Zhang Ye proudly controls the giant wolf and is about to completely destroy Ye Fei’s domain, but at this moment, he suddenly discovered something wrong, and he used both Field, crashing into Ye Fei field, logically speaking, he should have an absolute advantage.

Heavenly Wolf worships the moon, and it should be right to crush Ye Fei’s domain and impact, and let Ye Fei suffer heavy damage, but the fact is that the three realms collide together, and who can do nothing? “How could this happen, his one domain can resist my two only true domains?” Zhang Ye couldn’t believe it. You know, even the only true domain of Ordinary Level can break the ordinary domain of the king level, even more how, This time, he was still the only real realm of two realms. They shot together, but it turned out that they couldn’t break Ye Fei’s common realm?

“No, you are definitely not an ordinary domain, and yours is the only true domain…” After all, Zhang Ye wakes up to the top genius.

Unfortunately, he woke up too late.


The stalemate in the three realms is just a moment, among which Zhang Ye’s Frost Realm can be returned unceremoniously by the counter-shock force of the Taiji Realm.

In the end, Ye Fei’s Tai Chi domain is not only the only real domain. At the same time, with the help of the spiritual flower, it has already been promoted to the king-level domain, even facing Zhang Ye’s two The only real realm of Tao, and the realm of Tai Chi is also unrelenting.

Ye Fei even took advantage of Zhang Ye’s stunned gap, and fiercely controlled the Tai Chi domain, smashing Zhang Ye’s frost domain, and only heard a loud noise, everywhere all is a broken breath of frost , Zhang Ye can no longer control his own giant wolf form.

He roared, with anger and fear, and suddenly rushed out of the broken giant wolf, moved towards the distance, and ran away. In the end, Ye Fei could use Tai Chi to smash his domain, If he can crush the second one, if he doesn’t escape at this time, then he really has only a miserable defeat.

“Damn True Martial Holy Son, damn heavenly waste, he actually condensed the only real realm of the king… Zhang Ye spit out blood crazily while running for his life, and at the same time, his eyes were already showing There was a deep look of fear. And the scene of his escape happened to be seen clearly by the oncoming people. These people are not others, but the quasi-emperor of the Chamber of Commerce who is responsible for intelligence. There are also Zhu Xiaomei and other geniuses from the quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family. They first discovered that Zhang Ye did not leave, but waited outside the mall, wanting to retaliate against Ye Fei.

I wish my little sister was a little worried for a while. I was afraid that Ye Fei would not be able to defeat Zhang Ye and might be killed by Zhang Ye. Only then secretly revealed the news to the Chamber of Commerce Zhundi.

Where is she? I would think that this battle would be so lopsided. First Zhang Ye was completely suppressed by Ye Fei in martial arts, and finally in the field of competition, he was completely defeated and could only run away in embarrassment.

“It seems that the top genius of the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family is not so good…” A genius of the quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family shook his head excitedly. But the moment he shook his head, suddenly the shadow behind him, At this moment, he broke away from his body and violently assassinated Ye Fei.

Chapter 1496 Assault

This scene shocked everyone, including the loss. The genius of the shadow’s quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family, and then he felt that with the loss of the shadow, his entire life and entire soul seemed to have been taken away by the shadow. His final consciousness was to see the shadow from behind him. He rushed out, then

His head was behind, rolling from his shoulders to the ground.

“Shadow attack? No, he is the Holy Son in the dark prison! “The merchant’s quasi emperor suddenly shouted, the recent black prison Holy Son is very famous. Not only is he a genius who revived from Ancient Era, after being sealed, but also because of his series of terrifying assassinations, assassination of the top quasi emperor Aristocratic Family Genius, assassinated Goddess Lu Qing, even he entered the Heavenly Dao Saint Court and assassinated a quasi-emperor. He left calmly in the encirclement of dozens of quasi-emperors and Martial Sovereign.


The most terrifying thing is that it is said that not long ago, Holy Son in the Black Prison had fought with peerless genius of the Valley of the Sword God, Xue Yue, the god of swords, and still left calmly.

No one didn’t expect , Just when the little sword god was looking for the escaped Holy Son from the black prison, this person appeared in the mall again, hidden in the shadow of this quasi-emperor genius, waiting for an opportunity, and launched an assassination of Ye Fei.

