Later, Ye Fei forcibly pulled the four of them into the quasi-dimension, and almost failed to kill the old bones of Fatiantong on the spot. Since then, Fatiantong can’t dream it. Tear Ye Fei’s flesh and drink Ye Fei’s blood.

No, when I heard that Ye Fei went to the door of the Fajia’s house to courting death, Fa Tiantong couldn’t sit still immediately, regardless of the last Heavenly Tribulation, the injury has not recovered, he rushed in angrily. .

Faced with the anger of the people, Fa Dongxuan still had concerns and did not dare to express his opinions easily, but he quickly followed Ye Fei’s Fa Chengtian, and there was another good news. “Patriarch, I’m overjoyed, Ye Fei is extremely stupid. He didn’t know that this was the boundary of our Fajia. After being seriously injured, he didn’t rush to escape. He also directly blocked the Spiritual Mountain of the ominous beast of my Fajia and healed his injuries inside!, This is a good opportunity for extremely rare. It is to kill or let go. Please also ask home

The Lord will decide quickly!”

“What else is decided, this evil obstacle is the dead enemy of my Fajia, as long as There is a chance, you must kill, all Martial Sovereign, come with the old man, today the old man swears to kill this child!” Hearing the latest sound transmission, Fatiantong roared on the spot, other legalists, Martial Sovereign, too. Murderous intention pervades, followed by screaming wildly.

“Follow the ancestors and swear to kill Ye Fei!” Knowing that Ye Fei broke into the Fajia realm by mistake, Fa Dongxuan also showed ecstasy, loudly said: “Okay, okay, Well, this is really the blessing of my ancestors of the Legalist family, and finally let this kid fall into the hands of the master of the family, pass the order down, gather all the experts of my family’s family, chase immediately, must

to stop Ye Fei, remember, you must catch alive!”

“Catch alive, Patriarch, this may be a bit difficult.” A legalist Martial Sovereign is a bit embarrassed.

Fat Dongxuan said with a sneer: “No matter how difficult it is, you have to do it. Don’t forget, people who are abandoned in the sky are a waste on Martial Dao. They are just such a waste, but they are capable. Overwhelming countless geniuses, now even the black prison Holy Son can be defeated. Don’t you think there is a problem with this?” “Dong Xuan is right. There must be a big secret hidden in the evil obstacle, otherwise it will be a big fortuitous encounter, which is a pity. , The Spirit Mushroom girl, was refining by the wicked obstacle, otherwise, the old man can not only continue her life, but also go a step further and become a Heaven Grade field, but it will kill him, which is too cheap for him.” p>

His face was fierce, and he was worried about not being able to catch the grass and turning the grass into the Spiritual Pill.

Ye Fei killed the lawlessness, destroyed the Baili Empire, and even had a deep hatred with the Fajia. At this time, even if Fa Dongxuan calmed down and cunning, he learned that Ye Fei was seriously injured. The exact news can’t help but be moved. As for the other members of the Fa School, they are all red eyes.

Immediately, the two quasi-emperors, Fa Tiantong and Fa Dongxuan, led the team. There were more than 20 Martial Sovereigns from the Fajia, all with anger, and with murderous intention, rushing out of the Fajia. Small World, moved towards Ye Fei, the hiding place was killed.


In the small town of Fajia, Shangluo habitually took a bite of the spirit melon, and then made up his mind that he would never go out to do bad things with Ye Fei again. Ye Fei’s ability to pull hatred is too great. Stronger, only then showed a little face, and even led out all the senior members of the Fa School.

Of course, Fa Dongxuan still kept his eyes on him. When he left, he directly opened the Protection Formation Law of Legalist Small World, so that even if he confronted the emperor, the Small World of Legalist would also He can protect himself and support him until he takes people back.

The only thing that Fa Dongxuan did not expect was that his enemy this time was not from the outside, but from the inside. When he saw Fa Dongxuan carrying a large group of experts and chasing Ye Fei with grievances, Shangluo, who had pretended to be in the small town, immediately took out the witch mirror and told Ye Fei of the situation.

Ye Fei immediately told Fa Yihai about the departure of the Fajia expert. Fa Yihai was moved to tears on the spot, “very good, Young Master finally took action, I finally don’t have to worry, those women come to me at any time and want to take my bloodline.”

In the ten days to the palace, it is simply Fa Yihai’s nightmare. I know that these women are all coming to capture his bloodline. Fa Yihai still has a little bit of enjoyment. Everyday all is trembling with fear, secretly praying Ye Fei quickly rescue him from Sea of ​​Bitterness.

Fortunately, this day has finally come.

Knowing that both the Patriarch and Martial Sovereign are already not in, they are the half-emperor Fa Yihai, and finally he became hardened, and he was ready to leave this palace under house arrest again.

