After all, that piece of wizarding world was originally owned by Chamber of Commerce, and the spiritual flower left by the great wizard of Shang Jiu was not nine, but twelve. Even if it was given to Shang Jing’s five flowers, the spirit flowers he gained from his strength were seven, which can be said to be a big profit. Of course, Ye Fei can only feel happy. On the surface, he still looks heartbroken and said to Shang Jing: “Fairy elder sister, I don’t know these spiritual flowers, what price do you plan to pay? “

Shang Jing seems to have made a lot of determination, staring at Ye Fei with piercing eyes: “If I sell Shangluo to you, how many spiritual flowers are you willing to produce?”

“What, the second sister is actually going to sell Shangluo!” Shang Third Master startled.

Ye Fei almost didn’t vomit blood, and quickly shook his head with a serious expression: “Fairy elder sister, we honest people don’t like to make jokes.”

“Am I kidding again, Anyway, that little girl in Shangluo couldn’t get married, so she could sell it early, and she would eat a piece of the spirit melon. Maybe she could make a fortune.”

Shang Jing was very unwilling and helpless Ye Fei refused too resolutely, she could only take a deep look at Ye Fei, and said seriously: “Then what do you want us to pay for Chamber of Commerce?”

“It’s very simple, I went It is a road to despair, I need a lot of cultivation resources! If Chamber of Commerce can provide me with these cultivation resources…” Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with expectation.

It’s also Shang Jing’s turn to be frightened. She shook her head violently, not even think: “No, the road to despair is called Death Road, which means we sold our entire Chamber of Commerce. It is impossible to supply your consumption.”

“Really not?” Ye Fei looked at Shang Jing in confusion, wondering whether the overall Alliance Leader was keeping the price down or telling the truth.

Shang Jing said with a bitter smile: “I knew you didn’t believe it, but after Lolo found out that you were a man of heaven, we, Chamber of Commerce, investigated you in detail, and by the way I’ve investigated your path of despair, Xiaosan, take that note.”

“Little San?” Ye Fei gave Shang Third Master a weird look.

Shang Third Master had a black face, and was quite depressed by this name, but he still walked into the void. After a short while, the void split, and Shang Third Master walked out holding a black notebook. Pass it to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei took a look and found that it was a cultivation notebook with many cultivation tips written on it, and these tips are all about the introduction and analysis of the road to despair.

“This is…”

He looked at Brother’s notebook with some surprise. “This is our Chamber of Commerce, an auction item we got by chance. The record above is Ancient Era, a Martial God, who studied the road to despair, and the total amount of resources required for each breakthrough, such as you For the fourth time breakthrough, it will take hundreds of billions of high grade Spirit Stone, and for the fifth time,

it needs ten complete spirit veins! For the sixth time, it requires 100 complete spirit veins. ! With so many spirit veins, if our Chamber of Commerce is taken out, will we lose our fortune in no minute?”

Shang Jing smiled bitterly, otherwise she would not have thought that Shangluo would be forced to Ye Fei. .

Unfortunately, Ye Fei not only has no vision, but also has the slightest incomprehension. Shang Jing was also speechless.

Looking at that notebook, it does record the number of spirit veins needed to integrate the power of the sixth despair, not the dozens he estimated, but after a hundred, Ye Fei’s face is full It was turning green for a while. Then I felt a numb scalp.

Only then did he know that when the power of despair merged into the back, what he needed was not a Spirit Stone, but a complete spirit vein.

“Damn, where is despair? It’s obviously a pitfall. Where can I get this hundred spirit veins?” Ye Fei’s curse was all over.

In this way, unless he dared to sack a few Aristocratic Family, simply don’t want to gather so many cultivation resources!

Seeing that Ye Fei started to shake, Shang Jing took the opportunity to sell again: “It doesn’t matter if there is no spirit vein, Ye Fei, you have to choose the second condition.”

“No need , I just want the spirit vein, the overall Alliance Leader. Tell me, the Chamber of Commerce can give me the maximum number of spirit veins!” Ye Fei said solemnly. He also gave it up.

After all, he has already embarked on the road of despair. This road can only be entered, not retreated. Either follow the same road or die on this road.

