Ye Fei nodded, shook his head again, “So, your Young Master is neither married to Lu Qing, nor is it Dao Companion, so what should he worry about? I and Lu What’s the matter with Qing? I’m not angry, and get out of here, True Martial Saint Court, you are not welcome.”


Ye Fei’s words are like a thunder and shock Many of the True Martial Saint Court’s disciplines were secretly shocked. When they heard that it was the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family who was asking for trouble, many of the disciplines were already afraid, and the imposing manner was gone.

In the end, Ye Fei used some domineering words, fiercely’s counterattack went back, but this kind of counterattack was well-founded and powerful.

Many disciplines resonated in their hearts.

“Yeah, what does this Young Master of Sword God Valley mean? Lu Qing neither married him nor Dao Companion. Why did he come to our True Martial Saint Court and make trouble?”

“Forget the trouble, and we will tear up our Small World directly. Sword God Valley wants to declare war on our True Martial Saint Court!”

“Holy Son, order it, others are bullied to the doorstep , If we don’t make a move and spread it out, we would think that True Martial Saint Court is too bullied!” Before we talked, True Martial Saint Court’s Heaven, Earth and Human third-order discipline was all angry. He rushed out, crushed black, and stood neatly behind Ye Fei.

Obviously, after experiencing the provocation of Shenwu Saint Court three years ago, True Martial Saint Court was also in crisis and completed First Transformation.

Not only the third-order disciplines of Heaven, Earth and Human, but also many common disciples. At this time, they were also filled with righteous indignation, surrounded by all directions with an angry face. Although the strengths of these disciplines are very ordinary, thousands, tens of thousands of disciplines, hula, all gathered up, and gathered behind Ye Fei in an orderly manner. That kind of scene suddenly made the Martial Sovereign secretly concerned feel What is the unity of will and sincerity?

Chapter 1462 Invincible Will

“Okay, okay, this is the discipline of my True Martial Saint Court, the soul of True Martial, the heart of sincerity! This is the spirit of True Martial The spirit of martial artist!” These Martial Sovereigns of Saint Court are very old. They have personally experienced the glory of Saint Court, and they have also witnessed the decline of Saint Court.

They have seen the prosperity and desolation, but what they have not forgotten in their hearts is always the soul of True Martial, a Pure Heart. Originally, when the Third Dean Xi Ying decided to make Ye Fei the Holy Son, some Martial Sovereign still had doubts. They were worried about Ye Fei’s special status, unable to support Saint Court, and could allow Saint Court to consume the last thing. A trace of vitality. Until three years ago, Goddess Lu Qing came in person and defeated Martial Sovereign.

It was a rare opponent that Ye Fei stood up, defeated Lu Qing with absolute strength, and let them see hope.

Three years later, facing the genius of the sword God Valley who is stronger than Goddess, Ye Fei stood up, with absolute confidence and domineering, counterattacked the opponent’s rude provocation, and won the whole disciple heart.

Looking at the young man with a sharp pen like a sword, many Martial Sovereigns couldn’t help feeling full of emotions, as if they were back in the heyday of True Martial Saint Court hundreds of years ago.

In the face of Ye Fei’s fierce counterattack, the geniuses of the Valley of the Sword God are also startled.

“Weird, isn’t it that the True Martial Saint Court has fallen? Could this group of people be crazy? How confident are they that they dare to be disrespectful to our Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family?”

“True Martial Holy Son, you are so brave, do you know how powerful our Sword God Valley is, you choose to apologize now, but you still have time!” Xue Yun was also a little surprised, he felt that the current True Martial Saint Court, The rumored decline is somewhat different.

But Xue Yun couldn’t tell where it was different. He just knew that True Martial Saint Court at this time made him very depressed, very upset, and faintly suffocated.

He must break this situation!

The final way to break the situation is to let this group of people know the power of the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family and understand how terrifying the Valley of the Sword God is.

Xue Yun’s threat really worked. Although he was very dissatisfied with Xue Yun’s provocation against Saint Court, many disciplines knew what a terrifying huge monster the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family was.

For a while, many Heavenly Grade disciples couldn’t help but quietly looked towards Ye Fei. Some people even directly probed Ye Fei’s attitude: “Holy Son, what should I do?”

“What else can we do, we have a saying in the Northern Territory, for friends, we have spirits, for enemies, we have swords and guns! Now I add one sentence, for some slut, we still have saliva!”


The public, dignified Holy Son, is so unsanitary, moved towards the place where Xue Yun stood, spitting in public? Many Martial Sovereign feel stunned.

But many disciplines are very excited.

As a younger brother, Xia Jun immediately followed and vomited. Lin Heaven’s Chosen, King of Gua and the others were not far behind and moved towards Xue Yun and vomited.

Gong Zhi and the others will be even less polite. They were followers of Ye Fei. At this time, Ye Fei did something, and of course they were obedient.

When the other disciplines saw it, they didn’t hesitate. Suddenly, almost half of the tens of thousands of True Martial Saint Court’s disciplines were open mouths.

The rest of Shangluo waited for half of the female disciple, and his face was flushed, and he took a bite secretly, cursing his own Holy Son for being too unhygienic. Isn’t it okay to throw stones? How can they do it like this?

Of course, many male disciplines have a dark heart. They never imagined that they would one day spit on top geniuses.

“Holy Son’s method is a bit intense, but how do I feel, my heart suddenly feels good!”

“While going, dare to spit on top geniuses in public, a lifetime chance Maybe it’s just this once, don’t get in the way, I have to spit again, I will have the capital to brag in the future!”

“And me! I also want to spit a few more, dare to come to our Saint Court to go wild, If you can’t kill you, you must spray him to death!”

Suddenly, the sky spit was flying all over the sky, like rain, and the genius moved towards God of Swordsman blasted over. Was sprayed to death tens of thousands of times.

A crowd of black clothed Sabrewielders, their scalps are numb, and their faces are full of extreme shock and fear. They have encountered various opponents, but this kind of opponent who slobbers when they meet, even if it is not lethal, is enough to make them lose their battle strength and can only run away in embarrassment.

Xue Yun was even more angry with his belly about to burst, but he had to take his subordinates and retreat in embarrassment, lest they would be submerged by the sky of saliva. If submerged, they would have no face to live, they could only go The knife slapped itself.

“Ye Fei, you are courting death!”

Finally stepped back to a safe place, Xue Yun and other geniuses from the Valley of Swordsman, all of them appeared Billowing black smoke.

After that, there is an invisible will, like a sharp blade of light, sweeping from a distance, and releasing an extremely depressed breath, which makes people feel a kind of fear from the heart. .

A veteran emperor woke up first, he hurriedly shouted to Ye Fei: “Holy Son, be careful, this is the unique invincible will of Sword God Valley!”

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