There is no way, Fa Yihai has already had a trace of ambition, and the head of the Fa family is very shrewd. If there is no reminder from him at any time, Fa Yihai may show his feet at any time.

Fa Yihai walked into the small town, and did not immediately return to the Small World of the Fajia to enjoy the land of warmth and tenderness. Instead, according to Ye Fei鈥檚 instructions, he directly disguised himself and went to the restaurant to get drunk, and Make a look of painful struggle.

Of course, Fa Yihai鈥檚 every move immediately has the expert of Fajia, and he conducts surveillance in secret. Originally, Fa Yihai couldn鈥檛 feel this, but Ye Fei raised some points. After awakening, Yifa Yihai was a little more alert, but could still vaguely detect some.

This also made Fa Yihai feel even more resentful towards Fajia in his heart.

At this time, at the restaurant, those Fajia juniors came again, but this time they were not depressed, but happily dancing.

They were drinking and talking excitedly.

“haha, have you heard, Fa Yihai that dog thing, I don鈥檛 know what went crazy, suddenly ran out of the palace and never returned!”

“hmph, A minion is a minion, which means that the mud can鈥檛 help the wall. This dog can run better. Anyway, this young man will never accept a minion and be our Young Master!”

“Hey, really I don鈥檛 know what the Patriarch thinks, such a minion, even if he awakens bloodline, it鈥檚 a shame to my Fajia…”


Fa Yihai was ordered by Ye Fei. Waking up, waking up to his own dangerous situation, but after all he came from the Legalist, and he still had a trace of illusion and reluctance towards the Legalist in his heart. But at this time, hearing those few Fajia juniors unscrupulously talking outside, the slave dog barking constantly, Fa Yihai suddenly felt a deep humiliation and anger. Under the resentment, he didn’t know where the courage came from, suddenly grabbed a wine jar and rushed to a law

Junior, a jar of wine, suddenly greeted the man’s head.

“Who do you say is a minion, who do you say is a dog…You say, you tell me clearly!”

The entire restaurant was suddenly messed up.

The people who secretly monitor Fa Yihai are also startled, and there is a faint anger in their hearts. They immediately charge ahead, shouted loudly: “Fa Yihai, you dog slave, what are you going to do, you If you want to rebel…Wow…”

Suddenly a tyrannical breath enveloped this restaurant, the accusation Elder, suddenly blood spout from mouth, kneeling on the ground in fear, “Patriarch, The old man knew it was wrong.”

“It’s the Patriarch!”

“Patriarch, let us be the master…” Those few Fajia juniors, they are just Martial Saint Realm. If he couldn’t beat Fa Yihai, one after another was beaten up and bloody. If it was someone else, then forget it, but the key is that Fa Yihai is just a slave, and they can’t stand it anymore.

“damned bastard, who allows you to come out to chew your tongue, talk nonsense, and pass the order on. From now on, all restaurants in the town will never allow any children of the Fa school to enter. Whoever enters will definitely not Rao!” The Fajia Patriarch was extremely angry.

He was still strange, his traps were so perfect. It was so secretive that even many elite children of the family hadn’t noticed his intentions. How could a stupid person like Fa Yihai be alert and almost escaped. The patriarchs of the Legalist family didn鈥檛 expect in their dreams. The problem will actually arise in the juniors of the Legalists. Regardless of the fact that these people have no martial arts talents, they are better than others in their ability to observe words and look and look at each other. They are actually vague. I realized that there was a problem with the attitude of Fa Yihai’s senior level to Fa Yihai

, and from this, they were unscrupulous, and they casually publicized their dissatisfaction with Fa Yihai outside.

“It is very possible that Fa Yihai was suddenly alert when he heard the sound of such wind. These few unknown and incompetent bastards almost broke the master’s plan!” The more he thinks, the more angry he becomes. , If these people are not a direct descendant of the Fa family, Fa Dongxuan slapped their hearts to death. He furiously faced the group of Martial Sovereign that appeared: “What are you still doing? I ask you to protect the sea. , Don鈥檛 you let this group of bastards insult my Legalist Young Master?


The Martial Sovereigns that appeared, then realized that they were spying on the first method secretly. Hai, it’s unavoidable to explain this suddenly.

Fortunately, the owner of the family is wise and flirty, so he changed surveillance to secret protection. A Martial Sovereign quickly pleaded guilty to Fa Yihai: “It’s because we didn’t protect well. Please also Young Master forgive me!”

“A bunch of dog things, Young Master is what you can talk about casually. Don’t kneel down and make amends to Young Master!” The remaining Martial Sovereign, even fly into a rage out of humiliation, walked over , Facing those few Fajia juniors, the big slap in the flace drew over, and they were all stupid.

Weird, they are right. Patriarch and Elder, don鈥檛 you wait to see Fa Yihai, a dog slave, why it鈥檚 abnormal now.

