Leaving this order, the silhouette of the Human Demon Palace Lord suddenly disappeared from the Nether Bone Ship, using absolute power to pierce the void directly, like a bone beast walking through the void , Coldly and violently chased up.

At the same time, a few very strange quasi emperors rushed out of the bone boat. Half of their bodies still had flesh and blood, but the other half of them maintained the form of white bones, which was very terrifying.

Behind these quasi-emperors, there was also a team of special entourage full of corpses. Their expressions were very dull, but they were able to think and speak.

Fu Renjie knows that these entourages are all corpse puppets refined by the Human Demon Hall, and they are also the weapon for the Human Demon Hall to fight in the stars. Not only are there a large number, they are not afraid of life and death. They are the nightmare of many star sects. .

But Fu Renjie and these weird quasi-emperors didn’t know that when they mentioned Ye Fei, there was a corpse puppet among the team of corpse puppets with a wooden expression that seemed to show a hint of surprise. confused.


“Unexpectedly, the merchant’s Void Technique is so wonderful, it runs faster than Dragon Tortoise.” Ye Fei didn’t know until she was dragged into the void by Shangluo. Why did Demon Sovereign see Shangluohui Void Technique at the beginning and immediately hinted that he could not offend the merchant.

In addition to the wizard bloodline in the merchants, the most terrifying thing for merchants is this big Void Technique, which can enter the void freely, and is comparable to a portable Domain Portal. Once activated, you can run a distance of five hundred miles. This distance is almost the extreme distance of Dragon Tortoise.

But Shangluo was still very dissatisfied with this, and complained: “It’s all your fault. If it weren’t for your burden, with the subtlety of this Fairy Void Technique, you can run beyond a thousand li in one go. Unless Martial Emperor, others would never want to catch up!”

“beyond a thousand li?”

Ye Fei smacked secretly, and finally understood why not even Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family I am willing to offend the merchant. This Void Technique is too powerful. This is simply World’s First Divine Art. It is no wonder that Demon Sovereign, which is far away in the continent of heavenly demon, knows the existence of merchants.

However, Shangluo’s words still made Ye Fei a little unhappy, and he refused to accept: “If you dislike me is a burden, or else, you leave me and run by yourself.”

” No!” Shangluo’s attitude was very determined, and even more firmly grasped Ye Fei’s hand. Just when Ye Fei was slightly moved and surprised that the female profiteer of Shangluo could still say such heartwarming words, Shangluo thought about it and became more determined. Said: “This Fairy will never let go until your treasure is completely drained


Ye Fei’s face fiercely twitched, I really wanted to He threw it out to feed the dog. He thought about it and was serious: “Shangluo, I really think you should leave me behind and run by yourself…”


Suddenly, Xiaocao’s cry of fear came from the beast seal space. Ye Fei was taken aback. Knowing that Xiaocao must have found something, he quickly asked, “Xiaocao, what’s the matter? “

Xiaocao was very panicked. At this time, her small face became even more pale. He just kept drawing circles, but it was too excited to express clearly in a short time.

At this time, only Dragon Tortoise can be played.

“Da Hei, what did Xiaocao say, write it out!” Ye Fei reluctantly woke up Dragon Tortoise. The Spirit Stone that Shangluo looted from the Fajia was mostly eaten by Dragon Tortoise. It was even until Ye Fei woke up Dragon Tortoise, and Dragon Tortoise was dissatisfied with its eyes opened.

But after hearing Xiaocao’s words, Dragon Tortoise was like a scared ball, bounced from the ground, and hurriedly raised a small wooden token: “It’s terrible, there’s a very strong one. The very strong and very strong Zhundi came up from behind. His power seems to be able to penetrate the void and capture our breath!”

“What, penetrate the void, but also capture us Why Shangluo and I can’t feel the aura at all, even if it’s an Earth Grade quasi-emperor like Fa Dongxuan, it’s impossible to hide it from us, wait…”

Ye Fei’s forehead, Suddenly rolling down in a cold sweat, Fa Dongxuan was the Earth Grade quasi-emperor. When he chased him down, Xiaocao didn’t panic so much.

But at this time, Xiaocao only sensed the other’s Spiritual Qi fluctuations, and was almost frightened. What a terrifying enemy should be chasing after them.

“Could it be Heaven Grade Zhundi!” Ye Fei’s face turned pale at this time. No one knows better than him that Heaven Grade Zhundi’s terrifying has killed Fa Tian He already knows that the power of the ten 1/10000th of the immortal Sword Soul is equivalent to Heaven Grade’s attack power.

