“Yes, this is my Xue Yun’s invincible will, Ye Fei, do you dare to pick it up?” Xue Yun showed great anger, but didn’t lose his reason, just asked to talk to Ye Fei competed with will, not at all. He really shot Ye Fei, obviously he was worried about something.

Ye Fei also secretly nodded, Xue Yun has scruples, and he also has scruples. Otherwise, facing Xue Yun’s rude provocation, he would not spit, but just shoot.

After all, he is now or Saint, which represents True Martial Saint Court. Once he really fights Xue Yun, it is to force True Martial Saint Court and Dao Shengu into a hostile state. Similarly, the reason why Xue Yun is not against him He must be worried about the Heaven Grade quasi-emperor, the Supreme Dean.

That’s why Xue Yun switched to another confrontation method, which is to compete with the invincible will of the two sides. The will is the confidence of a martial artist. It shatters the opponent’s will and is no different from defeating the opponent.

“Compete with invincible will, well, if you compare it, I will compare with you! Kill!” Ye Fei’s body suddenly showed a terrifying murderous aura, this murderous aura, instantly It is transformed into a terrifying sword edge. That is not a real sword, but the specific manifestation of Ye Fei’s invincible will. This manifestation cannot harm the opponent’s body, but it can destroy the opponent’s fighting spirit. It is even possible. Therefore, Destroy a genius!

So, this fight seems to be mild, but in fact the hidden danger is more terrifying than the real battle. When you feel the invincible will released by Ye Fei and Xue Yun, it is even stronger than Heavenly Grade Disciple, they are all shocked at each other, their faces pale.

“quickly retreat!” Lin Heaven’s Chosen and other Heavenly Grade disciple, hurriedly guarding other disciplines, retreat frantically. Dare to enter the range of 1000 meters between both parties. A group of black clothed Sabrewielders also exited from the complexion greatly changed to a distance of 1000 meters. The only things that were not affected were the divine sense discovered by Martial Sovereign, and Shangluo who was calmly eating melons.

Chapter 1463 The Sword of Reality

Shangluo can calmly eat melons, but the Martial Sovereigns who watched the battle were shocked and shocked. You know, invincible will, that is usually only a powerhouse above the top genius, can be born.

Firstly, their talents are strong enough, and secondly, only top geniuses, and peerless genius, can always be invincible at the same level.

Martial artists below the top genius can produce invincible will. It is very rare. Even if it occurs, the invincible will is very fragile and weak. Maybe it will only be defeated once or twice. Completely disintegrated, and never recovered.

But Ye Fei is different. Ye Fei is not a top-level genius. He actually possesses an invincible will. What is even more exaggerated is that his invincible will can be as specific as a top-level genius, and form an attack. , This is very unimaginable.

When I saw Ye Fei’s invincible will, the Dao Void illusion sword condensed, not only the Martial Sovereigns were shocked, but the geniuses of the Valley of the Blade God couldn’t help but exclaim.

Then both parties saw in the sky, a Dao Void magic sword shadow, and a Dao Void magic sword light, like two stars, fiercely colliding together, making the void Shaked, it seemed that he could not bear the collision of these two wills. The divine sense discovered by the Martial Sovereigns, at this moment, was completely shattered in the collision of the two wills and could no longer exist. Those experts who also discovered the divine sense and watched this battle of wills suddenly felt pain in their heads. They just felt the collision of the wills of both sides, and their souls were to be torn by swords.

The illusion of cracking.

“Oh my God, they are really only half-emperors? Such a will, such an attack method, even the general Martial Sovereign, the quasi emperor, may not be used?”

“As expected to be the top genius from the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, just this invincible will, under the same realm, we Heavenly Grade disciple, simply can’t resist!”

“His…this impossible, Isn’t True Martial Holy Son a man who is abandoned by the sky? He is a waste on Martial Dao. It is strange that he can give birth to an invincible will. What is even more terrifying is that his invincible will is actually even better than Shang Xue Yun. Genius?”

All the black clothed Sabrewielders of Sword God Valley looked stupid. All of them were geniuses of Sword God Valley. Anyone who came out was comparable to Holy Son of Saint Court.

But at this time, facing the invincible will radiated by Ye Fei, they have a deep fear, and they can no longer raise the slightest fighting intent against Ye Fei. “Unexpectedly, you have such a strong invincible will, but you are not a peerless genius. As long as your invincible will is shattered once, you will never have it again!” Xue Yun’s eyes were red, and his body was even more sharp. Blazing, between Heaven and Earth, as if an invisible blade appeared, moving towards Ye Fei cutting away.

