The so-called slave imprint is the special witchcraft used by the shaman to control other races. Anything controlled by the slave imprint is the slave of the entire shaman tribe, which can be killed by the shaman arbitrarily, even Trading, exchange, and status are very miserable.

In my memory, many half-witches will be planted with slave marks and become slaves to other wizards for life.

Shang Jing also said miserably: “Yes, this is the slave mark, and it is also the nightmare of our businessmen. This kind of slave mark was planted for us by our ancestors and passed on from generation to generation along with the bloodline. Once someone awakens the wizard bloodline, that person will immediately become a witch slave!”

“Such a slave mark can only be solved by the great witch! But the problem is that Shang Jiu is dead, so he only stays Are you sure that you can get rid of the slave mark?” Ye Fei hesitated.

Shang Jing’s eyes flashed with firmness, said solemnly: “The flower of the spirit must be solved. If it can’t be solved, then I have to be cruel and kill Shangluo myself!”

“Shangluo, what is it about her, wait, Shangluo is also a wizard bloodline, and Shangluo’s within the body also has a slave mark?” Ye Fei startled. At this time, Shang Third Master also painfully nodded and said: “My business’s wizard bloodline is difficult for men to solve, but women are easy to awaken! And Lolo’s bloodline is the rarest pure wizard bloodline in my business. Once bloodline awakens, she will immediately become a pure witch, and once the witch clan finds out that there is a pure blood witch in our business, a powerful wizard will come and take her away, by the way It will go smoothly and ruin our entire business!”

Chapter 1489 Banshee Jing

“Unexpectedly, Shangluo turned out to be a pure-blooded wizard bloodline. That’s not to say that once she awakens, she will Will he become a member of the Witch Clan?” Ye Fei looked solemn. The wizard is the enemy of Heavenly Martial Continent. If Shangluo becomes a witch, then he stands on the opposite side of the entire Heavenly Martial Continent. As if knowing what Ye Fei was thinking, while letting the flower of spirit suck blood, Shang Jing explained to Ye Fei: “You are wrong. Even if Luo Luo’s blood is pure witch blood, she will not become a witch. , She can’t perform witchcraft like a wizard, but she will gain a very powerful characteristic

to weaken the witchcraft’s influence on her. The stronger her bloodline, the witchcraft’s influence on her The weaker it is. According to legend, such a bloodline can be raised to the limit, and can even be immune to witchcraft!”

Ye Fei was shocked again when she heard it. The so-called witchcraft immunity is all witchcraft. Both will be invalid for Shangluo. This is similar to his Purple Gold Tai Chi, which can resist all martial arts attacks! It’s just that his is martial arts, while Shangluo’s is the instinct given to her by bloodline.

Just a witchcraft immunity can make wizards feel deep despair when facing Shangluo. It is no wonder that Shang Jing would say that once the wizard finds that Shangluo bloodline is awakened, it is very possible to take Shangluo away or even eliminate the merchant directly.

After all, witchcraft is immune, and it is too strong for wizards. If such half-witches are completely destroyed, the status of wizards will be greatly shaken.

“Unexpectedly, the bloodline of the merchant is so strong, but are you sure, is this spiritual flower really useful?” Ye Fei looked towards the spiritual flower growing on Shang Jing’s arm, but saw that The flower has completely changed from a crystal color to a bright scarlet.

Shang Jing was absorbed a lot of blood. Her face was slightly pale, but her spirit was full of excitement. Shang Third Master also looked nervously at the spiritual flower on Shang Jing’s arm.

This lasted for about an hour. I didn’t see the flower of the spirit for a long time, and the movement of the slave mark was lifted. The third Master Shang didn’t dare to breathe, and Ye Fei also began to worry. The flower sucks blood endlessly, will the upper meridian lose too much blood and die.

Shang Jing’s body has been on the verge of collapse. At this time, the spiritual flower that was blood dyed red suddenly burst out with a layer of blue light. These lights emit a peculiar Spiritual Fluctuation, which seems to be able to change the rules of heaven and earth. Originally, the petals are extremely strong. The bad luck breath suddenly turned into a black mist and disappeared in the air.

The blood that was absorbed at the same time also poured into Shang Jing’s within the body from the flower of the spirit, so that Shang Jing’s qi and blood within the body became vigorous again. Finally, these qi and blood were used Formed an invisible mental shock, fiercely’s moved towards Shang Jing’s slave mark on Shang Jing’s forehead rushed in.


