The Elders of legalists comforted each other while running away. Seeing that Ye Fei actually has a “Demi-God Artifact”, such a terrifying ultimate weapon, they are a little frightened just like the black prison Holy Son. The first reaction is to retreat quickly and not let Ye Fei kill them. Opportunity.

Ye Fei naturally smiled bitterly about this. His original intention, but with the Martial Sovereign of these legalists, he kept going around in circles, grabbing the spirit vein for Fa Yihai and buying time.

But Fatiantong’s sudden desperation completely disrupted his plan, so he had to use the immortal Sword Soul to instantly kill Fatiantong, the Earth Grade quasi-emperor, and he was also scared away. The remaining Fa Dongxuan and the others.

“Fortunately, the Star Sword Embryo can carry the Destruction Sword aura of the Indestructible Sword Soul. Otherwise, I might completely expose the Indestructible Sword Soul this time.”

But this is fine. As long as there is a Black Sword as a cover, many people will think that he can instantly kill the ancestors of Fajia by relying on the formidable power of Demi-God Artifact, without doubting his within the body , And also hide any secret treasures.

“Now, let’s see Yihai, whether the action is fast.”

Ye Fei was holding Black Sword, his face suddenly paler, and almost fell from the sky to the ground . In the end, he still can’t fully use the formidable power of the indestructible Sword Soul, and if he barely displays it, he will instantly empty all the true essence of his within the body. Otherwise, he had already taken advantage of Fa Dongxuan’s fright, rushed over, and pursued and killed the Martial Sovereign of the Fa family.

Chapter 1511 The family door is unfortunate

“The legalist Martial Sovereign has returned, Fa Yihai, quickly retreat!”

Seeing Fa Dongxuan escape Ye Fei is so decisive, knowing that he can continue acting, and he can no longer hold back the Martial Sovereign, Ye Fei can only quickly take out the Heavenly Dao blood bead of Fa Yi Hai, and quickly notify Fa Yi Hai to escape, as Fa Yi Hai can bring it. How many spirit veins there are, then only heaven knows.

After doing all this, Ye Fei immediately found a safe place and began to refining the Spirit Stone, which was not much on him, to recover his injuries and Dragon Tortoise’s injuries as soon as possible, and he also did it at any time Well, rush to prepare for support.

Seeing that Ye Fei did not catch up.

Fatong Xuan, who had escaped, suddenly woke up: “It’s not right, Ye Fei, since the Demi-God Artifact can instantly kill Zhundi, why didn’t he catch up and continue to chase us?”

“Patriarch, are we going to go back again and hunt down Demon Ye?” The Martial Sovereigns around are trembling in fear. Although they can’t catch up with Ye Fei, they all use divine sense, saw Ye Fei instantly beheading the ancestor of Fajia. It was harder to ask them to go back at this time than to push them to the guillotine. Fa Dongxuan’s heart twitched when he saw the horrified expressions of the people, and finally he was sighed, “I underestimated the demon Ye Fei. It seems that he brought us out, probably because he wanted to use the Demi-God Artifact

, kill us completely unprepared, pass the order on, and return to the Fa School at full speed. This demon has worked so hard to draw us out, and the Patriarch always feels uneasy.”

“The Patriarch has been worrying too much. The Small World of my legalist school has a solid Formation, and it is enough to resist Heaven Grade for a period of time. What major event can be produced.” There is Elder, but I don’t think so.

Fa Dongxuan felt that what this person said was reasonable, but he didn’t know why. Since the ancestor of Fajia died, his eyelids have been jumping.

Worrying that Ye Fei slowed down, he caught up with them and killed them. Fa Dongxuan still gave the order to die and brought a group of Elders back to Fajia at the fastest speed. Until I saw the safe and sound Fajia small town, and saw the same calm and tranquil Fajia Small World, Fa Dongxuan was relaxed, and said with a sneer in his heart: “That evil devil still claims to be a shit demon. That many kung fu, to lead us out, just to kill a quasi emperor of my Fajia who is dying of old

. I don’t have any brains at all. If it’s the master of the family, he will definitely send another one at this time. The elite and powerful generals of the team took the opportunity to attack Small World and took the Dragon Sect directly! hahaha……”

Seeing that the ancestors of the Fa family had all died in battle, Fa Dongxuan, the son, could still laugh, Fa When the Elders were in awe, they felt inexplicably at ease. Although Fa Dongxuan was cold and ruthless, he was still very courageous as the owner of the family. Before entering the Small World of the Fajia, he ordered in a deep voice: “Quickly let Fa Yihai come to see me, and in addition, give He is looking for fifty women! No matter what method they use, the patriarch must conceive the minion within a month. At least 20 heirs, as long as one of these heirs inherits Fa Yihai The powerful bloodline of the Fajia, my Fajia, will soon appear a powerful quasi-emperor!”

Obviously, the death of the Fajia ancestor still made Fa Dongxuan feel a certain crisis. At the same time, he He also obviously lost patience with Fa Yihai, from being tender, to completely cold-blooded.

No one speaks for Fa Yihai, and there are few eyes with affection. Most of their eyes are filled with apathy.

At this moment, I noticed the return of the Patriarch. A group of juniors from the Fajia school ran over angrily and complained to Fa Dongxuan: “Patriarch, you are back, you left. During this period of time, Fa Yihai almost turned our Fajia into a quarrel.”