And seeing Ye Fei seems to have made up his mind, Shang Jing and Shang Third Master also sighed.

Shang Jing’s expression became serious and said: “One flower of spirit, ten spirit veins, five flowers, is fifty spirit veins, what do you think of Ye Fei?”

“Only fifty spirit veins? This is a little bit missing. Originally, the heavenly punishment was to redeem Lu Qing, but at one time, he took out fifty spirit veins!” Ye Fei is very depressed. Even now the spirit vein resources are tight, but This is too little. Shang Jing heard this wry smile: “There are already a lot of fifty articles. Our Chamber of Commerce is not a nouveau riche like a heavenly punishment Zhundi. Luckily, we can pick up the Small World of Holy Sect from Tianlei, and get the Taikoo Tiangong and a lot of spirit veins inside. Resources, I’m not afraid to tell you that the spirit vein that our Chamber of Commerce has, together, there are only more than one hundred and twenty! Now let you destroy fifty, we can bear The limit.”

In the end, the power of despair behind Ye Fei is not to absorb Spiritual Qi, but to refine the spirit transformation vein. Once the spirit vein is completely refined, then it is impossible Form again.

To be honest, Shang Jing felt distressed even if he took out so much. When he heard that Ye Fei cultivation would destroy fifty spirit veins at a time, Shang Third Master’s face also changed. .

Seeing the changes in the facial expressions of Shang Jing and Shang Third Master, Ye Fei sighed, and understanding the fifty spirit veins, maybe it is really the limit that Chamber of Commerce can come up with.

He can only nodded and said: “Well, you give me fifty spirit veins, I will give you five spiritual flowers, but don’t you want to sell more? I still have You can sell a few…”

Understanding the horrible consumption of the desperate power of cultivation, Ye Fei has no intention of leaving these spiritual flowers at all, but sells as much as possible. , In exchange for more Spirit Stone.

Shang Third Master heard a green face, and quickly reminded Shang Jing: “Fifty items are already the limit, second sister, can’t be impulsive anymore.”

My heart is moved, but knowing that Ye Fei cultivation will destroy 50 spirit veins once, even if the Chamber of Commerce is a big business, it is really hard to hurt.

She could only shook her head regretfully and said: “I don’t need a spirit vein, but we can use Shangluo as a mortgage, as long as you agree.”

“Forget it…” Ye Fei resolutely refused on the spot. This made Shang Jing and Shang Third Master both a little depressed. They felt that this guy was really ignorant. She didn’t want a good girl like Shangluo, but just stared at the spirit vein.

Chapter 1491 9-Layer vs. demonic path

50 spirit veins, without the Holy Son tower, Ye Fei can’t collect it. What he can do, Just stay in the Chamber of Commerce, buy time, and refining all these spirit veins.

“Ye Fei, during this time, you can use the mountainside of the merchant for cultivation!” Ye Fei can also be regarded as a help, let the merchant get rid of a big trouble, Shang Jing This Banshee spirit, who eats people without spitting out bones, is still kind, and specially found a wide land of cultivation for Ye Fei. But Shang Jing was easy to talk, and the other people in the business didn’t have a good face for Ye Fei. Ye Fei was a one-off. They asked for fifty spirit veins. Once they are given, the Chamber of Commerce will also strengthen great injury. Even if Shang Jing is the Chief Alliance Leader, when she made this decision, it also aroused fierce opposition from many merchants. There are even the juniors of some merchants who threatened to drive Ye Fei out of the mall. Of course, all these voices were suppressed by Shang Jing and the quasi emperors of the business. Others did not know that Shang Jing and the quasi emperors of the business, However, I clearly know how important the flower of the spirit is to the business


“It’s a pity that Ye Fei is too cunning. This Fairy personally did not get any advantage in his hands, but let him take advantage of my business.” When looking at each Martial Sovereign, carrying the mountain peak containing the spirit vein, flies towards the mountainside. Shang Jing has always been diligent and thrifty, keeping a family and making money. She still inevitably feels heartache. Then she took out a witch mirror with gnashing teeth and said: “This time the loss of the business is too great, and it must be earned back. Since this Fairy is a big goblin. , Then let that little fairy from Shangluo come out

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