Little sister Zhu realized that she stared at Ye Fei’s behavior and was regarded as a nymphomaniac. She was so angry that she could hack people with battle halberd, so she simply turned around. Leave without saying a word.

The same is true for several other quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family geniuses. They all leave this place of right and wrong at the fastest speed, lest they be angered by Heavenly Wind Valley and Hell.

Of course, the Aristocratic Family genius who died by bad luck was constrained by the merchant’s Aristocratic Family and prepared to send it back to the other’s family. This can be considered a favor.

The merchant Zhundi hesitated for a moment, then walked to Ye Fei, sighed: “Young Master Ye, you shouldn’t offend Heavenly Wind Valley so cruel…”

” This time I’m very gentle.” Ye Fei shook his head depressed. If it weren’t for True Martial Saint Court, which bound his hands and feet, and killed Zhang Ye with his temper, would it only break Zhang Ye’s will?

While seeing Ye Fei clearly inflicting a terrible disaster and looking like a serene, the merchant’s quasi-emperor secretly admires Ye Fei’s courage, but at the same time he is extremely speechless, “This Young Master Ye He is really a fierce person. Fortunately, we Chamber of Commerce did not offend him.”

Originally, Ye Fei destroyed the fifty spirit veins of Chamber of Commerce in one go. Many merchants, even though they understand, But there were still complaints in my heart. In particular, Ye Fei only surrendered five spiritual flowers, which made some quasi-emperors dissatisfied. They did not think that they would use military force to snatch the remaining spiritual flowers from Ye Fei’s hands. Only after seeing Ye Fei and Heavenly Wind Valley, even the slightest don’t give face directly, the quasi emperor still resolutely dispelled the dangerous thoughts in his heart.

“Young Master Ye, since you are all right, then I’ll leave!” The merchant’s Zhundi politely bowed his hand to Ye Fei.

“Senior, go slowly!” Ye Fei also smiled and handed over to this person. His smile was very clean. The merchant Zhundi was very strange in his heart.

“In a big disaster, I can laugh so easily, this kid can be regarded as a nerve.” The merchant Zhundi who left, whispered.

Ye Fei also touched the chin, and asked Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise with some doubts: “Xiaocao, Dahei, did I get into trouble again?”

“Eh? “


Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise shook their heads affirmatively at the same time, indicating that the three of them are all good people and can only do good deeds. How could they possibly get into trouble.

Ye Fei feels that Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise are right. He is obviously an honest person. Even if he is pressed, he is still a very honest person.

“Honest man, how can I get into trouble? Even if I do something, I am too good to be jealous of others.” Ye Fei shook his head, no longer caring about Heavenly Wind Valley, but continued Follow the map and rush to the area of ​​Fajia.

Maybe it was a big loss, the black prison Holy Son did not dare to appear again, and continued to assassinate Ye Fei.

Along the way, it can be regarded as calm and tranquil. After about a month, he finally came to an unremarkable town.

But this small town is where the Fajia is located. The mountains behind the town are the Small World hidden by the Fajia.

Although the number of people in the town is small, the martial artists inside are very powerful. There are Martial Saints everywhere, and they often feel the breath of the powerhouse in the half-emperor realm, appearing here.

“As expected of the Aristocratic Family, this town alone is enough to sweep many empires. Not to mention the Martial Sovereign of the legalists hidden in Small World, the Emperor!” Ye Fei explored it with divine sense and didn’t find the breath above Martial Sovereign. He walked into this town, looked for a restaurant, sat down, and ordered a bottle of good wine. There are martial artists like him. Many, they either passed by or made a special trip to visit the Fajia, so every restaurant in the town is very lively.

At the restaurant, you can often hear a lot of information that martial artists care about.

No, at a table next to Ye Fei, a few junior Martial Saints dressed in the law school drank each other to relieve their boredom. They drank and sighed.

“Hey, things are really impermanent. Who would have thought that he was originally a minion under our hands, but now he flew up to the branch and became Phoenix, and he actually became the new Young Master of my legal school. “

“hmph, I don’t know what dogshit luck that Fa Yihai has gone, and he has awakened the bloodline. Otherwise, he would be a minion. How could he ride on us, tyrannically abuse power.”

