With this chanting, the stone statue collapsed faster, and finally, the entire stone statue turned into fly ash, drifting into endless void.

In the sky, an ancient altar appeared, as if guiding the progress of these limes, and at the moment when the lime disappeared, the withered tens of thousands of years flashing silver flower suddenly recovered It becomes vigorous and exudes a strange fragrance.

Just smelling the delicate fragrance, Ye Fei has a sour look in his eyes. Obviously, Shang Jiu’s memory has not completely faded from his mind.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Of years, but the glittering silver flower can bloom again, Xiaocao still intends to run over to communicate with the blooming glittering silver flower.

At this time, the mutation happened again.

As the entire stone statue collapsed, the originally stable nebula suddenly became extremely unstable, and the entire nebula suddenly rotated rapidly. The feeling was like the Universe Starry Sky. The terrifying vortex, and the center of the vortex is the sparkling silver flower in full bloom. Ye Fei was taken aback. Without a word, he picked up the grass; Dragon Tortoise also quickly grew bigger, carrying Ye Fei, and instantly moved a few hundred miles away, and got away from the scroll of the nebula. Terrifying vortex, it’s just strange to say, this vortex looks like terrifying, tearing all around the void, twisted and deformed, like a piece of black paper, but it doesn’t cause any harm to Ye Fei .

The collapsed nebula did not destroy this piece of Small World, as well as the many Illusory Beasts that evolved in Small World, but all gathered into a group of blue energy and poured into the resurrected Flash Silver Flower.

Nourished by these huge spirit strengths, the shining silver flower began to grow rapidly, and turned from a flower to a towering tree.

Countless bright silver laces are in full bloom on the flowers and trees, and the eyes of the grass are straight when they look at the grass. Dragon Tortoise is even more gulping, and Ye Fei is also surprised to close his mouth from ear to ear.

You should know that this nebula is the spirit of a great witch, Divine Sea. Just the spirit strength inside can destroy a star, and the seemingly weak shining silver The flower, in one sigh, took this piece of essence Divine Sea as a nutrient to absorb.

In a trance, Ye Fei seemed to see in the sky, a woman in a plain white dress, faintly discernible among the twinkling silver petals. It’s just a pity that Shang Jiu is just a great witch in the end. He can Resurrecting a shining silver flower, but still unable to resurrect a whole person.

Even if Shang Jiu spent his entire Divine Sea, the silhouette of Xiao Yuer in the end is still in the sea of ​​flowers, gradually blurred and dissipated.

“Eldest Young Master…Never, I can’t take care of you anymore, I can’t stay by your side…”

In the sky, there is a faintly unwilling girl A lonely cry, and then a line of crystal clear blue tears, slowly slipped from the gradually blurred face of the girl in the white skirt.

Xiaocao was already crying, she couldn’t help but wipe her crying red nose with Ye Fei’s clothes, Dragon Tortoise also rarely let go of those falling glittering silver flowers and let them Floating down to the entire Small World, and then, the entire Small World, has become a sea of ​​glitter.

Ye Fei noticed sharply that under the huge flower tree, there was a row of blue crystals, like crystal-like flowers, falling to the ground.

“These are spiritual crystals too?” Ye Fei walked over in surprise. He picked up the blue crystals, and Xiaocao looked at these strange stones in surprise.

Then, Xiaocao habitually held the stone and took a careful bite, which shocked both Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise.

Ye Fei suddenly felt that it was a bad habit for Xiaocao to take a bite when he saw a stone.

Roar roar!

Dragon Tortoise is shaking his big steel tail. It seems to be asking how the stone tastes like Xiaocao, Xiaocao didn’t speak, just holding it. The strange flower with a big fist gave a satisfying burp, which seemed to be full.

Dragon Tortoise eyes immediately lit up, and apart from anything else, it had already rushed to a crystal flower. The black mouth was bigger than the black hole, and it was about to swallow all the crystal flowers on the ground.

Ye Fei kicked it over, except for one of them to be thrown to Dragon Tortoise, and the other ten crystal flowers, he put away all of them.

“roar roar!”

Dragon Tortoise had a very aggrieved expression, but he still hugged the last crystal flower and swallowed it like a cow.

Then, Dragon Tortoise’s expression became very exciting, it seemed to be in a difficult state of eating, unable to spit out, and unable to swallow in. At the same time, Dragon Tortoise’s body seemed to be blowing a balloon. The same, swelling up quickly, just like being self-destructed.

“roar roar!”

Dragon Tortoise hurriedly exhausted all his strength, swallowed the crystal flower, mixed with all the dragon’s breath within the body, and sprayed it all at once Came out.

Just when Ye Fei thought that such violent treatment by Dragon Tortoise would surely break the crystal flowers, these crystal flowers actually emitted a blue rays of light, the dragon spraying Dragon Tortoise It absorbs all the breath, even the moment it was in Dragon Tortoise within the body, it also absorbed the power of Dragon Tortoise greatly.

When Dragon Tortoise spit out the crystal flower. Dragon Tortoise’s entire body is already weak and can’t even stand up. He can only lie on the ground, his eyes circled and blisters in his mouth constantly.

Looking at the blue light emerging from the crystal flowers, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly trembled, and an unfamiliar message suddenly appeared in his memory: “These are the spiritual flowers of the Divine Sea, the great wizard spirit! It is also where Shang Jiu’s hope for revenge!” In the end, Shang Jiu’s biggest regret is that he didn’t kill the blond young man. He also avenged himself for Xiao Yuer. That’s why Shang Jiu set various tests in this Small World. His test is not to leave a treasure for future generations, but to leave his memory, and to pass his memory and hatred to another through witchcraft.

“so that’s how it is, Shang Jiu left these spiritual flowers in order to create another great witch, another Shang Jiu, and continue his road of revenge. For this, he did not hesitate to put himself The whole spirit of Divine Sea, stay here and become these twelve spiritual flowers!”

Ye Fei’s mood is a bit complicated. He has sympathy and admiration for Shang Jiu, but he is him He is not Shang Jiu, and Shang Jiu’s memory cannot influence his behavior.

“However, I can use these spiritual flowers to enhance my Tai Chi domain!”

Understanding the effects of these spiritual flowers, Ye Fei immediately picked up one , Began to try to absorb the mental ability contained in this spiritual flower.

Only when he started to try, Ye Fei was shocked to discover another thing that shocked him. “How is it possible that this is my Divine Sea?”

Chapter 1482 King Domain

Ye Fei looked at his Divine Sea in disbelief. At this time, His spirit Divine Sea has completely changed its appearance, it is no longer the sea, but a golden nebula.

“Golden’s nebula? How could this happen, how can my spirit Divine Sea become so strange?”

You know, the color of spirit strength is blue, normal The wizards are all pale blue. Of course, they are peerless genius. They are born with strong spirits. Their hidden mental abilities within the body are already comparable to the Divine Sea of ​​many wizards, but they cannot continue to increase.

Secondly, there are some powerful wizards, such as the Candle Goat. His spirit strength is enough to change from the ocean to a nebula, and his spirit strength color, blue, is more pure.

As for the further great witch, it is better than Shang Jiu. His spiritual nebula can be huge enough to form a nebula, but this nebula is still cyan rather than golden. Like this golden Divine Sea, Ye Fei has never heard of it before. At this moment, he suddenly missed the moment when he had the memory of Shang Jiu. If at that moment, he could find himself in Divine Sea. mutation, it is entirely possible for him to find out his essence Divine Sea through Shang Jiu’s memory of the great witch

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