Ma, must try to squeeze Ye Fei dry! “

“Second sister, you are too cruel. “Shang Third Master still said something fair for Ye Fei, but in exchange for Shang Jing’s angry eyes.

Shang Third Master could only silently sympathize with Ye Fei in his heart, and then take When a flower of spirit comes out, it runs into the void. Since the flower of spirit can dissolve the curse and the slave mark, the Third Master’s love for Shangluo is of course necessary to bring such treasure to Shangluo immediately.

The mountainside of the merchant is very large, and there is a huge basin in the middle. This place was originally the Martial Practice Stage of martial artist cultivation of the Chamber of Commerce, but at this time it continued to fall, falling fifty A mountain.

The bottom of these mountain peaks contains a complete spirit vein. Generally, only Martial Sovereign can move the mountain without damaging the spirit vein inside.

It’s just that the spirit vein of Chamber of Commerce is ready, but how to absorb it is a big problem. Ye Fei misses the Holy Son Tower that was looted by Shangluo.

“If there is Holy Son tower, I can directly extract the spirit veins from these mountain peaks and put them into the Holy Son tower to slowly refining. Now that there is no Holy Son tower, I must find a way to gather all the spiritual Qi of these spirit veins. Just work. “

Ye Fei thought about it for a long time, and finally came up with a bad idea. He first called out Dragon Tortoise and forced Dragon Tortoise to dig out fifty holes in the ground.

Then, each of these ground holes will be connected to a spirit vein, and then Ye Fei will let Dragon Tortoise dig through these spirit veins, so that the Spiritual Qi in the spirit vein will be dug out in advance through Dragon Tortoise The caves, continuously gathered together.

Finally, Ye Fei asked Dragon Tortoise to arrange the Spirit Gathering Array in the Holy Son Tower to cover the entire mountainside, so that it can barely form the inside of the Holy Son Tower. The Spiritual Qi context of the same space can still refining the Spiritual Qi of these spirit veins.

When all this is completed, Ye Fei suddenly feels that the entire mountainside seems to have become a Heavenly Paradise, everywhere Surging Spiritual Qi.

He waited until these Spiritual Qi reached a level of saturation, and then Ye Fei was sitting cross-legged and sitting in the middle of the Spirit Gathering Array. Here is Spiritual Qi’s most In strong places, through this Formation, he can clearly establish a connection with fifty spirit veins.

At this time, Ye Fei’s body seems to have become a vast ocean, and five Ten spirit veins, that is fifty rivers, flowed into his body from all directions.

“What do I need to cultivation? Although the War God Dao can allow me to fight across nine levels, I There are already three king-level domains, which can also greatly increase attack power. Now I am not short of attack power. The strongest attack is defense! Let me improve the demonic path first! “Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with determination. At present, his strongest, except for Taikoo Tiangong, is the fleshy body comparable to Emperor Artifact. If his fleshy body strength can go further, from the Emperor Artifact, the degree of Demi-God Artifact can be improved. So even if his attack is not strong, he has the ability to protect himself when he encounters peerless genius


Moreover, his space belt is also brought out from the Asura Palace The ultimate weapon, the Star Sword Embryo, is made of stars. The weight is amazing. If the Martial Emperor is hit, he may be injured and spit out a mouthful of blood. If he can swing freely, his battle strength will definitely increase to a level. .

“I just don’t know, whether the enhanced power of the demonic path on the 9th floor will allow me to use that star sword embryo freely. “

A strong expectation flashed in Ye Fei’s heart, and a little nervousness. Then, he began to calm his mind and silently absorb the amazing Spiritual Qi that was rolling in.

With the operation of the demonic path, Ye Fei’s body suddenly burst out with a shocking magical golden light. This is his flesh and blood glowing.

