The reason for the mutation.

“Unfortunately, it’s too late now. 99% of Shang Jiu’s memory has disappeared. What’s left in my mind, except for some ordinary life fragments, is just an understanding of some Malay “

Ye Fei shook his head. He was a little regretful, but he didn’t particularly care. In the end, his main cultivation was Martial Dao, not witchcraft. In this case, for him, Divine Sea The mutation, the impact on him is not particularly great.

As long as the spirit of Divine Sea doesn’t affect his cultivation, Ye Fei doesn’t bother to think about it if he can’t figure it out. From this point of speaking of which, Ye Fei’s nerves are still very thick.

After checking carefully, except for the weird color, there is no problem with the metamorphosis Divine Sea in his mind. Ye Fei decisively put the doubts behind him.

“After going out, try to ask Shangluo’s aunt about Divine Sea. At present, I still take advantage of the time to improve my field and talk about it.” During the match, Ye Fei still felt a slight threat. Zhang Ye was battered and exhausted as soon as he shot, but even if Ye Fei tried his best, he still seized the most favorable opportunity for Zhang Ye to fight back. Still couldn’t seriously hurt Zhang Ye in a short time, so

Yu let Zhang Ye drag her to Zhu Xiaomei and the others to come.

From this, Ye Fei knew that now he can defeat the general Martial Sovereign and the quasi emperor, but it is difficult to beat the top geniuses from the quasi emperor Aristocratic Family and Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family.

If you want to defeat these people, when the realm and battle strength cannot be improved, the only thing he can improve is the domain.

He began to try to refining the precious spiritual flower in his hand, but with the example of Dragon Tortoise almost dying to death, he dared not refining all this spiritual flower in one breath.

Ye Fei first carefully picked the petals of a spiritual flower. Put it in the palm of your hand, and then start to urge your own spirit Divine Sea.

hong long long!

Compared with a pure ocean of mental ability, the nebula-shaped Divine Sea not only moves faster, but also releases spirit strength that is very terrifying. The feeling is like The universe is moving, Heaven and Earth Rule are all within his grasp.

The petals of the flower of spirit are immediately attracted. It gradually emits strong blue light. These lights, like flowing water, flood into the golden nebula of Ye Fei, and gradually, into the nebula of Ye Fei , At first it gained part of the blue brilliance, but soon it became a gold-like color.

This makes Ye Fei a little depressed, but he doesn’t care too much.

“Golden is golden, as long as I know, this is also spirit strength, which can improve my domain.” Ye Fei shook his head, and through refining petals, he found the spirit that his spiritual nebula can hold. The strength is very huge.

For the same petal, a small bite of the grass will be full, Dragon Tortoise swallows a slice, it may choke to death, and Ye Fei refining this petal, but found that it can only fill It fills 1/4 of his spiritual nebula. To fill it up, he needs to refining three petals again.

And for a spiritual flower, the number of petals is exactly eight petals. That is to say, Ye Fei’s spiritual nebula can refining half a spiritual flower once!

“I can’t think of my transformed spirit, Divine Sea, turned out to be so powerful. I just don’t know if this spirit strength can make my domain rise from Ordinary Level to King Level!”

Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with strong expectations.

In Martial Saint Realm, the domain is a complete domain, even if it is a super genius, if there are some fortuuitous encounters, it is the lowest Ordinary Level domain, many of which are impossible for life.

Only in Martial Saint Realm, who can comprehend the complete king-level realm, can this be regarded as a real genius. Only peerless genius or special fortuitous encounter, spirit strength can do this. It is comparable to the few martial artists of peerless genius.

“Zhang Ye and Xue Yun are from the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, and they are top geniuses. They can easily master the Ordinary Level field. Even if I try my best, I will fight them at most. A tie! To defeat them, I must have a complete king-level domain!”

hong long long!

Ye Fei’s mind moved, he released his Tai Chi realm, and then controlled the spirit strength in the Spirit Nebula, constantly pouring into the Tai Chi realm. The realm of Tai Chi at this time is like a fuzzy black and white world, and also like a hollow black and white sphere. Inside the sphere, there is nothing. It needs martial artist to continuously fill it with Profound Truth. This realm, Talents can continue to evolve from the Ordinary Level field to the perfect Heaven Grade field


Originally, this is a very long process. Martial artists who do not have enough aptitude will have a lifetime of cultivation and are impossible to raise their domain to Level 1.

But Ye Fei is different. He has huge spirit strength. These spirit strengths can continuously enhance his Profound Truth. In this way, one Profound Truth of his cultivation will be equivalent to others’ cultivations, and a dozen or more Profound Truths. Truth, and with the enhancement of Profound Truth, the field will naturally become stronger.

When this intensity reaches a critical point, naturally, his Tai Chi field may be upgraded from Ordinary Level to King Level, and then Earth Grade and Heaven Grade!

This is the case at this time. As Ye Fei poured a lot of spirit strength into the field, his single Tai Chi Profound Truth began to continuously strengthen, and with the increase of Profound Truth, his Tai Chi field , Is also constantly improving.

Ye Fei feels that his Tai Chi domain is like a pool full of water at this moment, at the moment when his Tai Chi domain reaches a certain limit.


His Tai Chi realm suddenly shrank violently. It first became a black and white world, which shrank into a dazzling white dot and black dot, and then these two dots increased The bigger, the brighter. Finally, there is a brand-new Tai Chi domain that emerges behind Ye Fei, but the Tai Chi domain at this time is no longer an Ordinary Level domain, but a king-level domain!

Chapter 1483 Continuous Transformation

“very good, I finally condensed into a king-level domain, which proves that I have completely caught up with peerless genius in spirit strength! Now the rest is the battle strength!” Ye Fei was excited, but not too proud.

Peerless genius, but not only the spirit is strong, their battle strength is the most terrifying place, the battle strength spanning ten levels is enough to make the general quasi emperor face peerless genius, All felt despair from the heart.

Of course, peerless genius can not only fight across ten levels. After all, after the tenth level of War God, there is a taboo for gods and demons. This proves that the true peerless genius is very possible. You can also cross over ten levels and defeat your opponent.

Those people are this world, the real geniuses. Compared with these geniuses, Ye Fei feels that the current self can only be regarded as the frog that jumped out of the well.

“Fortunately, I’m still young, and I have a long way to go. I still have time to catch up with these real geniuses. In short, I can become a king in the half-emperor realm. This is a good thing, but I can’t be proud of it either.” Ye Fei warned herself secretly.

He once heard from Daqingshi that the True Martial Divine Emperor of the year in Martial Saint Realm only comprehend half of the realm. This can only be considered good in Ancient Era, and it is very reluctant to be a genius.

At that time, who could have thought that True Martial Divine Emperor would be in the next few realms, have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly, not only became the Martial Emperor, but also forcibly stepped on many peerless genius of the same time , Achieved the position of Martial God.

Obviously, a person who is invincible in this realm does not mean that he can be invincible at the same level in the next realm.

“Marital Dao Path, also like rowing a boat upstream, can only go in, never go back, one step forward, full of bones on the ground, one step back, but it’s all lost!”

A clear comprehension flashed in Ye Fei’s eyes, and then he quickly pulled out the Spirit Sword, “Let’s take a look at the formidable power of the king-level domain, Taiji Sword!” Suddenly, Ye Fei spotted an Illusory not far away. Beast, was alarmed by the disappearance of the nebula, and lurked quietly, Ye Fei suddenly drew his sword, and the bright sword light formed a huge Taiji Sword picture, covering the Illusory Beast without waiting for the Illusory Beast to struggle. , Sword light has torn its body to pieces.

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