Chapter 1464 The consequences are very serious.

Ye Fei shook his head, and no longer liked the impression of the valley of sword gods. In fact, the so-called real sword and real sword It’s just a method of Spirit Attack. As long as you master the spirit strength, anyone can use it.

It’s just Xue Yun’s real knife. It uses a technique. It uses a special method to form a special attack with its limited spirit strength.

Ye Fei is different. Although he can’t have Xue Yun’s skills, he has already trained Divine Sea, and his spirit strength can be said to be endless.

He simply breaks the skill with his strength, forcibly condensing his spirit strength into one strand, which can also form a special Spirit Attack.

To put it bluntly, the real knife is actually a clever use of spirit strength, but most martial artists have weak spirit strength and cannot form an attack. Only with strong spirit strength can the invisible spirit form a special attack.

This is the specific secret of the Real Knife. Xue Yun also discovered this secret, and he will be shocked and terrified before he goes unconscious.

Obviously, Xue Yun didn’t expect that Ye Fei’s spirit strength would have surpassed his top genius, and he could form a special attack, crushing his spirit willpower in one fell swoop.

“It’s just a simple application of spirit strength, I still use it secretly, take Xue Yun, and get out immediately, I am True Martial Saint Court, you are not welcome!” Ye Fei said coldly.

His words resonated with other disciplines. Even if these people came to provoke them, they also tore the Small World of True Martial Saint Court, which is no different from directly hitting the face.

Not to mention that during the invincible will competition, Xue Yun also used Spirit Attack despicably, trying to defeat Ye Fei and destroy the Holy Son that led everyone to rise. This is even more provoked. Public anger.

“Didn’t you hear the words of Holy Son? Holy Son told you to get out, you still don’t get out!”

“The Valley of the Sword God is amazing, but you are still the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family. It’s so nasty!”

“It’s still a top genius, I yeah…” There was that irritable discipline, and he opened his mouth again and started to squirt, and got many more answers from the discipline.

Xue Yun had already woke up leisurely, and suddenly saw a scene of countless saliva spraying at him. He was dazed with anger, spouted a mouthful of blood, and fainted again.

The other black clothed Sabrewielder also looked terrified. Seeing that Xue Yun was defeated, he hurriedly turned and ran, “Ye Fei, please wait. I have taken note of today’s affairs.”

These black clothed Sabrewielder, don’t forget to let out cruel words.

“Please go back and tell Xue Yue, don’t mess with me, or the consequences will be very serious!” Ye Fei warned in a deep voice. A group of black clothed Sabrewielders were shocked. Ye Fei defeated Xue Yun and even had a knife. God dare to provoke?

“This damn waste, do you really think that our Sword God Valley dare not touch him?”

” Defeating Xue Yun and stealing the real sword, this man sins unforgivable , Let’s go back and tell the Young Master about this person’s rudeness!”

These black clothed Sabrewielders went away with stubbornness. They stepped on their sabers to form a sword formation and turned into The strong wind disappeared into the distant sky.

Seeing the performance of these black clothed Sabrewielders, Ye Fei’s brows are obviously frowned. His face suddenly became pale, this was a hidden danger caused by his consumption of a lot of spirit strength.

In the end, his true sword is based on force and forcibly cohesive, not at all any method, to put it bluntly, is to use its own huge spirit strength to do it brutally. Although he defeated Xue Yun in the end, he also paid a great price.

And Xue Yun is not yet the strongest in the Sword God Valley, there is a small sword god Xue Yue above him!

“Xue Yue can be the Young Master of the Valley of the Sword God, and he is also known as the Little Sword God. His strength is definitely much stronger than that of Xue Yun. I tried my best just to deal with a Xue Yun. If I met Xue Yue, I would definitely lose more than winning!” Thinking of this, Ye Fei suddenly felt a little grateful.

“Fortunately, it was the Little Sword God who came here this time, and fortunately, before Xue Yun came over, I had already practiced the intermediate witchcraft!”

If there is no intermediate witchcraft, In this competition with Xue Yun’s will, Ye Fei will definitely not have any chance of winning. After all, Xue Yun is not only a top genius, but also from the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family.