For this, he also used the immortal Sword Soul to instantly kill the Fa Tiantong who tried to fight him desperately. Since he can use the immortal Sword Soul to instantly kill the Earth Grade quasi emperor, the same, true The Heaven Grade Zhundi also has the possibility of instantly killing him.

What’s more terrifying is that the use of Indestructible Sword Soul is subject to conditions. Once used, it will take at least one month before it can be used again.

At this time, ten days have passed since he killed Fa Tiantong, and it was basically impossible for him to use the Immortal Sword Soul again.

“This is not to say that once the Heaven Grade quasi-emperor is chased and killed, I don’t even have the ability to protect myself, so I may be captured by the opponent or killed instantly! No, Shangluo, run quickly , There is Heaven Grade behind us, and the emperor will chase us down!” Ye Fei shouted loudly. “What, Heaven Grade Zhundi!” Shangluo’s face turned pale, even when he grabbed Ye Fei’s hand, all trembling, but Shangluo was not afraid; the current Heavenly Martial Continent, Martial Emperor cannot come out, Heaven Grade Zhundi , Is the battle strength of the cream of the crop. No one can beat it. Even the peerless genius that can exceed the tenth level will not work.

Ye Fei understands Shangluo’s worries, and he is also worried about the progress, but at this time, he still resolutely said to Shangluo: “Shangluo, you run away, and run first, this Heaven Grade Zhundi It’s for me, it has nothing to do with you!”

Shangluo said with a bitter smile: “Why has nothing to do with me? In Zhong Prefecture, only the Human Demon Hall will attack us Chamber of Commerce. Yes, they have long coveted the Void Technique of my business. If it weren’t for the Human Demon Hall always obstructing the starry sky, we would not have broken contact with the main clan of other continents.”

Ye Fei was a little surprised, The owner of the merchant is actually in another continent. The current business is actually just a branch!

He doesn’t need to be more serious, said solemnly: “This way you should run more. You go first, and I will help you break it.”

“If you can’t run away, mine Void Technique can only run five hundred miles at a time. There is really Heaven Grade Zhundi who can catch up. I can’t get rid of it at all.” Shang Luo smiled bitterly, not only did he not escape for his life, he also grasped Ye Fei’s hand tighter, and followed Xiaocao. Again, she was obviously starting to be scared.

Ye Fei took a fiercely look at her: “Life is dead, you are boasting!” Shangluo almost didn’t cry, but still vigorously said: “How did I know that Heaven Grade would be chased by the emperor? We, moreover, I am not boasting, my Void Technique can run 500 miles, my lunatic Third Uncle’s Void Technique. But I can run 800 miles, I aunt even more in one breath, shuttling through the void 1,200 Hundred


She originally intended to cover her bossing. Hearing Shang Luo mentioning Shang Jing, Ye Fei suddenly moved in his heart and secretly analyzed: “At this time, we are running away, with a maximum of 300 breaths. If Fu Renjie said right, normal speed, the Heaven Grade Zhundi needs a thousand breaths. To catch up with us! Maybe, we still have a glimmer of survival!”

Chapter 1520 Sacrifice of witches

“a glimmer of survival, you mean, we contact aunt , Let her lead someone to rescue us. Why didn’t I think that my business has a Void Domain Portal. Once opened, it can come quickly. We still have hope!”

Shangluo’s eyes are also Brighten up. She was frightened by Heaven Grade Zhundi just now, but with Ye Fei’s reminder, she quickly became calm. She quickly took out the witch mirror and contacted Shang Jing, “aunt, come and help. The Heaven Grade quasi-emperor of the Human Demon Temple, chase us behind! If you can’t make it with 700 breaths, then

We will really die!”

Shangluo She was still young, she didn’t want to die so soon, and she didn’t want to be turned into a corpse puppet by the Human Demon Palace. When she spoke, she held Ye Fei’s arm tightly and grabbed them all. after another imprint.

Ye Fei understands Shangluo’s tension. In the end, Shangluo has always been smooth, and the strength of the business has never allowed her to encounter any danger. Like this, she was suddenly chased by Heaven Grade Zhundi. It was definitely Shangluo. In the first crisis she experienced, it was normal for her to be afraid.

Not only is Shangluo afraid, but Ye Fei is actually quite afraid. In the end, Heaven Grade Zhundi can instantly kill his existence. If he is caught up, the consequences will be disastrous. At the same time, the news that Ye Fei ransacked the spiritual vein of the legalist family has spread throughout Zhong Prefecture and the Chamber of Commerce. Shang Jing was discussing this with a group of merchants, and suddenly heard the message from Wu Jing. Shang Jing was extremely shocked by the news: “Lolo, what did you say, the Human Demon Hall is blocking our business in the starry sky

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