At the same time, following Holy Son’s flashing fist in the black prison, Ye Fei suddenly felt that his thunder-punishing eye had lost its effect at this moment. In his eyes, a single black The prison Holy Son suddenly became two, three, and then more than a dozen, each from different directions, killing him again.

Only at this time Ye Fei understood how terrifying and weird the killer of the black prison is. With this flash of shadow fist alone, it can confuse many top geniuses, making them unable to distinguish their opponents and can only let them go. Prison Holy Son, assassinated head-on.

But Ye Fei is different. The Eye of Thunder’s Punishment has no effect. He immediately Motionless As Mountains, and while putting away the Spirit Sword, both of his hands have been opened, forming an absolute Tai Chi defense, full of This sky.

bang! The dagger of Holy Son in the black prison appeared from behind Ye Fei’s side, and fiercely’s thorns were on the Purple Gold Tai Chi, so that Ye Fei’s Purple Gold Tai Chi suddenly shrank from the range of ten meters. Within a distance of one meter, Ye Fei can feel that even if he closes his eyes, the pitch-black dagger is so close to his back


However, the emergence of Purple Gold Tai Chi still blocked the terrifying blow of the Holy Son in the black prison, and Ye Fei also judged the correct range of the Holy Son in the black prison.


Ye Fei roared like a war demon. He was punctured and broken without waiting for Purple Gold Tai Chi. Suddenly, a layer of terrifying blood energy fluctuation erupted on his body.

The demon blood within the body, in this brief moment, completely awakened, and at the same time a Demon God illusory shadow of Three Heads Six Arms emerged from behind Ye Fei. The appearance of this Demon God is also Ye Fei, but it is extremely indifferent and full of infinite blood-reeking qi.

“Twelve Demon Gods cut!” Like a furious Demon God, awakened from a deep sleep, Ye Fei didn’t turn his head back, the Demon God behind him had already turned around automatically, with three faces and six eyes. Instantly locked the whole body of the black prison Holy Son, and at the same time, twelve big blood knives, with howling and murderous intention, were cut to the black prison Holy Son from different angles.

Chapter 1497 is all out

bang! bang! bang!

Twelve big blood knives. Like the twelve Blade Mountain of howling blood, moved towards Holy Son in the black prison, they blasted past. Ye Fei killing intent is boiling, like a powerful blood demon, the majestic demon blood, like the arrival of Demon God, is suffocating.

I wish my sister and the others, all their faces changed. Zhang Ye, who has fled to the distance, stared wide-eyed, who is the black prison? That was the ancient peerless genius. Under his assassination, they were the top geniuses of the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family. They all had a shadow in their hearts. At this time, Ye Fei could not kill the Holy Son in the black prison. /p>

Up and down!

In Zhang Ye’s heart, a trace of regret suddenly appeared, regretting that Ye Fei should not be underestimated, and completely offending Ye Fei. Now he just hopes that Ye Fei can die under the assassination of Holy Son in the black prison.

“Black Prison Holy Son, please stop!” The merchant’s Zhundi also said, Ye Fei has a great favor to the merchant, and at the same time there are four spiritual flowers on his body. Although it is not easy for merchants to snatch from Ye Fei, they do not want these treasures to fall into the hands of outsiders.

“Chamber of Commerce has always been neutral! The emperor of the merchant, you better not intervene in this battle!” Suddenly, on the mountain not far away, an old voice came from a hair. The grey-white old man was also the one who assassinated Ye Fei in Wind and Snow City.

That time, the old man did not succeed. Instead, he was killed by Ye Fei and dared not show up. He lost his face and greatly damaged the reputation of the black prison.

This time, Holy Son in the Black Prison personally took action to assassinate Ye Fei and also to wash away the shame Ye Fei brought to the Black Prison. For a killer like Old Yu, this is more than just a The battle is a sacred ceremony.

“Whoever dares to intervene in today’s battle will be my enemy in the dark prison!”

