Ye Fei moved in his heart. After reading the elementary witchcraft, he has understood that the root of the power of a wizard is meditation, which produces powerful spirit strength, which can stimulate the Heaven and Earth Rule. This has also resulted in a very weak wizard, and also possesses a lot of weird witchcrafts of Imperial Capital you can’t guard against it.

Only when the Martial God level is reached, the martial artist can also come into contact with Heaven and Earth Rule, the deterrent power of the wizard will gradually disappear, and the two sides will gradually reach a balance.

This is also the reason why the two Martial Emperors, guarding Elder and Wangqing Emperor, joined forces and were unable to kill a Martial Emperor Level wizard. The wizardry is really weird. Without advance preparation, we will fight the wizard. Few martial artists don’t suffer.

Unless the martial artist is powerful enough to kill the wizard with one move, don’t give the opponent a chance to perform the magic.

“Unfortunately, this elementary witchcraft only has a method for transforming spirit strength. As for how to perform witchcraft, it is not at all recorded.” When Ye Fei thought about it, accidentally, he had already considered the cultivation A lot of thought power has transformed into pure spirit strength.

This made Ye Fei startled, “It’s so easy, I have spirit strength?”

The silver eyelids of Candelabra also beat fiercely several times, shocking Ye very much. Fei’s perception and the speed of transforming spirit strength, deep in his eyes, a strong jealousy flashed.

There is a bit of candle sheep not at all telling Ye Fei that it is a person who is abandoned by the sky, and it is also a taboo in the Wu clan. Once found, it will be immediately killed. In the past, Candle Goat didn’t quite understand it, but now Ye Fei can be called terrifying. Candle Goat has fully understood the cultivation speed of the witchcraft.

“Those who are abandoned by the sky must be completely eradicated!”

The murderous intention in Zhuyang’s heart is stronger, but his tone is still gentle and there is a hint of encouragement , He continued to point out: “Now, transfer your spirit strength to me. I will use your spirit strength to activate the witchcraft and pull your true body into this emperor’s tomb.”

“Pull in, what if the grave guard finds out?” Ye Fei pretended to be worried, and he wanted to try again.

“Don’t worry, he can’t come in! Even if he comes in, I can use the spirit strength you provide to launch a stronger witchcraft and kill him outside the ten thousand li!” Candle sheep’s tone, Full of confidence.

Hearing this, Ye Fei understood why Candle Goat would stare at him, and then specifically accept him as a disciple. It turned out that he wanted to use him, cultivation to produce a lot of spirit strength, and use it to initiate witchcraft. , This is something other martial artists can’t do, and it can only be done by people who have abandoned it.

“It’s no wonder that Elder must guard me as a bait and come in to test the wizard. It’s good, let me see how I slay you this time!” Knowing the cruelty and cunning of the wizard, Ye Fei won’t believe in Candle Sheep. The nonsense of accepting him as a disciple, at best, Candle Goat only uses him as a tool to absorb spirit strength.

Ye Fei immediately calmed down and quietly slowed down the cultivation witchcraft. At the same time, he also learned the first witchcraft, Shifting Flowers Connecting Wood Chīmèi Divine Method.

It is also a special witchcraft method of grafting spirit strength to each other between wizards. Through this witchcraft method, wizards can transfer each other’s spirit strength to each other, so that each other can obtain continuously the spirit strength for display. Witchcraft.

At this time, Candle Goat is impatient and urges Ye Fei to use the witchcraft. Candle Goat also displays the same witchcraft. It resonates with Ye Fei’s spirit strength. Ye Fei immediately feels his spirit. The strength, and the spirit strength of the Candle Goat, form a divine bridge and are connected to each other.

On the side of the god bridge, there is the weak spirit strength from Ye Fei cultivation, and on the other side of the god bridge, there is a group of incomparable spirit strength, forming a fuzzy nebula, just the nebula’s Around, there was a terrifying Heavenly Dao breath.

The breath is like a barrier, which firmly seals the spirit strength of the Candle Goat, and the spirit strength of the Candle Goat constantly impacts the seal. If you want to break through the blockade of Heavenly Dao, you can only The very weak spirit strength escaped, like a blue light.

