Ye Fei suddenly became furious, and understood that Zhang Ye was looking at crafty plots and machinations, but if he couldn’t control him, he simply tore the skin completely, purely to have no shame. Since Zhang Ye to have no shame, Ye Fei would certainly not be polite, just when Zhang Ye used the position of Heavenly Wind Valley and wanted to intimidate and lure.

A silhouette appeared in front of Zhang Ye in an instant. Taking advantage of the moment Zhang Ye was distracted, a loud slap made Zhang Ye whirl around, and the whole person looked at Ye Fei with a bewildered expression.

Several Martial Sovereigns also stared at Ye Fei and Young Master Ye blankly. They slapped Zhang Ye in public. How could this be possible?

You must know that Zhang Ye comes from the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, and he is a top genius himself. It is easy to kill a top genius, but it is necessary to slap a top genius in public, even if it is a peerless genius. It’s hard to do.

Under normal circumstances, Ye Fei is also impossible to do it, but Zhang Ye was first disrupted by Ye Fei, and later saw that Ye Fei was just a passive counterattack and did not dare to take action at all. Zhang Ye thought Ye Fei was afraid Given the position of Heavenly Wind Valley, impossible dare not attack him in public.

Also grasping this point, Zhang Ye dared to slander Ye Fei in public, and unscrupulously, using the strength of Heavenly Wind Valley to force others to stand in his line, he also relaxed a little on Ye Fei. alert.

The most important thing is that Ye Fei’s slap just now did not bring any murderous aura, which naturally could not stimulate Zhang Ye’s fighting instinct to avoid it.

The combination of all these reasons allowed Ye Fei to seize the momentary opportunity of Zhang Ye’s distraction, and make a decisive move. A loud slap shocked everyone’s hearts.

It also hurt Zhang Ye’s nerve deeply.

But Ye Fei still feels uncomfortable. He deliberately waved his hand and said in a concerned tone, “How about, Brother Zhang, does it hurt if I hit you like this? Don’t be shy, if it hurts, you Just shout out, anyway, we all know you to have no shame……”


I didn’t listen to Ye Fei’s words, Zhang Ye had already sprayed blood on the ground. After that, his eyeballs were instantly bloodshot, his whole person almost ran away, and then he fell into a huge rage. “Ye Fei, I! Want! You! Die!”

Chapter 1486 is the dead


Zhang Ye roared, the whole Everyone likes a wild beast with crazy hair, his eyes are red, wishing to tear Ye Fei into countless pieces in one bite.

“Heavenly Wind Valley, it really is a mad dog attribute.” Ye Fei shook his head, too lazy to entangle with Zhang Ye, he quickly backed away and stood aside.

Martial Sovereign of several merchants immediately stepped forward and forcibly stopped the crazy Zhang Ye, “Young Master Zhang, this is the center of our Chamber of Commerce. No one can fight here. !”

This is the site of the Chamber of Commerce, even if you know that Ye Fei is using them as a shield, these Martial Sovereigns still have to take action.

But their blocking did not calm Zhang Ye, but made Zhang Ye even more furious, “You can’t fight, you guys even let the fight slap me in public. Who is Zhang Ye, I I am a top genius, I am the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family from Heavenly Wind Valley……”

Several Martial Sovereign faces were a bit embarrassed and hurriedly explained: “Young Master Zhang, we didn’t react just now… …”

“Shut up your dog mouth, Ben Shao, what are you guys, a bunch of dogs in Chamber of Commerce, whoever dares to stop me is against me, Heavenly Wind Valley, and even me Zhang Ye’s mortal enemy!”

It’s okay if they don’t say anything. Hearing this, Zhang Ye’s whole body burned with a horrible True Fire, and even a direct palm to one of Martial Sovereign fought over.

The expressions of several merchants Martial Sovereign suddenly turned pale.

Little sister Zhu looked at Zhang Ye who was mad with contempt, “In the merchant’s territory, Martial Sovereign who hurt the merchant, is Zhang Ye’s head flooded?”

In the end, Chamber of Commerce is not Ye Fei, but from the declining True Martial Saint Court. It is not peerless genius itself. Impossible has Great Influence to support Ye Fei, but Chamber of Commerce is different. The Super Great Influence of Zhong Prefecture has countless experts, and it is not much weaker than the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family.

Now, Zhang Ye has lost his mind. Even the Martial Sovereign of the merchant is not in the eyes. Let alone the genius of the Aristocratic Family, he secretly shook his head. Fortunately, he did not join Zhang Ye’s camp. They will have one more pig teammate.

Ye Fei also gave Zhang Ye a sympathetic look. With Zhang Ye’s strength, a few ordinary Martial Sovereigns may not be able to stop him, but this is the core area of ​​the business. Here, not only It’s as simple as Martial Sovereign.

In fact, as early as when Ye Fei walked out of Small World, Xiaocao sensed a few powerful auras and kept watching him in secret. Otherwise, based on Zhang Ye’s slander against him, he simply wouldn’t say that many, so he just lifted his sword and started fighting with Zhang Ye.

“Zhangye, you are impudent!”

bang! Also in Zhangye madly angry, take a few Martial Sovereign blocking the road, such as as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves Normally, when the injured hit and flew out, in the sky, suddenly there was a more crazy voice. Then I saw Shang Third Master wearing a fluffy exploding head, angrily walking out of the void, and rushing directly towards Zhangye.

Zhang Ye was also completely stunned. He saw Shang Third Master appearing. Zhang Ye, who was out of anger, not even think, had already slapped in the face: “Go away, you are a lunatic Martial King, what right do you have to take care of Ben Shao’s nosy!”


Zhang Ye’s hands collided with Shang Third Master’s hands at the same time, Shang Third Master completely motionless, the whole person like a Zun Iron Pagoda, and also exudes a layer of bronze rays of light.

“Bronze Witch?”

Ye Fei was surprised, but soon he discovered that Shang Third Master was not using witchcraft, but martial arts. It was just this This kind of martial arts has an effect similar to witchcraft.

Then, he saw a bronze palm of Shang Third Master, which not only broke Zhang Ye’s palm on the spot, and became bloody.

At the same time, the other foot of the Third Master was lifted up, and he slammed Zhang Ye’s belly, kicking Zhang Ye spurt a mouthful of blood, the whole person went backwards crazy After several dozen meters of distance, although he was not seriously injured, he was finally a little awake from the rage.

“Quasi emperor, crazy Martial King, you have become a quasi emperor!” Zhang Ye was shocked.

Ye Fei was also taken aback.

He still remembered that when he was in the Northern Territory, Shang Third Master was nothing but Martial King, but then he thought that when he was in Northern Territory, Shang Third Master was completely crazy, and so was cultivation. muddleheaded. Until Master Demon Sovereign cured his madness, Shang Third Master did not leave the Northern Territory.

Maybe it was during this time that Shang Third Master got a blessing in disguise, and his cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds has become a powerful quasi emperor.

“Third Master, congratulations.” Ye Fei sincerely congratulated.

“Hey, compared to your Master, Third Master’s ability is too far behind.” Shang Third Master sighed, but his eyes still flashed with pride.

In the end, to become a Martial Emperor, the Third Master himself didn’t expect. When he succeeded, many people in Chamber of Commerce were surprised to close their mouths from ear to ear.

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