“Holy Son in Hell? This guy also appeared, or was he coming at me? “Ye Fei was a little bit stunned, and her expression suddenly became solemn.

This person’s methods are really weird. It is terrifying to hide in the shadow. What’s more terrifying is that even Xiaocao doesn’t feel it. The Spiritual Qi of Holy Son in the black prison fluctuated, and Xiaocao didn’t react until this person got out of the shadow and made a bold move.

But at this time, Xiaocao’s reminder was obviously too late, as Ancient Era was sealed. Peerless genius, the black prison Holy Son either doesn’t make a move. Once he makes a move, it’s a thunderbolt blow, killing people.

Ye Fei only sees a black shadow with cold light and blinking effort. , Appeared in front of him, and slashed towards his neck.

He was furious. Although he was preempted and unable to fight back for a short time, it was only in martial arts and in spirit. , He reacted quickly.

Almost at the moment when Holy Son shot in the dark prison, Ye Fei was also coldly snorted, and he launched the mental nebula in his mind.

” The sword of truth! “Ye Fei’s mind, the nebula turned, and a golden spiritual sword came out from within, but this sword was more real and brighter than that of the battle with Xue Yun. In the end, at this time Ye Fei’s spirit strength is already comparable to a formal wizard.

And to activate the spirit strength, there is no need to mobilize the Primordial Spirit. He is not afraid to be like Zhang Ye. Once he fails to mobilize the Primordial Spirit, he is very It’s difficult to counterattack.

This process of speaking of which is very long. In fact, it’s just a short moment. Holy Son in the black prison makes an instant shot, and Ye Fei instantly mobilizes his spirit strength to perform a thunderbolt-like counterattack.

Boom ka! The sword of truth collided with the shadow of Holy Son in the black prison, the invisible mental shock, and the incomparably real sword light, suddenly cut the shadow of the Holy Son in the black prison. Shattered, behind the shadow, there also appeared a young man wearing black clothed, expressionless, constantly backing away, avoiding the terrifying edge of the sword of truth



At this time, Ye Fei suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck. He touched it with his hand and found that there was a bloody wound on his neck. The sneak attack of Holy Son in the dark prison was a move, Breaking through his powerful Fleshy body defense, Ye Fei couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart.

Knowing this black prison Holy Son, unexpectedly terrifying.

But then, it’s just one A thick fighting intent burned from his body, “What is the ability to defeat Zhang Ye and other villains? If you want to defeat, you must defeat the Holy Son, this peerless genius, come here, let us fight! “

While speaking, Ye Fei has swiped the Spirit Sword, the dazzling sword gang, forming one after another terrifying waterfall, slashing the sky, and slashing towards the opponent’s body.

The black prison Holy Son sneered. In his hand, he held a dark dagger tightly, and suddenly filled the sky with countless afterimages, and at the same time assassinated Ye Fei.

“The shadow martial arts secret technique, the thousand shadow kill! “The emperor Zhun of the merchant said in amazement, because of his cultivation base and eyesight, he couldn’t see which one was real and which one was fake.

Ye Fei was surprised, but he didn’t take it too slowly. His forehead, the reappears of thunder’s reappears, and purple’s vertical eyes suddenly burst out with a terrifying divine light. This divine light suddenly made Ye Fei see through all the phantoms. In his eyes, only the body of the black prison Holy Son remained. .

“you think you can kill me, it will cost you a painful price! “Ye Fei releases sword light and whistling sword light all over his body. Together with the Taiji realm, it forms a Dao Void fantasy and real Taiji Sword map.

Boom ka! Sword map traverses the sky, suppressing everything, directly Beheaded to the black prison Holy Son’s body, the black prison Holy Son remained indifferent, seeming to have lost all expressions, and did not panic when he saw the body was discovered by Ye Fei. His free left hand suddenly clenched, and then a stinging pain Ye Fei, the rays of light of the Eye of Thunder Punishment, was beaten out by the Holy Son in the Dark Hell.

“The Dark Hell Killing Secret Technique, Flash Shadow Fist! “The quasi-emperor of the Chamber of Commerce seems to have a good understanding of the methods of black prison.

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