Emperor Zhun, do you want to kill the owner of the Patriarch ? What is your heart? “

The former Fa Dongxuan was very well-trained, filled with the gentleness of the young paternal master, but this time, Fajia’s loss was too great. First, Fa Tiantong burned the bloodline and wanted to be together with Ye Fei perish. Ye Fei was killed instantly with a single sword. Then it was the most important spirit vein of the Fa School and was completely ransacked.

There was no madness on the spot, it was already Fa Dongxuan’s restraint and rational enough.

Unfortunately, the disaster is not only here.

Just when the whole legal school was crying and cursing Fa Yihai, the dog thief was not good to die, suddenly an Elder remembered something and started again Screamed: “Not good, the dog thief of Fa Yihai, he not only came to the Spirit Gathering Hall, he also seemed to have gone to the Hidden Treasure Pavilion! “

shua! It’s okay not to mention this. When I heard this, the many Elders who had just yelled and screamed, their faces paled with fright. Fa Dongxuan even issued a wild beast. Screamed, his eyes were red, and the patron’s manners were ignored. Dishevelled hair rushed into the Hidden Treasure Pavilion of the Fajia at the fastest speed.


It is also the main place of the Fa school, the second only to spirit vein, usually Wu Elder Huang, who can’t enter easily. Helplessly, Fa Dongxuan oversight for a while, he actually gave Fa Yihai the dog thief Patriarch token.

Relying on the Patriarch’s token, Fa Yihai naturally swaggered into the Hidden Treasure Pavilion, not only looted the various Emperor Artifacts and Quasi-Emperor Artifacts inside, but also refused to release the large amount of Spirit Stone and medicine pill stored in it. Passed.

When Fa Dongxuan rushed in, what he saw was the empty Hidden Treasure Pavilion that was cleaner than those spirit veins. It was because he was the Emperor Quan, and his angry face was distorted. Yelled: “Dog thief, how dare you! “

Then it was a mouthful of blood, sprayed from the quasi-emperor Fa Dongxuan, with a strong anger, almost didn’t make Quasi Imperial Capital faint.

But Before Fa Dongxuan fainted, there was already a thump behind him. Several Wu Elder Huang fainted with anger. It was okay if they didn’t faint, Fa Dongxuan could barely hold it. As these Elders fainted, Fa Dongxuan spurted blood again in shame and anger, and fainted on the spot, but this also eased his embarrassment, otherwise, just this blow, the old face of the young patriarch, I’m going to throw it to the gutter


As the Fajia Patriarch and a group of Elders became dizzy one after another, the whole Fajia was full of chickens and dogs, panic and The roar of anger continued. Those who were not dizzy Elder, many of them were old and teary, so much so that they shed blood and tears.

There are countless Fajia juniors who swear with grief, must take Fa Yihai this The dog thief finds it out. He has to drag Ye Fei, the master behind the dog thief, and kill him ten thousand times.

The chaotic legalist doesn’t know it, it’s in Small World. During the chaos, Chen Mengyao finally found a chance to leave the Legalist school and quietly escaped from the Small World of the Legalist school.

Ye Fei, who was still healing, didn’t know that his act of looting the Legalist school was unexpected. Inadvertently, he helped Chen Mengyao, the canary, to fly out of the captivity of the Legalists.

It took a full half a day for him to deplete the Primordial Spirit within the body. It became full again, and then, he took out the witch mirror and contacted Shangluo, “Where are you, have you succeeded?” “

“This Fairy goes out, how could you miss it, Ye Fei, come on quickly, this time we made a profit. “Shangluo chirp chirp twitter twitter, I’ve never been so excited.

Ye Fei is speechless. Even if I make a profit, those spirit veins are mine. Why is this girl so excited? Isn’t she more than looted Fajia’s spirit vein?

The more I think about it, the more possible it is. With a strong curiosity, Ye Fei immediately rushed to the meeting place with Shangluo, and Fa Yihai naturally waited There, when he saw Ye Fei coming, Fa Yihai took out the Holy Son Tower and handed it to Ye Fei: “Young Master, fortunately, all the spirit veins of Fajia are here

Inside. “

“Young Master? “Shangluo is stared wide-eyed. She was very curious about Ye Fei being able to plant a spy in the Fajia. She was even more surprised when she heard Fa Yihai’s name for Ye Fei.