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Three more old men, silently, came out of the shadows everywhere, their auras are very strong, all of them are ancient Martial Sovereign, but they have the battle strength to assassinate the quasi emperor.

Zhundi, a one-person merchant, immediately did not dare to move. He can only comfort himself in his heart, and Ye Fei now has the upper hand. But just when these old men appeared, the indifferent face of Holy Son in the black prison had already revealed a touch of irritation. The dark dagger in his hand suddenly soared and quickly turned into a terrifying battle axe. The axe’s blade faced the sky, shattering the void, and also smashing the twelve big blood knives cut out by Demon God.


The rays of light of the axe blade is too strong, Ye Fei’s Demon God illusory shadow, it only hits the axe blade once, and it feels like blood within the body Flanging, and the axe blade of Holy Son in the black prison has cut the Demon God illusory shadow in half from the middle.

Touch! In the end, the axe blade was slashed on Ye Fei’s body. Ye Fei’s back was aching, and her body was full of golden rays of light, flashing everywhere, as dazzling as stars, but Ye Fei’s expression was full of Shocked, he didn’t expect, the weapon of Holy Son in the black prison, and the change that can do as one pleases

, which caught him off guard and suffered a small loss.

The same black prison Holy Son’s indifferent face, for the first time, showed a surprised look. It seemed that Ye Fei’s fleshy body defense was so powerful that he was exhausted. With a full axe, Ye Fei’s body could not be cut.

This also made Ye Fei inwardly shouted a fluke. After all, he has cultivation success and demonic path 9th floor. Now his entire body has already surpassed the Emperor Artifact level. Only the vital parts such as the head still maintain the form of the Emperor Artifact. If the Black Hell Holy Son is an axe, it will be cut. It’s his head, he must defend immediately, but just cut to his body

, he can carry it hard.

Furthermore, Ye Fei took advantage of this opportunity and suddenly turned around. In his hand, Spirit Sword burst into dazzling rays of light, and then this rays of light became a terrifying sword river, sword The energy whistled past, instantly submerged the Hell Holy Son in the infinite sword light.

“You are the strongest person I have ever seen, but you are bound to die!” Gungun Jianhe suddenly exploded from both sides, and inside came the indifferent voice of Holy Son from Hell , This is the first time he speaks, his voice is full of killing intent and anger.

This surprised the black jail killers who came here. “Holy Son actually spoke. It is a killer’s taboo to speak when assassinating opponents!”

“It seems that this kid named Ye Fei is out of the ordinary, even the always calm Holy Son, I was irritated by him.”

Kill! This world suddenly became murderous. It was the murderous aura of the Holy Son terrifying matchless in the Black Hell, which affected the surrounding environment. Then, the battle axe in his hand suddenly turned into a scarlet war gun and was taken by the Holy Son. With the infinite killing intention, he stabs forward and saw the spear glow passing by, this world

, all began to collapse, seemingly unable to bear this terrifying murderous aura.

“This is the ancient power of my black prison, the spear of the god-killing!” Holy Son said indifferently, and the indifferent pupil light stared at Ye Fei.

“Very good, is this your full power? But to kill me, you can’t, nor can the gods, the Octopus Dragon, kill me!”

roar! roar! roar!

dragon roar shakes the sky, eight dragons, with Ye Fei’s will, rushed out from within the body, I don’t know if they were affected by the spiritual nebula, this time the eight dragons are no longer It is illusory, but completely, from Ye Fei’s mental body, into eight terrifying dragons that are truly terrifying.

After that, the eight dragons, led by the blood dragon and the ice dragon, gathered together, the wind and the clouds changed color, and together they furiously rushed toward the god-killing spear of the Holy Son in the black prison.

Holy Son face revealed a trace of shock, but in Ice Dragon, there was a huge anger on his face.

“The ice field, that is my dark prison, the ice field specially prepared for Holy Son, actually fell into the hands of waste in this day!”

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