But there is no way, facing the anger of Patriarch, knowing that several Fajia juniors have caused trouble, he can only kneel down to Fahai in panic, and at the same time cry bitterly, and wailed: “Young Master, let go Let’s, we drank too much, and our minds are not sober…”

Looking at these people so insulted him, the owner just told them to kneel and apologize. The previous Fa Yihai might still be mindful. I am grateful, but after Ye Fei’s point, Fa Yihai, who has awakened, suddenly hated him, and he hated this hypocritical family that didn’t regard him as a human being.

“Get up all, this is not to blame you, I can only blame me as a slave, I don’t have the ability to get your approval.” Fa Yihai lightly saying. Fa Dongxuan snorted in his heart, feeling that Fa Yihai is showing signs of awakening, he hurried up, and personally took the hand of the minion, said solemnly: “Yihai, this time you are wronged. This is because the owner of the Patriarch has not considered it well. , I assure you that this kind of thing will never happen in the future. The future of Legalists can only rely on you. I am old. I will wait for you to inherit the position of Patriarch.”

“Patriarch!” The voices of several crying Fajia juniors have changed. With their insult to Fa Yihai, if this minion gets Fajia, they will definitely die and look ugly. Suddenly changed.

When I heard that Fa Yihai might become the future Patriarch of Fajia, even many Elders looked at Fa Yihai in awe.

Unfortunately, if it were a few days ago, the Fa Yihai Patriarch鈥檚 statement would not only resolve Fa Yihai鈥檚 grievances, but also touch Fa Yihai. Even if it was sold by Fajia, he would be willing , Help the legalist continue to count the money. The only thing that the Patriarch of the Fa Patriarch would not think of was that his opponent this time was not Fa Yihai, but Ye Fei. Hearing the Patriarch of the Fa Patriarch, he thought of such a method to fool an honest person like Fa Yihai, Ye Fei thought. Suddenly he was angry, and he immediately seized this opportunity to directly explain to Fa Yihai in secret.

Fan. Fa Yihai immediately knelt down like a puppet. According to Ye Fei’s instructions, he kept the thighs of the Patriarch of the Fa Family. He cried and said, “Patriarch, I know that the whole Fa Family looks down on me, but you are the only one who treats me. I have high hopes, and I swear by Fa Yihai that I will never live up to the expectations of the Patriarch. I will work hard to cultivation now. I want to learn all the profound martial arts of the Law. Please also the Patriarch must agree to my request.”

Chapter 1506 Luck is here

“Fa Yihai, you get up first…” Fa Dongxuan’s face is obviously a little stiff, he didn’t expect this dog minion, he dare to take the opportunity to ask for benefits .

“No, Patriarch, if you don’t agree, I won’t get up. If I want to become stronger, I must learn the profound martial arts of the Legalist school!” Fa Yihai is very stubborn, holding Fa Dongxuan. The thigh would not let go.

Dignified Patriarch, has ever been persecuted in this way, Fa Dongxuan smiled, but a thick murderous intention flashed in his heart, but considering that Fa Yihai still needs to leave an heir, Get his powerful bloodline within the body. Fa Dongxuan was still forcibly holding back his murderous intent. With a kind expression on his face, he forcibly lifted Fa Yihai up. Earnest and well-meant advised: “Yihai, you have to become stronger. This paternal master can understand it, but It鈥檚 too late for you to awaken the bloodline. You must be stable. Let鈥檚 do it for another three to five months. Wait

The ancestor鈥檚 injury is healed. I will personally ask the ancestor to give you detailed and thorough guidance. martial arts cultivation base.”

Fa Dongxuan still dare not let Fa Yihai learn the profound martial arts, otherwise, with Fa Yihai鈥檚 powerful bloodline at this time, once he learns the profound martial arts of legal school, his wings will be It will harden, and it will be a lot of trouble when the time comes.

Seeing that even so, Fa Dongxuan did not allow Fa Yihai to contact Fajia martial arts. Ye Fei was also depressed. He understood that taking the opportunity to learn Fajia martial arts, 80% had no hope.

But it doesn鈥檛 matter. His original intention is to rob the legalist鈥檚 spirit vein, martial arts and so on, it doesn鈥檛 really matter.

Hearing Fa Dongxuan’s rejection from Fa Yihai’s heart, Ye Fei had an idea and once again gave Fa Yihai a good idea. I had a strong resentment against Fajia for a long time. Fa Yihai immediately followed Ye Fei’s words and resolutely said: “Patriarch, as you said, my bloodline is not stable yet, and the cultivation martial arts is indeed inappropriate, so I want to borrow The spirit vein of our Fajia strengthens my bloodline, and the Patriarch is asked to allow me to enter the land of the Fajia

spirit vein.”

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