“Cough cough… I’ll tell you about this later, let me take a look at the harvest this time. “Ye Fei gave a dry cough, which also eased Fa Yihai’s embarrassment.

He couldn’t say that Fa Yihai was crippled and lame at the beginning, so he voluntarily took refuge in him. In essence, Ye Fei is still considered More maintenance subordinates.

The moment Ye Fei’s figure began to shrink when he took the Holy Son Tower, he quickly entered the inner space of the Holy Son Tower. Shangluo also took Fa Yihai with him and immediately followed Enter.

As soon as I entered, Ye Fei stared at the whole space in amazement, planted with large and small spirit melons, big and small, yellow and green, Ye Fei’s face was black One piece, almost thought it had entered the wrong space. Xiaocao also looked at these spirit melons curiously, and seemed to be very interested.

Shangluo powder blushed and forced Ye Fei’s eyes to turn and say: “You are not Do you want to see baby, No, those are the gains of this Fairy this time! “

Ye Fei only noticed that between the many spirit melons, there is still a clearing. Behind the clearing is the spiritual river running in the void.

Before the beginning, the spiritual river in the Holy Son Tower was even bigger, with 36 spiritual veins, exuding an astonishing breath. The spiritual river undulates like Dragon Snake.

“Only 36 spiritual veins , Legalists are too poor. “Ye Fei is very dissatisfied. This is still a bit big from the 50 spirit veins he needs.

“So many spirit veins are still poor? “Fa Yihai’s eyes widened, feeling that Ye Fei’s heart is too big, you know, just to bring out these spirit veins, Fa Yihai has been frightened until now. If it weren’t for being forced by the Fajia, he wouldn’t It will be so easy, and the betrayal of the Fajia is so thorough. Not only is it as simple as the spirit vein, Ye Fei also saw a large number of Emperor Artifacts, Quasi-Emperor Artifacts and other Fas’ treasures piled on the open space, enough to pile up a small hill It’s enough to make a Small Sect a strong Great Influence second only to Saint Court.

Chapter 1513 Patriarch’s Clever Strategy

Ye Fei only then knew that the Fajia’s The loss, how painful it is, the most precious spirit vein was emptied and it was miserable. As a result, even the treasure house was moved to empty space by Shangluo.

And seeing Shangluo’s enthusiasm, he still I’m really worried that Shangluo will sink down and turn from a female profiteer into a female bandit.

In the moral of a friend, Ye Fei thinks he needs to be a friend, and persuades Shangluo a few words, so he deliberately sighed. “Shangluo, I seem to be just asking you to take away the spirit vein of the Fajia. You robbed the treasure house of the Fajia. This is too cruel. “

“Hey, didn’t you say that the looting should be thorough? I remember last time, you even demolished the house. “Shangluo glanced at Ye Fei suspiciously.

Ye Fei blushed, and quickly coughed, ending his exhortation: “Let’s just come to discuss the allocation of treasures. Let’s talk about it first. These spirit veins are all To me! “

“Then all these treasures, this Fairy! “Shang Luo also said immediately, and he glared at Ye Fei, obviously suffering a big loss.

Only Fa Yihai is left, greedy standing aside, so many treasures, anyone will be jealous. He is no exception, even more how, this time he is still the biggest hero.

Ye Fei also understands this. Seeing that Shangluo wants to monopolize these treasures, he immediately shook his head and said: “No, no Fa Yihai, we will not rob Fajia so thoroughly, he must share these treasures. “

“Okay, does that mean that we should share your spirit vein? “Shangluo moved towards Ye Fei blinked and smiled sweetly. In that way, it was clearly a Banshee spirit who cannibalize people without spitting out bones. Ye Fei took a deep look at Shangluo, and realized that Shangluo is not a person who cares about these petty gains. As the Eldest Miss of Chamber of Commerce, she may not really value these treasures. Obviously, Shangluo came to help him so quickly and risked looting the legalists. The purpose of Shangluo is definitely not these treasures.


“Go ahead, what do you want! “Ye Fei asked directly.

“Four spiritual flowers! “Shangluo is right and confident. After all, these spiritual flowers are very important to the business. If it weren’t for Ye Fei, she might have grabbed it.

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