Not surprisingly, there was a martial artist from the Half-Emperor Realm immediately outside, and he politely blocked: “Young Master, the Patriarch said, during this time, you must cultivate in the palace…”

It’s okay for them not to say this. When they heard this, Fa Yihai felt the anger of being slaughtered as a pig, and immediately not even think, a big slap in the flace was pulled over. “Go away, since you know that I am Young Master, then you should know that I am the future Patriarch. The Patriarch token is here. Who dares to stop it? I will tell the Patriarch and kill your head when I look back. But when I think the Patriarch is Help you, or help me!”

Chapter 1508 Hunting down

Fa Yihai’s this slap was too timely. After all, the quasi emperor of the Fa school, Martial Sovereign, all They were all busy dealing with Ye Fei. Without the expert above Martial Sovereign sitting in town, the rest of the half-emperor really didn’t have the courage to stop Fa Yihai who suddenly became stronger.

They could only retreat to one side, let Fa Yihai hold the Patriarch’s token high, and directly broke out of Fa Yihai’s Small World. At the same time, they sent people to follow Fa Yihai and quickly took the Fa Yihai’s anomaly, promptly notified the Legalist Patriarch.

It’s just a pity that now the Patriarch of the Fajia is all focused on strangling Ye Fei. He and Fa Tiantong each took a large number of Martial Sovereigns, and rushed to the Fajia captive at the fastest speed. Outskirts of Spiritual Mountain at ominous beast. Martial Sovereign, the legalist who followed Ye Fei, had been waiting here for a long time. Seeing that the ancestors and patrons came with a large group of experts, he was even more excited and hurried to greet him: “Patriarch, ancestor, You guys are very good, the devil leaf healed in the cave inside, but this devil is very small

heart, I dare not use divine sense to peek.”

“hmph, there is no need to peek, since this evil barrier suffers from the black prison Holy Son, both sides suffer from it, and it has mistakenly entered the boundary of our legalist school. This is a thorough courting death. Pass the order and encircle Spiritual Mountain. Today, this Old Ancestor should take care of this evil obstacle and settle an account!”

Fatiantong’s eyes are red, if it weren’t for Ye Fei, he would have obtained the grass and refine it into a spiritual pill. Now, it was Ye Fei, who forcibly ruined his hope.

Fa Dongxuan’s eyes were also red, and he thought of his most outstanding son, the lawlessness. “My son is so good, so kind, and he was killed by this demon. It hurts my heart. The enemy of killing his son is absolutely irreconcilable!”

“Yes, absolutely irreconcilable!”

“Kill Ye Fei, pull out the skin of this demon’s head, remove his tendons, and use his head to pay homage to the dead Young Master!”

, Their bodies were covered with murderous intentions, they all selectively forgot that the law is innocent, not Ye Fei killed, but when the sneak attack Ye Fei was killed by the blood demons.

In their eyes, Ye Fei is also a demon. Since it is a demon, then they randomly put a few charges and then eradicate Ye Fei, which is also as it should be by rights. Immediately, Fa Dongxuan and Fa Tiantong led the team and directly killed the cave. The tyrannical divine sense penetrated the mountain directly, wanting to see the specific process of Ye Fei’s healing. It’s just that Fa Dongxuan and the others, despite being careful, they not at all noticed that when they entered the

close to this Spiritual Mountain, the grass and trees in the mountain seemed to have eyes and kept staring. Against them.

Through these plants, Xiaocao quickly sensed the approach of Fa Dongxuan and the others, and Xiaocao immediately told Ye Fei.

Within cave, Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly became cold. Said solemnly: “Fa Dongxuan and Fa Tiantong, two quasi-Imperial Capitals, are here? There are all Martial Sovereign experts, legalists. , This is clearly killing me! The grass, it did a good job.”

The grass immediately held up his head, shaking his horn braid, and looked very proud.

At this time, at the bottom of the cave, Dragon Tortoise finally dug a long tunnel, wagging its tail, got out of the hole, looking at Ye Fei eagerly.

Ye Fei and Xiaocao are very speechless about this, but considering that Dragon Tortoise needs to work hard later, Ye Fei can only bear the pain and throw a lot of Spirit Stones and watch Dragon Tortoise hurt there. Under the black mouth.


Also at this time, Fa Dongxuan finally took the people and surrounded the entire Spiritual Mountain, and then, two quasi emperors, more than 20 Martial Sovereign, all used the greatest strength, moved towards this mountain, and played one after another brilliant life wheel.


In the sky, more than 20 terrifying killing auras suddenly appeared, this aura, raze the huge Spiritual Mountain to the ground. Then smash the flat ground into terrifying deep pits, just like heaven falls and earth rends.

In the face of such a sudden attack, even peerless genius, without precautions, may be one strike certain kill, but the faces of Fa Dongxuan and Fa Tiantong are extremely ugly.

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