“Asshole, isn’t the owner of the family watching him closely and not allowing him to leave the palace?” Fa Dongxuan was furious. The death of the ancestor of Fajia still made him feel sad. At this time, hearing Fa Yihai’s troubles, the anger in his heart suddenly had a goal to vent.

On the spot, he kicked a half-emperor who was responsible for observing the law and vomited blood. The half-emperor was full of grievances and cried out in tears: “Patriarch, I am wronged, that Fa Yihai has your Patriarch token in his hand, no one of us dare to provoke him!”

“What, that dog Minion, he even moved the Patriarch token!” Fa Dong Xuanqi’s face turned blue, and then I remembered that in order to stabilize Fa Yihai, he actually gave the Fa Yihai Patriarch token, but that was just doing it. Just look like.

Fa Dongxuan obviously would not have thought that Fa Yihai dared to take advantage of their high-level absence, holding act high and mighty due to the words of a superior, the fox exploits the tiger’s might. He couldn’t help being even more angry and shouted: “Quickly let Fa Yihai roll over to see me.” “Patriarch, I’m afraid it won’t work, then Fa Yihai didn’t know if he took the wrong medicine. He took your token and broke through. Not long after he went out, he suddenly came back, saying that he figured it out and was going to the Spirit Gathering Hall cultivation. What is strange is that not long after he entered the Spirit Gathering Hall, he suddenly went out again and ran directly to the Hidden Treasure Pavilion

Just before your return, the lord of the house, he suddenly didn’t know what he was going crazy, he broke out again, and wounded several half-emperors who blocked us.” The half-emperor said again.

They also felt that Fa Yihai’s behavior was too weird, so they hurried over to report, and when they heard this, Fa Dongxuan, who had always been cunning, was frightened and cold.

“What, the dog minion took the Patriarch’s token, first went to the Gathering Hall, and then ran to the Hidden Treasure Pavilion, do you all eat shit? Don’t you know that the place is Is it the most important area of ​​my Fa School? Who dares to go in without the Patriarch’s order?”

Many Fa School Elder were also shocked, and then before they asked carefully, Fa Dongxuan suddenly said At lightning speed, he quickly rushed into the Spiritual Gathering Hall. This was originally the place where the Fajia stored the spirit vein. Originally, there was a small spiritual river where Spiritual Qi gathered in the Spiritual Gathering Hall.

There is often a legalist Elder who cultivation in the spiritual river. ,

But at this time, the spiritual river has disappeared. The more than 30 peaks that suppressed the spirit vein, and even the slightest Spiritual Qi, are all absent. The legalists are frugal and save only after tightening their belts. The more than 30 precious spirit veins that came down have long since disappeared.

The surprise came too suddenly. It was a quasi-emperor like Fa Dongxuan. Seeing this scene, I was dumbfounded on the spot, and then a mouthful of blood, spraying an Elder all over his face, it was so dazzling.

Other legalists, Elder, also looked at the disaster in front of them in disbelief. Many people did not believe in evil and rushed to those mountains crazily, hoping to find even a spiritual vein or a spiritual stone. Unfortunately no, let alone a Spirit Stone, half a Spirit Stone, they can’t find it. Those Elders watched this scene stupidly, until Fa Dongxuan shed tears, and roared up to the sky: “Fa Yihai, a dog thief, my family for dozens of generations, the spirit vein that has worked so hard to preserve, you can actually get it right. That’s it!

You dog thief, why didn’t you die!”

“Oh my God, my family of the Fa family is unfortunately out of this scum! That many spirit vein, damn it! Dog thief, the evil creature struck by lightning, how could he swallow it!” “Patriarch, I understand, that dog minion must be in the same group as Ye Fei, otherwise the impossible Ye Fei will lead us out, Fa Yihai The dog thief immediately ransacked our spirit vein. Ye Fei has the Holy Son tower of the True Martial Saint Court. It can completely pretend to be our spirit vein without knowing it.


“shameless dog thief, shameless demon saint, my family’s thousands of years of inheritance, was destroyed by this dog thief once, the old man really hates to peel them, eat their meat, pu …” A few elders from legalists squirted blood, and they fainted on the ground in anger. More elders from legalists were crying and looting, like lunatics, and they kept screaming. .

Chapter 1512 The pots and bowls are full

The movement and noise in the Juling Hall are really too loud. Don’t say that Elder can’t hide it, it is Fa Dongxuan who speaks himself. Impossible to hide it.

The entire Legalist Small World was in an uproar. There were angry roars from the juniors of the Legalist school everywhere. It was a little bit more pungent, and it was a bit more of a curse. The ashes are willing. Looking at the empty gathering hall, at this moment, even if Fa Dongxuan is cold and ruthless, tears are streaming down his face at this moment, face upwards and roared in grief: “Ye Fei, you demon, you are so cruel It’s not enough to kill the quasi emperor of the Fa School, and you shamelessly instigated Fa Yihai’s dog slave

, a good dog thief, how could the owner of the family not be cruel in the first place? Damn him!”

“Patriarch, there is still too much time to remedy it. Let’s get together and kill the True Martial Saint Court directly to force Ye Fei to return the spirit vein to us!” An Elder was unwilling Roar. Fa Dongxuan heard it, and his fingers were shaking with anger. He slapped the opponent’s face on the spot and said: “You are crazy! True Martial Saint Court that Old Monster, but Heaven Grade Zhundi, Demi in Ye Fei’s hand. -God Artifact, with the attack power of Heaven Grade quasi emperor. Now True Martial Saint Court, equivalent to has two Heaven Grade

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