“If you want to crush my invincible will, you can’t do it. Xue Yue standing behind you will definitely not!” Ye Fei’s eyes pierced a trace of frost, the sword shadow of the invincible will, suddenly forming a terrifying The beam of light also moved towards Xue Yun and cut the past mercilessly.


The void shook violently. Upon closer inspection, it was the shock caused by the continuous collision of an invisible blade and an invisible Sword Peak.

Originally, the will is invisible, and no one can see these blade light and sword shadows by the martial artists around, but in their minds, images of fierce sword collisions automatically appear.

At the same time in this collision, Ye Fei’s face became paler and paler, and his body was constantly shaking, as did Xue Yun.

The contest of will, although it will not harm each other’s bodies, it will greatly deplete each other’s spirits. Here, Xue Yun obviously played a trick, that is, he is a top genius. Spirit strength is certain More powerful than general martial artist. Under normal circumstances, the two sides will fight against each other. In the end, the winner must be Xue Yun, who belongs to the top genius. Unfortunately, Xue Yun encountered Ye Fei of the intermediate witchcraft of cultivation success. It’s really difficult for people in Martial Dao, but in witchcraft, the people who abandoned the sky seem to have a very obvious advantage.

The will of the two sides collided more than a dozen times, and realizing that his spirit had reached its limit, Ye Fei did not hesitate to immediately mobilize the spirit of Divine Sea who had just come out of the cultivation. He suddenly felt that his exhausted spirit, like a dry land, suddenly poured into a trickle. These trickles nourished his spirit and invisibly strengthened his invincible will. Ye Fei’s pale complexion gradually became rosy, and the imposing manner throughout his body continued to increase. He instantly changed from a small hill to After passing the steep peaks, then from the steep peaks to the unshakable continuous mountain range.

With the rising of the imposing manner, the sword shadow transformed by Ye Fei’s invincible will becomes more and more fierce and more offensive, and finally this invisible will is emitted, between Heaven and Earth, There is a continuous clamor of Broken Sword. “I, Xue Yun, is the top genius of the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family. I am absolutely impossible to lose to a man who is abandoned! pu!” Xue Yun roared, suddenly bit his tongue, spouting a mouthful of blood from the sky, a knife formed by his invincible will The light suddenly changed from illusion to reality, forming a real sword light, cutting to the leaf


“That is the real knife! It is a special Absolute Art of the Valley of the Sword God!”

“I can’t think that Xue Yun is so despicable. After saying that he is in the will, he is in the will. , Integrated into martial arts!”

“Fuck your shit, since it is a competition of will, it is not a violation of the two sides to use will to fight!”

See Xue Yuntu The killer, the discipline of True Martial Saint Court immediately quarreled with the geniuses of Dao Shen Gu, but no one dared to intervene in this battle. Because when Xue Yun launched the sword of truth, the will of both parties had already been strangled together. Any intervention of external forces will have a huge impact on the will of both parties. Everyone can only watch, Xue Yun uses the real knife to slash at Ye Fei’s invincible will. Ye Fei is also sneaked, and suddenly gathers all the spirit strength of Divine Sea and integrates it into his own

Invincible Will.

Boom ka!

The sky shook violently, and when Xue Yun launched the real sword, Ye Fei’s invincible will instantly turned into a real sword . At this time, everyone can clearly see that a pale blue sword shadow and a sapphire sword shadow are cut together viciously.

At the moment of blade and sword collide, the pale blue knife shadow, suddenly glass-like, shattered by collision, while the sword shadow of sapphire is standing still, like a towering Sword Peak. Shake, awe-inspiring.


Xue Yun Linkong spurt a large mouthful of blood, he stared at Ye Fei fiercely, with amazement and humiliation in his eyes, and then, he said nothing , The moment the invincible will collapsed, he had fainted, his body fell weakly into the sky, and was held in his arms by a black clothed Sabrewielder.

“This impossible, True Martial Holy Son, where did you steal the real knife?” A genius from the Valley of the Dao, awakened from the shock, immediately asked harshly.

You must know that a secret technique that can be used to form a real attack on the invisible will is a secret technique that only the Valley of the Sword can master! And where did Ye Fei learn this secret technique?

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