But soon, countless pairs of arms entangled Fa Yi Hai from everywhere, Fa Yi Hai smiled bitterly, and suddenly decided that he was still slowing down. He had become accustomed to Fa Jia Young. Fa Yihai was very reluctant to let Ye Fei destroy Fajia’s orders in the easy life of the Master.

“Young Master, I’m currently cultivation, when my cultivation is over, I will go out to find you immediately.” It was the first time for Fa Yihai to be in the heart and actively cut off the connection with Ye Fei.

Obviously, with the improvement of status and strength, Fa Yihai’s ambitions are also burning like flames. He is no longer satisfied, just being Ye Fei’s pawn, and even he has been considering recently, What can I do to get rid of Ye Fei’s control over him.

It’s just that Fa Yihai doesn’t know. These thoughts of his have been clearly understood by Ye Fei. After all, the information he collects in the restaurant all day is not in vain. Through this information, he has already Have an understanding of the current situation of Fayihai.

“It seems that the pawn of Fa Yihai is a bit unobedient, but I also blame me. Since the Patriarch of the Fa family decides to deal with Fa Yihai, he will definitely find ways to break Fa Yihai’s fighting spirit, and the power And enjoyment is always the best way to dissolve the fighting spirit of others.”

Ye Fei said nothing, just picked up Fa Yihai’s blood bead, and squeezed it a little bit harder. Fajia Small World is now Enjoying the beauty of Fa Yihai pouring wine, suddenly his head was covered with cold sweat, and a deep look of fear flashed deep in his eyes.

Although a drunkard can disintegrate a person’s fighting spirit, but in the same way, even those who are degenerate will struggle to death when facing the test of life and death.

The same is true for Fa Yihai. The sharp pain in his soul made him feel Ye Fei’s anger and the test of life and death he faced.

Without any hesitation this time, I just found an excuse for being unwell. Fa Yihai hurried out of the palace where he had stayed for several months, and immediately left Fajia’s Small World.

The young girls in the palace watched Fa Yihai go away in surprise, and then most of their smiles turned into contempt and indifference. The reason why they choose to stay with Fa Yihai is because the Fa Yihai Patriarch assured them that once anyone can leave Fa Yihai’s heirs, Fa Yihai will do their best to support the family behind them and become stronger, but After seeing Fa Yihai’s abnormal departure, some people immediately walked out of the palace

and rushed directly to the conference hall of the Fajia.

And this scene completely fell into the eyes of Chen Mengyao, who was always staring at the Fa Yihai Palace, but seeing these girls, she clearly fell into the arms of Fa Yihai, but they always informed the Fa Yihai Patriarch. After the action, while Chen Mengyao was secretly shocked, she also felt very lucky.

Recently, she has clearly felt that the Fajia has rejected her. If it were not for her beauty, the Fajia would have regarded her as a servant. As a result, Chen Mengyao hesitated several times as to whether to make up his mind and plunge into Fa Yihai’s embrace like other women.

But now, Chen Mengyao has completely awakened, “The Fajia’s attitude towards Fa Yihai is problematic, and it’s right. Fajia values ​​respect and inferiority the most. How can they tolerate that a former slave has changed It seems that it is time to become the future Patriarch and leave the Fajia.”

But Chen Mengyao is still hesitating whether he should tell Fa Yihai this discovery in exchange for Fa Yihai’s trust.

Leaving the Fa Yihai of Fajia Small World, I was hesitating at this moment as to whether he should rush over and become a pawn in Ye Fei’s hands again.

Only Ye Fei didn’t hesitate. He felt that Fa Yihai hadn’t responded yet. He directly took the blood bead that hides a trace of Fa Yihai’s soul in his hand, and then gently crushed it. .

“Young Master, please spare your life!”

The pain of tearing soul finally made Fa Yihai terrified and compromised. What Fajia Young Master, what drunk fans, all Not keeping up with his life is important.

Fa Yihai was almost weeping bitter tears. He rushed out of the Legalist Small World and hurried to the place agreed by Ye Fei. Then, Fa Yihai knelt on the spot, all over with fear. Trembling: “Young Master, I am loyal to you!”

“Loyal? You will receive my order to push back and forth, you say you are cultivation, then the powdery fragrance of your body, and What’s the matter?” Ye Fei’s face was indifferent, and he felt that he was still negligent.

Last time he was just busy improving Fa Yihai’s strength, but he forgot that, many times, strength can change a person, but at the same time, it can also change a person’s heart. At this time, Fa Yihai’s heart has undoubtedly changed and fallen. Hearing Ye Fei’s lie on the spot, Fa Yihai’s face was deathly pale, and he collapsed on the ground in shock.

Chapter 1503 Awakens to your mind

Seeing that Fa Yihai did not speak, Ye Fei was more affirmed of his speculation. Fa Yihai really had ambitions, otherwise, he would not Would be scared like this.

