
The Breaking Dragon Stone fell again, just like the jack gate often prepared in the city gate, firmly suppressing the body of the candle sheep in place again.

“Damn Human Race, it turns out that you were prepared! You deliberately tricked me out!” Zhuyang was furious. At this time, half of his body had broken free from the stone gate, and the rest Half of the body was the Breaking Dragon Stone that was dropped again, together with the countless arrays in the emperor’s tomb, repressed.

The originally cracked stone gate became stable again. The half-open stone gate closed quickly under the weight of the Breaking Dragon Stone. It just so happened that the rushed candle sheep stuck in the gap of the stone gate unable to move even a little bit.

Obviously, this was calculated by the guardian Elder and the grave guard. They just released half of the candle sheep’s body, and then used Breaking Dragon Stone to break the other half of the candle sheep’s body. Stuck in the gap of the stone gate, unable to move, the candle sheep becomes a living target, with nowhere to hide and nowhere to escape. It can only forcibly withstand all the attacks guarding Elder.

However, Candle Goat is a powerful wizard. When he finds that he has been deceived, he reacts very quickly. Knowing that he is stuck in the stone gate, he will only become a sandbag attacked by Guardian Elder.

In the mouth of the candle sheep, a strange incantion suddenly roared. With this incantion, the body of the candle sheep was like a snake shed its skin.

A new candle sheep, unexpectedly, from the half of his body within the body that he rushed out, got out with difficulty and quickly. At this time, guarding Elder’s attack also arrived.

It’s a huge black magic knife, with the blade’s edge carrying a boundless murderous aura, and the power of Tearing the Void. Fiercely cuts it on the shed skin of the candle sheep to make the latter There was a mournful scream, but even after forcibly withstanding the big magic knife guarding Elder, the candle sheep still showed no sign of dying.

Ye Fei looked at the body of Candle Goat silver in surprise, and was cut in half by the big magic knife. His broken lower body was ruthlessly swallowed by the demonic energy vortex emitted by the big magic knife.

The upper body of the Candle Sheep, after avoiding the deadly knife guarding Elder, shed its skin again, and from the broken body, a new Candle Sheep emerged.

It’s just the skin of this candle sheep. The silver rays of light have become dim. At the same time, Ye Fei’s mind also heard the angry roar of the candle sheep: “You witch slave, still shocked What are you doing, don’t forget, you have signed the Ancestral Witch’s Oath!”

“Strange, am I not your discipline? How come I became your witch slave?” Ye Fei while on the sand boat Heal quickly while watching the battle between Elder and Candle Goat in the sky.

He has to admit that the witchcraft is indeed terrifying, and the deadly knife guarding Elder just now definitely has the possibility of killing the Martial Emperor of the same order in an instant.

But the Candle Goat actually used the weirdness of the witchcraft to shed its skin twice in a row like a silver snake. Each time it shed, it was a candle goat intact, as if it could not kill at all.

Then Ye Fei’s heart moved, seeing that Zhuyang didn’t doubt him, he immediately grasped the Spirit Sword, and suddenly rushed to the sky, and then used all his strength to cut out a huge Taiji Sword picture. Cover the guardian Elder and the candle sheep.

“What’s the matter, could he betray?” The grave guard looked at Ye Fei in surprise, and suddenly launched a sneak attack on the guardian Elder.

Preparing to stop, at this moment, a stone puppet suddenly stood in front of the tomb guard.

“Asura’s sacred palace’s discipline, there has never been a death in battle, no surrender!”


The huge Taiji Sword picture suddenly resembles two black and white swimming fishes at the moment when it cuts towards Guarding Elder’s back, swiftly avoiding Guarding Elder, and suddenly gathers in front of the candle sheep. The Taiji Sword spirit contained in it burst out.

The body of Candle Goat suddenly resembled a kite with a broken line and fell into the desert. But his eyes were staring at Ye Fei spitefully and cruelly, indifferently said: “Breaching the vow, betraying the master, the curse of the ancestor witch will immediately let you destroy both body and soul!”

