Zhang Ye is also bad luck. He only heard that the merchant had a genius in the previous generation who went crazy when he was in Martial King Realm. He just thought that the third master of the merchant was still crazy. Martial King.

To the effect, I actually suffered a dark loss. I was slapped in public by Ye Fei, but I was kicked by the Third Master. Injury is still a small matter, but the physical insult is too great.

“Third Master, you Chamber of Commerce, do you have to think about it. You Chamber of Commerce, really want to fight Heavenly Wind Valley, and a top genius like me, for a waste of time?” Zhang Yexue’s eyes were red and fiercely threatened, and Shang Third Master’s face suddenly changed.

He is no longer the Martial King of the madman before. Naturally, he knows how much the Chamber of Commerce will be affected by offending Heavenly Wind Valley.

Ye Fei also gave a sigh in his heart, secretly thought: “A hero like the Third Master, shouldn’t he also fear the threat of Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family?”

“Go away, You count that scallion and make a great aunt, just chop you up and throw it out to feed the dog. You guys in Heavenly Wind Valley, not only won’t take revenge for you, but you also have to come to the great aunt to ask for your sins. , Are you believing or not?”

At this time, from in the sky, a beautiful silhouette came out. The silhouette was graceful and beautiful, full of imagination, but what he said was more than that of Shangluo. Like a female bandit.

Hearing that voice, and watching the skillful movement of eating spirit melons, Ye Fei knew who had come, but this time, he didn’t complain, but was slightly moved in his heart.

In the end, the attitude of the merchants ultimately favored him.

Zhang Yehearing this face changed drastically, full of murderous aura threats and said: “So, Chamber of Commerce is determined to start a war with me, Heavenly Wind Valley?” “When a war starts, a war starts, but you Not qualified to represent Heavenly Wind Valley, go back, tell Zhang Tianfeng that old fart, within ten days, roll over in person, and apologize to great aunt, if not, take responsibility for the consequences. Young Master Zhang, go away …If he opens his mouth to say a word, he will chop it up immediately

and throw it out to feed the dog!” Shang Jing finally added domineeringly.

“Zun Zong’s Alliance Lord Token!” Suddenly in the sky, densely packed, dozens of quasi emperors, staring at Zhang Ye with their eyes fixedly, and Zhang Ye dared to speak, they just Zhang Ye must be broken into pieces.

What is domineering?

This is called domineering!

What is a hero?

This is the hero! Looking at Shang Jing’s domineering power than a man, Ye Fei and Shang Third Master looked at each other speechlessly, and then at the same time, in the heart silently sympathized with Zhang Ye, who deserved to be dead. , Generally don’t die, but you die.

Chapter 1487 is not unjustly defeated

Facing the domineering leader of Shang Jing’s Alliance Leader, there are more than a dozen quasi-emperor experts glare like a tiger watching his prey around , Even the top genius of Heavenly Wind Valley, Zhang Ye’s angry eyes couldn’t help showing a look of fear, especially when he heard that Shang Jing actually asked Zhang Tianfeng to come over in person and apologize,

The whole person that Zhang Ye scared was shivering.

Who is Zhang Tianfeng? That is the valley owner of the entire Heavenly Wind Valley, and even a powerful Heaven Grade quasi-emperor, and the Chamber of Commerce that can make Heavenly-grade quasi-emperor come to apologize personally, how powerful is the hidden power in it, even a fool. It can be seen. And he just wanted to use the reputation of Heavenly Wind Valley to threaten Chamber of Commerce


Zhang Ye finally woke up at this time, Ye Fei must have been holding back bad, and wanted to fix him, so he deliberately slapped him in public, making him angry and lose his reason, forbearance He couldn’t help but shot, and once he shot, he was caught in Ye Fei’s trap and offended Chamber of Commerce.

With Shangjing’s domineering side, naturally he will not be polite to Zhang Ye. Besides, with the strength of Chamber of Commerce, he is not afraid to offend Heavenly Wind Valley at all.

Awakening to this point, Zhang Yeqi’s anger turned into a dark flame, and he almost fell into a demon on the spot. He finally trembled, and his eyes looked at Ye Fei deeply with bitterness. At a glance, he was helpless under the gaze of a dozen quasi emperors full of murderous intention.

The top genius of dignified Heavenly Wind Valley, Zhang First Young Master, didn’t even dare to put a fart in the end. He turned and left with extreme suffocation. He was walking, and his figure was a little shaky.

Zhang Ye is really so angry!

Several geniuses of the quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family also watched with sympathy and left Zhang Ye.

“Heavenly Wind Valley’s top genius, should have been a focal point of ten thousands, and the scenery is boundless. As a result, Zhang Ye was so embarrassed. It was miserable to be beaten in the face, and he was embarrassed in public.”

“His, I can’t think of Ye Fei, the demon saint, it was so terrifying, but fortunately we did not offend him…”

These geniuses of the quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family saw Zhang Tianfeng’s embarrassment with his own eyes And desolate, although Zhang Tianfeng did his own death for this, most of it was Ye Fei’s credit. They immediately decided to pay attention and never offend anyone offending Ye Fei in the future.

It was Ye Fei’s method and it scared them all.

Away Zhang Tianfeng, Shang Jing’s domineering gaze, and fiercely staring at Ye Fei fiercely, “Ye Fei, courage is not small, dare to use this Fairy being used as a tool?”


“Fairy elder sister, how can it be, this is simply a coincidence.” Ye Fei’s face looked like honest and timid, and the group of quasi-Imperial Capital who listened to it was shocked, and then secretly cursed the kid shameless. So cheeky, I went to shoot the flattery of the Alliance Leader.

Of course for this flattery, Shang Jing feels very comfortable. Which woman does not love beauty, and where does the woman want to be younger.

Ye Fei is just a few words, but including these two points, Shang Jing listened more eagerly, “Little Brat is quite honest, but why did you conflict with Zhang Ye again? , You still fight?” Shang Jing was in a good mood, but did not forget the business. An injured merchant Martial Sovereign hurried over and looked at Ye Fei with a weird look and said: “Reporting back to The Chief Alliance Leader, according to Zhang Ye, Ye Fei was in Small World and sneak attacked him, and it caused damage to Small World.”

“What, Ye Fei, you destroyed Small World? “Shang Jing was taken aback. At the moment of loss of consciousness, the spirit melon in her hand fell to the ground without noticing it.

A dozen or so members of the Chamber of Commerce looked at Ye Fei in shock.

Looking at the expressions of these people, Ye Fei became more sure that the spiritual flowers transformed by Shang Jiu must have great secrets.

Ye Fei admitted frankly: “I destroyed the nebula of Small World. For this, please forgive me from the Alliance Leader.”

“What, you actually destroyed the nebula … Could it be that you passed…” Shang Third Master suddenly trembled with excitement.

Shang Jing, who came back to his senses, immediately took out a spirit melon and forcibly blocked the big mouth of Shang Third Master, and then “calmly” praised Ye Fei: ” Little Brat did a good job, go back with this Fairy elder sister, let’s have a good chat.”


Ye Fei didn’t expect, he said flattery casually, Shangluo, the aunt, was really rude, changed his name, he was speechless for a while.

Martial Sovereign next to it cautiously also reminded in a low voice: “General Alliance Leader, the Small World destroyed by Young Master Ye……”

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