“Young Master, are you really going to kill me?” Fa Yihai showed fear.

“I want to kill you, just smash your soul blood. It’s ridiculous, I’m saving you.” Ye Fei shook his head helplessly.

Although he is a little angry with Fa Yihai’s changes, he still needs Fa Yihai’s cooperation if he wants to obtain the spirit vein of Fajia.

Otherwise, he would not say that many at all. The moment he found Fa Yihai changed his heart, he could directly obliterate Fa Yihai.

However, in order to collect enough spirit veins and cultivation success War God Road 9th floor, Ye Fei decided to give this person a chance to survive.

“Help me?” Fa Yihai has a lot of grievances, except in his heart, he regretted it for the thousand and fifth times. It shouldn’t have been in the Martial God space when Ye Fei was limped by Ye Fei to the point Outside of Heavenly Dao’s blood oath, he secretly wondered whether Ye Fei was fooling him again.

Of course, being able to be fooled by Ye Fei so miserably shows that Fa Yihai really has no talent, and Ye Fei doesn’t want to play dumb puzzles anymore. He directly helps Fa Yihai analyze: “Fa Yihai, I’ll come. I ask you, since you became a Young Master of Legalists, what profound martial arts have you taught you?”

“No, the master said, my bloodline has just awakened and I still need to be stable. I need to wait 3 -5 years, wait until my bloodline is stable, and then teach me the faculty of Fajia.” Fa Yihai is almost subconsciously and began to defend Fajia. This made Ye Fei sigh secretly. Sure enough, Fa Yihai could be limped by him in a few words, and it was not without reason. Ye Fei shook his head and continued to ask: “I will ask you again, after you become a Young Master, can there be any Any legalist Martial Sovereign, come to urge you to cultivation, or let you get through the martial arts as soon as possible

Imperial Tribulation?” “No, but the Patriarch said, Martial Sovereign robs nine deaths and still alive, he wants Before the breakthrough, I should accumulate more and realize the half-emperor’s realm more.” When Fa Yihai said this, he instinctively felt something wrong, but he was indulged in the trap of gentleness before, and his mind seldom thought. /p>


At this time, after Ye Fei’s fright and analysis, Fa Yihai also felt that something was wrong. “Strange, Patriarch’s words seem to be perfunctory to me. But since he is perfunctory, why? Give me that many princesses, princesses?”

“Are you sure, they are really princesses and princesses?” Ye Fei’s voice was even colder. He was so confused when he saw Fa Yihai’s confused expression. Sighed, this Fa Yihai is also considered a strange work. Ye Fei said solemnly: “The Fajia is the most respected and inferior. If I were the head of the Fajia, I would never allow a former slave to become the Patriarch of the Fajia in the future, because that would break the current interest structure of the Fajia. , But this slave has the strongest special bloodline in itself. If I were the head of the legal family, what would I do?” “Support a slave to the upper ranks, and later become a member of the other quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family The laughingstock? Of course it’s impossible. Instead of me, I will find a large group of women and let you give birth to a large group of offspring. I just need to make sure that one of the offspring inherits your powerful bloodline, and I will find a way to adopt that

Heir, give him a makeover, let him inherit the position of Patriarch with a more glamorous identity, rather than as a slave descendant, and of course, it can be more ruthless…” said Ye, Ye Fei hesitated, but in order to completely eliminate Fa Yihai’s fluke, he continued: “Even I can use the secret technique to deprive the son of the powerful bloodline and transfer it directly to the direct descendants of the Fa family. In this way, there is no need for anything. Cover up, Fajia, you can avoid it

A descendant of a slave becomes Patriarch, Fa Yihai, you said, if I were the head of Fajia, what would I do?”

Ye Fei stared at Fa Yihai coldly. When he said, Fa Yihai’s face became paler. When he spoke, Fa Yihai’s face became as white as paper.

“No, impossible, my ancestors belonged to the Fa school, but they were reduced to the bottom because they made mistakes. How could the Patriarch treat me like this? What did I do wrong, what do I have, sorry Fa Home, I’m sorry Patriarch!” Fa Yihai collapsed on the spot. He couldn’t believe Ye Fei’s analysis, but he had to believe Ye Fei’s analysis. Various clues showed that the Fajia Patriarch was indeed perfunctory and also using him. It’s just that before, Fa Yihai was immersed in the trap carefully arranged by the master of the Fa family. No one reminded him, and he was unwilling to wake up from the trap of power and beauty.

Until Ye Fei, with a bloody language, awakened Fa Yihai, and finally let Fa Yihai, began to eyes opened, and saw what he had never seen before, which belonged to the darkest of Fajia one side.

It’s just that Fa Yihai is still a little unwilling to believe it.

Seeing this, Ye Fei is not surprised. Whoever he is, he has to believe in someone who suddenly treats your good person and hurts your heart, and he will feel a little bit resistant in his heart.

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