When Ye Fei entered the inner vision, he It can be seen that within his flesh and blood, countless cells have become one after another wonderful stars at this time. Some of these stars are bright and exude a dazzling golden luster, and some are as silent as dead stars. Silent and lifeless. But as Ye Fei sucked a large amount of Spiritual Qi into the body, and poured into the flesh and blood, these originally silent stars suddenly became terrifying black holes, crazy After absorbing these Spiritual Qi, in the end, these cells that have absorbed enough Spiritual Qi are instantly like other cells, and are full of powerful magic and amazing vitality.

It feels like a wild beast with a sleeping head, suddenly awakened from within the body of Ye Fei, the power of a wild beast is not terrifying.

But hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, ten When tens of thousands of wild beasts are superimposed on each other, the power is amazing.

Originally, Ye Fei cultivation success 8th floor battle demonic path, his within the body, there is one third cell , Became a star. When he started to break through the demonic path of the 9th floor, within the body, 2/3 of the cells have gradually been awakened, forming a special magical star.

The consequence is that Ye Fei’s weight is constantly increasing, and the density of flesh and blood is also increasing crazily.

At first, Ye Fei’s body is just comparable to the Emperor Artifact, although in Martial Saint Realm is invincible and unstoppable, but encountering a powerful Martial Sovereign, especially the ancient Martial Sovereign, he still has the possibility of injury. But with the brea of ​​the 9th floor of the demonic path kthrough, Ye Fei’s fleshy body strength, has once again been raised to an incredible level.

Chapter 1492 Going to the Fajia

“I have a feeling that, although my body is not able to break through the Emperor Artifact, it is difficult for the Emperor to break me. His fleshy body is defensive.”

cultivated For some time, Ye Fei suddenly opened his eyes and stopped cultivation. It was not that he didn’t want to continue cultivation, but that he found that the fifty mountains around The Spiritual Qi contained in it has all disappeared and turned into an ordinary mountain.

The spirit vein contained in nature is completely destroyed, including the countless Spirit Stones in it, all of which were swallowed up by Ye Fei’s flesh and blood cells, and turned into a pile of ordinary stone powder.


Ye Fei tried to stand up, but the entire ground couldn’t bear the weight of Ye Fei’s body at this time. Ye Fei at this time, within the body, Half of the cells are transformed into stars, and each star hides tremendous power.

The consequence is that Ye Fei’s body shape has not changed, but his weight has increased crazily. His body weight itself is comparable to a huge mountain.

When the mountain becomes bigger, it is not terrifying. If the mountain shrinks and all the weight is condensed into one point, the power can only be described as horror.

Ye Fei is like this at this time. He didn’t deliberately attack, but his gestures were full of explosive power. This is also the most terrifying place of the ancient war demon.

War demon, which represents power and destruction, is unstoppable, and demon is in the world!

“I can’t think of the 9-Layer battle demonic path, such terrifying, such a force. Now I have the confidence to wave the Black Sword freely.”

Ye Fei I really want to take out the Black Sword from the space belt and wave it, but when he moves, the entire mountainside is The earth shook and the mountain quivered. The ground is cracked everywhere, which makes people feel that this is not the ground, but in the ocean. The waves are up and down.

“It seems that before using Black Sword, I still have to adjust to my body.” Ye Fei gave a wry smile, then with a heart move, he called out Dragon Tortoise again, “Da Hei, You try to attack me?”

“Roar?” Dragon Tortoise looked at Ye Fei with some confusion, Xiaocao also extended the hand from the beast print space, touched Ye Fei’s head, and looked at Ye Fei Are you sick?

Ye Fei was speechless, and hurriedly said: “I’m fine, even if you attack, even if you hurt me, I won’t blame you.”

Dragon Tortoise has sharp claws. Incomparable, but it is currently the best test for fleshy body strength.

I heard Ye Fei say that it doesn’t matter if I was injured, Dragon Tortoise’s eyes suddenly brightened, and finally he waited for this great opportunity to retaliate against Ye Fei.

In order to repair Ye Fei a bit more ruthlessly, and a bit more retaliatory, Dragon Tortoise’s rare memory of bitterness and sweetness, but also a bit of emotions, then roared. Lifting the sharp dragon claw, he greeted Ye Fei’s body.

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