While speaking, Fa thumped and knelt down again, his attitude was more determined than the first time, making him look like he was really determined to be assisted cultivation is the same.

But for Fa Yihai’s hard work, Fa Dong Xuanfei was not pleased, and his face became a bit ugly at one time. However, he has already rejected Fa Yihai’s request to learn martial arts. If he is rejecting Fa Yihai, use the spirit vein Consolidate the bloodline, that is a fool, and know that there is a problem.

The ugly face was only for a moment, Fa Dongxuan showed a kind smile again, and on the spot he handed his Patriarch token to Fa Yihai, and said with relief: “Okay, okay, you I didn’t disappoint my Patriarch. You can go to the Spirit Gathering Hall of my Fajia for cultivation at any time with the Patriarch token.”

“many thanks Patriarch. Then I will go in cultivated now.” Fa Yihai said With great happiness, Ye Fei is also secretly happy.

The Patriarch of the Fa family smiled and blocked him, “No hurry, you are in a hurry to leave, your soulmates are more or less worried about you, you should go back and stay with them for a while, and wait for them to settle down. It’s not too late to enter the Spirit Gathering Hall for cultivation.”

“This, then all right.”

Fa was helpless and could only accept the token. At the same time, he quickly told Ye Fei of Fa Dongxuan’s decision. Ye Fei was speechless when he heard the decision. He understood that Fa Dongxuan’s old fox was indeed cunning and shameless.

He seemed to hand over the Patriarch’s token to Fa Yihai, indicating that he valued him, secretly, as soon as Fa Yihai returned to the palace, he would immediately be under house arrest and wanted to enter the spirit vein , That can be difficult. As for the Patriarch of the Legal Family, what he lost was just a useless token.

“It seems that if I want to seize the spirit vein of the Legalist school, I still need to take a little risk. First, I will lured the tiger away from the mountain by the legalist Zhundi and Martial Sovereign!”

At the same time, as long as there is no Patriarch and a large number of experts, Fa Yihai, which holds Patriarch tokens, will become more powerful than ever. At this time, let alone enter spirit vein cultivation, it is to walk out of Small World. No one dared to stop it.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei no longer gave orders to Fa Yihai, just let Fa Yihai return to Fajia in peace and wait for his news.

This wait is a full ten days. Ten days later, Shangluo finally brought the Holy Son Tower and rushed over excitedly.

Ye Fei also immediately began to make plans that he had prepared. He once again came outside the small town of Fajia, but this time, he was not alone, and Shangluo was still behind him.

At this time, Shangluo, already wearing a large black clothed cloak, was engaged in a “tragic” fight against Ye Fei, and the two continued to fight along the way.

The fierce fighting also immediately attracted the attention of the entire Fajia town.

“What’s the matter, who is fighting outside, the movement is so terrifying?”


They all answered with a huge white Tiger roared, then White Tiger Tearing the Void, mighty and domineering, that is, many Martial Saints in the town, they can see clearly.

Someone immediately recognized the origins of White Tiger, and was a little surprised: “It seems to be True Martial Saint Court Absolute Art. Is it the discipline of True Martial Saint Court that fights outside?”

“How is it possible that my legalist and True Martial Saint Court, incompatible as fire and water, and True Martial Saint Court’s discipline have such a bold amount to fight outside the Legalist Small World?” There are also martial artists who expressed their disbelief. At the same time, in the Small World of Legalists, Martial Sovereign was alarmed and rushed out immediately, wanting to see what happened outside. At this moment, the sound of fighting outside suddenly disappeared. At the same time, a young man wearing a black Purple Gold robe, holding a bloody sword in his hand, moved towards the town step by step.

He even shouted: “Holy Son in the dark prison, you are only this, did you send an imperial decree to kill me? Ye Fei is always waiting for you to fight!”


Ye Fei walked into the town, the powerful divine sense formed a terrifying coercion, which engulfed the whole town fiercely, and it was an inch-by-inch search, with a strong murderous intention in his eyes.

See this situation. Although the martial artist in the small town did not see the actual battle, he still roughly speculated what happened.

