Human Race.

“No, I don’t want to be a traitor. If I protect Elder and can’t kill this wizard, I have to find a way. Kill him!” It’s about his own life, Ye Fei dare not hope , Only on guard Elder.

“hmph, let you brat no matter how cunning, with the testimony of the ancestral witch’s eye, see how you regret it, you are destined to become my beast, horse, and livestock in this life!” A strong fierce light flashed, and he had made up his mind. The first thing after he left was to fiercely torture Ye Fei in order to avenge Ye Fei’s disrespect to him before.

With the thought of revenge in his heart, Zhuyang’s tone was gentle again at this time, “Boy, since you have become my discipline, now you have any questions, you can ask.”

Knowing that Zhuyang wanted to fulfill the vows quickly, and then let him out, Ye Fei also smiled slightly, and quickly asked: “Master, you are so powerful, how can you be trapped in a small place like our northern region? , I heard that Ancient Era, the Witch and Martial God had a big battle. I don’t know why you fought?”

“You also know the ancient battle? Unfortunately, the purpose of that battle, I I’m not very clear, or, when I take you back to the Wu Clan, can I help you ask Da Wu, or Wu Zun?” Candle sheep said with a smile.

Ye Fei expression froze, coldly said: “Do you want to break the oath?”

“No, I did not break the oath, I promised to answer your question, but I not at All said, I will answer your question completely, I can answer you completely, or just a part of you.” Zhuyang continued to smile, but an imperceptible cold light flashed deep in his eyes.

Ye Fei suddenly understood that this wizard was not only cruel, but also very cunning and vigilant. He deliberately made tricks in the oath, but he still analyzed from it that the purpose of the wizards’ attack on Heavenly Martial Continent seemed to be very Gao’s secrets, only those above the Great Witch are qualified to fully know it, even if Candle Goat can reach a part, he is also impossible to say it easily.

Knowing that the purpose of investigating the witch clan is no longer possible, Ye Fei can only hold back his breath and ask coldly: “Just now you said that I can learn the witchcraft, which is a lie to me. “

Candle Goat shook his head and looked serious, “I didn’t lie to you about this. Human Race cannot learn the profound witchcraft, but the people of Tian Yi are different. You are more suitable than Martial Dao. Learn witchcraft.”

“Damn! This damn wizard, every time he answers, he is so ambiguous, so even if the oath is signed, it is of no use…”

Ye Fei Very depressed, I feel that these Old Monsters, who have lived for thousands of years, are really tricky to deal with, and a slightly more sensitive issue will immediately arouse this person’s alert.

“Fortunately, I was inquiring about the Witch Clan news. It was only a secondary matter. I didn’t have much hope to protect Elder. Since the news is undetectable, just ask some simple questions.”


Ye Fei’s heart moved, thinking of the green bow that made the grass cry. He quickly imitated the image of the green bow, fiercely asked: “The origin of this thing, you should always tell me, if you are vague, don’t want me to help you! At the worst!”


Zheyang looked at the green bow with flickering eyes, considering that he still needs Ye Fei to get out of the emperor’s tomb. It is indeed difficult to be completely confused, so his face Ugly nodded, said solemnly: “This is a spiritual weapon from Spirit Realm, you’d better not use it.”

“Why can’t you use it?” Ye Fei was puzzled.

“This spiritual weapon has the seal of Spirit Realm on it. Unless it is used by some powerful Heaven and Earth Spirit Objects, it is difficult to use the formidable power of the spiritual weapon, and it is vulnerable to Spirit Realm. Realm’s curse!” Zhuyang answered very thoroughly this time, and Ye Fei’s questions were too common.

Then before Ye Fei continued to ask questions, Zhuyang’s expression suddenly became indifferent again, and coldly ordered: “Your question, I have answered it, now it’s time for you to fulfill the vow.”


Ye Fei’s face is full of discomfort, indifferently said: “Are you begging or ordering me now!”


Candle sheep gritted his teeth In his eyes, a horrible cold light flashed through him. If he hadn’t used Ye Fei, he would have the urge to kill Ye Fei.

“Since you are begging me, then you have to correct your attitude. Also, if you accept me as a discipline, you can’t just leave it alone, right?”

Chapter 1435 Breaking Dragon Stone

Chapter 1435 Breaking Dragon Stone

Ye Fei stretched out his hand and reached directly in front of the candle sheep. The skin of the angry candle sheep silver began to turn black, and No one has ever dared to bargain in front of a wizard, but Ye Fei did it, and it was natural.

Zhuyang swears that after he goes out, torturing Ye Fei to death is his greatest kindness. I have no choice but to accept Ye Fei as a discipline. I really can’t tell if I don’t teach anything.

Despite its reluctance, Candle Goat still came out with a black animal skin and handed it to Ye Fei: “This is the witchcraft, you can take it.”

” Human Race text, are you kidding me?” Ye Fei was suspicious.

“Stupid, this meditation technique is specially prepared for you. After you learn it, I can use the witchcraft to completely pull your true body into this space and help me out of trouble. However, this paragraph is only for the elementary witchcraft, followed by intermediate witchcraft and advanced witchcraft written in pure witchcraft. When I go out, I will find time to teach you. Only by learning the complete witchcraft can you be considered a qualified wizard. !”

Zhuyang explained reluctantly. Originally, he only intended to give Ye Fei the elementary witchcraft, but Ye Fei is too good at ripping off, and the typical benefits are not fatal. Even Zhuyang was a little scared, so he reluctantly gave the complete witchcraft to Ye Fei.

Then, Zhuyang pointed out the Ye Fei cultivation witchcraft on the beginning of impatient. He deliberately talked deeply and wanted Ye Fei to ask questions.

Ye Fei listened very seriously. No matter what the scriptures are, he learned it first. With the continuous improvement of Sword Soul, his perception has also improved tremendously. Although Zhuyang speaks profoundly, Ye Fei can understand everything.

“so that’s how it is, the wizard has no soul, but the cultivation is spirit strength. The stronger the spirit, the stronger the wizard. This is similar to the power of the Buddha and Tao, I don’t know if I Can you turn mind strength into spirit strength?”

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