“Yes, since Fa Yihai became the new Young Master, Mengyao Fairy, he has gotten closer to that minion. If I think about it, I feel unhappy!”

“It’s not just Chen Mengyao, haven’t you heard people say it? I don’t know what happened recently. The owner sent Fa Yihai many girls in one breath. Although they don’t have the looks of Mengyao Fairy, all of them are young. It’s the princess and princess of certain empires!”

“I rely on that dog thing from Fa Yihai, don’t you want to enjoy the best of luck in the future!” A young Fa master listened to him with envy and jealousy. I slapped the table angrily. The former minions now live better than them and enjoy them. Can they not be angry?

Of course there was that sober right away, and I quickly reminded: “Shhh, keep your voice down, be careful that you made a mistake, I have become a Young Master now…”

“Shit Young Master, since he is a Young Master, why hasn’t he seen his cultivation recently, but cheeky, begged the Patriarch for that many girls, and even more so, even Mengyao Fairy is about to fall into his Devil’s palm, the young master is not convinced!” The Fajia junior was obviously drunk and started to have a drunken madness. The other juniors didn’t look right, and hurriedly covered his mouth, and left the restaurant in a hurry, before leaving. He glared sharply at the other people. These ordinary martial artists who are not even Martial Saints naturally lowered their heads quickly, and forced themselves to forget all that they had just heard. Ye Fei also pretended to lower his head, inevitably a little bit puzzled in his heart. The Fa Yihai Patriarch did not urge Fa Yihai to cultivation, but he found so many women for him. This is obviously impossible because the Fajia’s attitude of cultivating the successor Patriarch is not good… the so-called born in trouble, Dying in peace, Fa Yihai might be imminent!

Chapter 1502 The drunken gold fan

Since he merged with the special bloodline of Fawudao and returned to Fajia, Fa Yihai has had a very happy life. He not only got the master of Fajia The absolute importance of Elder and other senior leaders has become the new Young Master of Fajia. Even Fajia Patriarch has made it clear that once Fa Yihai passes the Martial Sovereign disaster,

will recognize him as a son. , Let him inherit the position of Patriarch in the future.

This series of happiness made Fa Yihai feel so happy that he fainted. He felt that he had never been so happy before. He stretched out his clothes, opened his mouth when he was eating, and was full of Fa-school children who flattered him. Wherever they go, they are all with attendants crowding round, which is incredible.

Even Fairy like Chen Mengyao has come to look for him frequently recently. Fa Yihai is always itchy in his heart. Just like other Fa school children, Fa Yihai takes care of what Chen Mengyao did. A woman who has no way of living, although he covets Chen Mengyao’s beauty, he has never dared to really start.

The most important thing is that Fa Yihai never dared to forget that Ye Fei gave him everything he can get today, and Chen Mengyao, just like Ye Fei, is from the North. As a martial artist, Fa Yihai is even more afraid to accept Chen Mengyao. But soon, Fa Yihai began to forget Chen Mengyao. The reason was naturally the Patriarch of the Fa Family. I don’t know why, but suddenly she gave it to many girls in Fa Yihai. These girls all have the status of nobles, or The princess, either the princess, or even the daughters of Sect Master from Small Sect

. They all rushed to flatter each other and surrounded Fa Yihai all day long. Their purpose was self-evident. They all wanted to be the pillow people of Fa Yihai. This could make Fa Yihai happy. During this time, he too Not cultivated, I also forgot Ye Fei’s warning beyond the topmost clouds, and I was immersed in drinking and having fun all day.

When Fa Yihai was most proud of it, suddenly, a faint voice sounded in his heart: “Fa Yihai, come out and see me!”

” Young Master, why are you? You came to the Fa School?” Fa Yihai was startled, and suddenly there was a kind of dissatisfaction that was awakened by a dream, which secretly grew in his heart.

It’s just that Fa Yihai quickly dispelled this idea. In the end, Ye Fei gave him everything he can get today. Most importantly, he gave Heavenly Dao blood allegiance to Ye Fei. Oath, simply dare not violate it.

“Young Master, wait a minute, I will come out to see you.” Fa Yihai said in his heart.

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