And the top geniuses of the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family are generally stronger than those of the quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family. Some are powerful, such as Xue Yun, whose invincible will is even more terrifying than the Goddess of Lu Qing.

“Strange, this Xue Yun is only a top genius, why do I feel that this Xue Yun seems to be stronger than Goddess Lu Qing?” Lin Heaven’s Chosen suddenly asked a little strangely.

“There are two reasons why the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family occupies the stars. The resources they control must be ten times, or even dozens of times, the resources of the Aristocratic Family! Secondly, the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family has also mastered The Aristocratic Family, the only real realm that cannot be mastered!” Ye Fei said in a deep voice.

“The only real realm? What is that?” Xia Jun, Gong Zhi and the others looked at Ye Fei in confusion. They were very strange to the only real realm. Only Shangluo looked at Ye Fei in surprise, and explained to everyone: “The only true domain is a special domain that contains only a Profound Truth. This domain is not only pure, but also constantly evolving. But it must be practiced as the only true. Domain is too difficult. Not only does it consume a lot of resources, but turning a single Profound Truth into a domain is enough to stump 99% of martial artists. They are not top geniuses. Don’t count on it. , But this guy, there may be some hope.”

Finally, Shangluo took a pointed glance at Ye Fei. Ye Fei was a bit speechless, knowing that Shangluo had guessed 80%, he could cultivation spirit strength. The secret of, after all, to form the only true realm, one must have a strong spirit strength. In the general Human Race, in addition to peerless genius and top genius, the spirit strength is very weak or not at all. The main strength of the martial artist is also the Primordial Spirit and Spiritual Qi. The spirit strength is only secondary and it is difficult to improve. Unless that martial artist, like Ye Fei, is also a man who has been abandoned by the sky, and can master the witchcraft


The troublemakers have already been driven away. Let’s see if there is nothing wrong. The gathered disciplines and the scattered in small groups are busy with their own affairs. The Third Dean Xi Yingqing also reappeared on the Holy Son Peak. His expression was a bit complicated, but he was more surprised, but he didn’t at all ask how Ye Fei gained strong spirit strength, just said with a bitter smile “I’m the Holy Son of True Martial Saint Court in the past. You brat is considered the most provocative. I provoke the three Great Saints.

Not to mention, even the geniuses of the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family If you are defeated, Sword God Valley will definitely not give up. Do you have any plans?” Ye Fei nodded, with a solemn expression, said: “The current True Martial Saint Court finally has a chance to rise. It is not suitable to make too many enemies. At this time, I can’t get into a hostile state with the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family like Dao Shengu. If the three deans agree, I want to resign from the position of Holy Son!”

Chapter 1465 fly into a rage out of humiliation

“What, Ye Fei, are you going to resign from the position of Holy Son?” Lin Heaven’s Chosen and the others were shocked,

“Holy Son, think twice!” Gong Zhi and the others also hurriedly persuaded. Now, with great difficulty, a Ye Fei appeared in True Martial Saint Court, which can lead Saint Court to rise. This is why they chose to follow Ye Fei. Ye Fei shook his head and said, “Saint Court is not strong because of Holy Son, but because of you, because of our mutual solidarity and solidarity, it will become strong. Besides, because I am Holy Son, I cannot Because of my business, drag the entire Saint Court into the vortex that is hostile to the Valley of the Sword God. If you do that, it will only make the dark hand in the dark.”

Xia Jun’s mind Flexible, he connected the entire process of development together, and was shocked: “This thing is really weird. Is it because someone deliberately targeted the big brother and our True Martial Saint Court?”

“No Is it for sure!”

Xi Yingqing shook his head, “Lu Qing is not only Goddess of Shenwu Saint Court, but also peerless genius of Lú Family. Not to mention that she is a maid. No one dared to gossip, let alone spread all over Zhong Prefecture, there must be some people promoting this matter.”

“The dean, do you know who is trying to harm Ye Fei? “Shang Luo asked.

Xi Yingqing smiled bitterly: “If you knew, the old man would have taken the shot himself and cut that man by eight, but this matter, three Saint Court impossible, they still can’t offend the emperor. Aristocratic Family, only the Aristocratic Family can offend the Aristocratic Family!”

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