“It turned out to be the black prison Holy Son who assassinated Ye Fei. The two of them chased here all the way, but it seems that the black prison Holy Son, seemingly defeated, escaped here…”

“His, Ye Fei, the demon, is so terrifying. It is said that he had been in Wind and Snow City. The killer of the black hell did not dare to show up. Didn’t expect the black hell Holy Son to do it himself, but it was not him. Opponents!”

The martial artist of the small town discuss spiritedly, but looked towards the black-clothed youth that was blood-stained by Black Sword, the expressions were full of awe and deep fear.

But when they were frightened, suddenly, without knowing what was going on, they were using divine sense to probe Ye Fei in the small town. Suddenly his face paled, and he spurt a mouthful of blood. Not to mention, turn around and leave.

“That kid was injured!”

The half emperor of the Fajia was also hidden in the crowd. When he saw Ye Fei appear, he was shocked and thought that Ye Fei was Specially came to trouble the Legalists. But after hearing Ye Fei’s words, and seeing Ye Fei’s weak and embarrassed silhouette after vomiting blood, the Martial Sovereign of the Legalist, pupil light shone sharply, “Maybe, the luck of my Legalist is here, and it strangles Ye Fei. The opportunity is right here!”

Chapter 1507 Swears to Kill Ye Fei

Ye Fei has just retreated. The Martial Sovereign, the legalist, has rushed to Ye at the fastest speed. The place where Fei was injured vomiting blood, carefully check the blood that Ye Fei vomited. When it was discovered that it was a bite of black blood with strong toxicity, the Martial Sovereign’s eyes brightened sharply.

Originally, he was still hesitating whether to keep up with Ye Fei, the peerless genius in the half-emperor realm, many of them have the battle strength to kill the quasi-emperor. Although Ye Fei is not peerless genius, but the battle strength shown is no worse than peerless genius, otherwise Ye Fei will also be impossible to defeat Goddess Lu Qing.

If it was Ye Fei at the peak period, this Martial Sovereign had absolutely no guts to follow Ye Fei, but after seeing Ye Fei spit out Poison Blood, he was extremely weak, this Martial Sovereign Finally decided to take a risk, follow Ye Fei, also for the Legalists, eradicate a scourge.

Of course, while tracking, he also passed the news back to Small World at the fastest speed.

“What, Ye Fei was assassinated by Holy Son in the black prison, and he fought all the way to our place. The most important thing is that he and the Holy Son in the black prison fight both sides suffer. It is highly toxic, is this news reliable!” Fa Dongxuan was also shocked by the news.

In the main hall, a group of legalists Elder shook all of them, and their eyes immediately became as fierce and bright as a wolf.

“Patriarch, this matter is absolutely true. It is Fa Chengtian Elder, who has seen it with his own eyes. At this time, he is even more adventurous, tracking Ye Fei, Ye Fei did not notice his tracking!” Elder affirmed.

“Although Ye Fei is not a peerless genius, but this shameless collusion of Demon God is only half of the emperor’s realm, and has the battle strength comparable to that of the quasi emperor. If his strength is not greatly damaged, it is generally of Martial Sovereign Tracking is absolutely impossible to hide from his ears.”

“In this way, the head of Ye Devil must be seriously injured. Patriarch, this is a great opportunity for us to eradicate this devil!”

“Yes, there is no way to the law, it is just to die in the hands of this demon, otherwise, my family, why do we need to push a slave, as the new Young Master, Patriarch, it is better to concentrate the people and take advantage of his illness and kill him!”

The Elder who was present all spoke, and there was a fierce light in his eyes.

“Don’t you think it’s a coincidence. When did Ye Mo’s head not get hurt, he just went to our door and got hurt?” Fa Dongxuan was very cunning, always feeling this thing a bit weird. But without waiting for him to think about it, an angry roar suddenly came from outside: “Where is Ye Fei’s evil barrier? He killed the old man’s most important grandson, and the old man lifespan greatly decreased. This kind of evil barrier must be reduced. Completely eradicate, don’t give him any chance to stand up! Pass the old man order and call the legalists

All Martial Sovereign, led by the old man himself, the old man must kill him!”

The person who can have such a strong resentment towards Ye Fei is naturally the ancestor of Fa Tiantong, who originally killed Fa Wudao and made Fa Tiantong angry ten thousand zhang.

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