“Why did I break the oath? I just said that I can become your discipline, but I didn’t say when, exactly! It depends on the situation, and I’m in a good mood and feel comfortable someday, I will consider again, yes One hundred years from now, or ten thousand years from now, I will follow you to learn witchcraft.” Ye Fei showed a simple and honest smile.

Just like the candle sheep making hands and feet in the oath, Ye Fei also made hands and feet in the oath, in order to prevent the candle sheep from repenting and deceiving.

Facts have proved that signing an oath with a wizard is purely an act of courting death.

“Fortunately, I’m an honest person, but I have a few more thoughts.” Ye Fei put away the Spirit Sword, and suddenly activated the ancient power.

Ice Dragon and Blood Dragon, carrying two complete domain powers, ruthlessly blasted on the body of the candle sheep, guarding Elder’s eyes brightly, but also didn’t expect, Ye Fei actually returned Hidden a powerful Taikoo Heavenly Art.

The big magic knife in his hand became more terrifying, forming a dark magic cloud, and at the same time that Ye Fei hit the ancient heavenly power, it also slashed on the body of the candle sheep again.

Chapter 1437 Silver Leather

Chapter 1437 Silver Leather

“Ye Fei, I hate you, if possible, I will use up all my spirit strength , Curse you for ten thousand years!”

The candle sheep roared furiously, struggling desperately, helplessly or killed flesh and blood, and silver’s skin turned into silver and red water.

Among them, Ye Fei’s Primordial Heavenly Palace only plays a supporting role, at most it can only make the Candle Goat suffer a little bit of injury. The one who really causes fatal damage to the Candle Goat is to protect Elder, who is alive. The Martial Emperor.

Helplessly, Ye Fei pitted the candle sheep so badly this time. He actually believed that Ye Fei was an honest person, and obediently and honestly signed an ancestral witch contract with Ye Fei.

Although Candle Goat was in it and did a lot of tricks, most of it was sincere. He did have the heart to train Ye Fei into a human race spy, henchman of the witch clan, he didn’t expect When Ye Fei didn’t even know what the Ancestral Witch Oath was, he actually dared to do things like him, fiercely cheated him.

The face of the silver scented sheep has become distorted, the complexion ashen is a piece, just keep roaring, hating Ye Fei to the bone marrow.

So it is obvious that guarding Elder hurt him the hardest and the most, but Zhuyang just counted the hatred and anger on Ye Fei’s head.

“I swear, I will believe that a Human Race is an honest person in the future, I will be hit to death!” Candle sheep roared constantly, launching various witchcraft to resist the next attack of Guardian Elder.

Seeing the miserable look of the candle sheep, the stone puppet is also habitually lacking in roots, sympathizing with the enemy: “Is this wizard a stupid bird? That kid is clearly a little demon, he actually believes in Ye Fei Is it an honest person? What a stupid bird!”

The stone puppet has begun to hurt the killer and took out the Asura Holy Palace, the horror of the Martial Emperor who was said to have hammered to death. Warhammer, with howling, fell like stars, smashing the emperor’s tomb into a huge hole.

Ye Fei was shocked that such a terrifying Warhammer just smashed the head of the candle sheep into a blue purple. It is simply impossible to smash it.

“The wizard’s fleshy body is so terrifying?” Ye Fei suck in a breath of cold air. If it was him, he received the hammer, even if it was the Fleshy body Great Accomplishment, he was hammered on the spot. The possibility of death, and falling on the candle sheep, only smashed a layer of silver skin.

Ye Fei immediately put down the heavy Black Sword that had been half taken out. No longer expect to rely on pure weight to kill the opponent.

At this time, the tomb-keeper standing in the distance also moved. With a long roar, his body suddenly rushed into the emperor’s tomb, fuse together with the remaining Dragon Vein in the emperor’s tomb.

In an instant, an old silhouette with a billowing Dragon Qi rushed into the sky from the ground. At this time, the breath of the tomb-keeper suddenly changed from Martial Saint to Martial Sovereign, and then broke through again. The Emperor Zhun, until reaching the critical point between the Emperor Zhun and the Martial Emperor, did the tomb-keeper’s breath become stable.

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