“It seems that the Heavenly Dao barrier is the emperor Wangqing, who used his life to seal the magical power of the Candle Goat.” Ye Fei secretly nodded.

He continued to remain silent, and continued to cultivation spirit strength as planned by Guarding Elder, and supported the Candle Goat to initiate the witchcraft.

Finally, with the joint efforts of Ye Fei and Candle Sheep, the spirit strength accumulated by Candle Sheep has reached the level of being able to perform witchcraft.

In the mouth of the candle sheep, there is an ancient sound, the sound is like the ancient ancestors offering sacrifices, and the wild ominous beast is roaring. Ye Fei only understands four words, that is the gate of the netherworld!

Then, in front of his eyes, an ancient stone gate appeared. The stone gate opened, and inside was a desert. In the desert, a young man covered with blood was standing and sleeping while controlling Sha Zhou drove quickly towards the direction of the Nether Gate.

“What are you doing in a daze, go out immediately and enter your body! Then rush into the emperor’s tomb and cut off the Breaking Dragon Stone at the end of the void! Once the dragon stone is destroyed, I can see the sky again and break the seal! “Zhuyang shouted with excitement.

Ye Fei didn’t dare to hesitate, his consciousness was already whirlwind, and he rushed out. In another instant, he woke up from the sand boat, his eyes still had a trace of dazedness after waking up.

“Breaking Dragon Stone!”

“Quickly cut!”

Then Ye Fei heard two anxious voices at the same time, one of them, It was the voice of Candle Goat, and one voice was guarding Elder.

Ye Fei was puzzled, but still subconsciously took out the Spirit Sword, and slashed at the Breaking Dragon Stone in front of him.


Breaking Dragon Stone shattered. The entire tomb of the emperor shook violently at this moment.

Chapter 1436 Fierce Battle

Chapter 1436 Fierce Battle

“Finally Started!”

On the city of Quicksand, the grave guard He started and stood on the city wall. When he saw the scene of the imperial tomb shaking and rolling sand, his eyes flashed with a touch of complexity and a touch of sorrow. Finally, the gaze of the tombkeeper became firm, and he exudes Martial Saint The 7th Layer’s cultivation base rushed to the desert.

At the same time, with the breaking of the Breaking Dragon Stone, Ye Fei finally saw the stone gate suppressed by the Emperor’s Tomb. From the middle, countless cracks began to appear. These cracks continued to expand. In my mind, there was also the ecstatic voice of Candle Goat.

“I, I will finally see the sky again, the Martial Emperor of Human Race, only this, I will sacrifice this land, no, I will sacrifice the entire Northern Territory, making this world completely barren Desert!”

Hearing the arrogant and murderous intention voice of Zhuyang, Ye Fei suddenly understood why the entire Northern Heavenly Kingdom disappeared overnight. The life of heaven is used for sacrifice.

“The power of the Witch’s sacrifice is so strong, it’s not good, this thing, I want to sacrifice the entire Northern Territory!” Ye Fei suddenly felt his scalp numb.

If guarding Elder can’t deal with Candle Goat in the end, isn’t the entire Northern Territory in danger?

“Don’t worry, since the old man dares to lead him out, he has absolute certainty to deal with him!” With the destruction of the Breaking Dragon Stone, in the sky, a complex Domain Portal suddenly appeared. The direction of Domain Portal happened to be on Ye Fei’s sand boat.

Ye Fei understands that Guardian Elder should always be hidden near the sand boat to protect his safety, and is always ready to give Candle Goat a fatal blow.

At the same time, there was also a grave guard, who was breaking the Breaking Dragon Stone, and the silver light made by the candle sheep was about to rush out from the Breaking Dragon Stone base.

The guard of the tomb suddenly made a series of weird handprints, which sank into the sandy ground where the entire emperor’s tomb was located, and the entire sandy ground boiled like a tide. At the same time, a new Breaking Dragon Stone slowly floated out of the sand from the bottom of the ground, and it was also the moment when the body of the candle sheep completely rushed out of the stone gate.

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