The slave mark received such a strong mental impact, and the stable Heaven and Earth Rule inside was immediately destroyed, turned into a black light, and disappeared into the air.

“Second sister, we succeeded! Luoluo is saved. Second sister, you don’t have to lose your family every day and eat melons.” Shang Third Master danced happily, and Ye Fei was also surprised. He had been Doubt, Shangluo was fine all day, so he held it, gnawing on the spirit melon, and didn’t get tired of it, and Shang Jing was the same.

Now it seems that they may be using spirit melons to suppress the bloodline of the wizard within the body.

The slave mark that has been troubled for many years is lifted like this. Shang Jingrao is no longer domineering, and she shed tears with excitement, and then she looks at Ye Fei with scorching eyes, “Ye Fei, the spirit of your body How many flowers are there?”

Ye Fei said: “I still have eight flowers on my body.”

He didn’t say everything. After all, there is one, which he has already refining, and the remaining two are also occupied by Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise. It is estimated that they will be eaten by now.

“It’s only eight flowers…” The merchant Third Master was a little disappointed. The population of their merchants is a bit large.

Shang Jing said with a smile very satisfied: “There are already a lot of them. The average great witch can only condense one spiritual flower at most, and can condense nine flowers in one breath. That is only the most powerful witch. The limit of ability to condense.”

“Nine flowers are the limit?” Ye Fei was stunned. He remembered that Shang Jiu’s seemingly condensed spiritual flower is twelve, right, there is one more thing… …Seeing that Shang Jing seemed to know the witches very well, he hurriedly asked: “By the way, the Chief Alliance Leader, have you ever heard of Golden’s Divine Sea?” Shang Jing suddenly looked angry, and said strangely: “What is the leader of the Alliance, you still call me Fairy elder sister, or like Lolo, you can call me aunt… But you are sure you are not talking nonsense. The wizard and the spirit of the wizard, Divine Sea, are all blue, and Wu Zun is White, the wizard god is black, so there is no golden Divine Sea at all!”


Ye Fei’s scared face was blue. If not, what happened to the golden spirit Divine Sea he formed?

Being happy, Shang Jing didn’t at all discover Ye Fei’s fault. She now focuses all her attention on Ye Fei’s remaining eight spiritual flowers. Shang Jing said seriously: “Ye Fei, you have just seen how important the flower of spirit is to our business. If possible, I hope you can give us all the eight flowers of spirit. Of course, I also You won’t suffer a loss, so let me give you two choices. One, our business

to buy from the alliance, but Fairy elder sister strongly recommends you to choose the second one, that is to marry us Chamber of Commerce!”

Business Third Master hurriedly reminded: “Second sister, Ye Fei is a man!”

“cough cough, this Fairy means, let Shangluo take you Marry in, so that everyone is a family…” Only then did Shang Jing realize that she had said something wrong and quickly changed her words.

Hearing this, Shang Third Master fainted.

Ye Fei’s bluish face turned even darker than the bottom of the pot on the spot, and then he said very firmly: “Stop talking, I choose the first one, I choose to sell!”

In the end, he really lacks a lot of Spirit Stones for cultivation. As for being married by Shangluo, he can’t agree to kill him.

“Really don’t think about it anymore? Lolo’s child is innocent and cute. He has covering moon and shaming flowers. He is more virtuous and kind. Don’t you like her at all? “Shang Jing refused to give up, she still wanted to work harder.

“Forget it!”

Ye Fei refused, and was even more certain that the person Shang Jing said was absolutely impossible to Shangluo. He took out four spiritual flowers, “Also, I can only sell you four!” “Okay, four flowers are four, but these things can only be reserved for our businessmen to use, and since Shangluo is away from The family ran away, this Fairy decided to kick her out of the house now. Since she has left the business, these spiritual flowers can never be used to save her, but Ye Fei, you and Luo are good.

Friends, you will definitely save her, right?” Shang Jing smiled, but that smile is clearly Banshee’s treacherous smile. Ye Fei is guarded against it, but she is still accidentally drilled by this Banshee. Kongzi, I could have left four, but forcibly, another one was cut off.

Half of Chapter 1490

Ye Fei was speechless for a while, and could only take out a spiritual flower with heartache. Since he knew the value of this thing to the merchant, if he swallowed it alone, then It became a mortal enemy with Chamber of Commerce.

Furthermore, even if he took out five, he didn’t actually suffer.

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