Forget it, they still dared to rush into Zhong Prefecture and attack you directly! Great aunt wants to take people and kill these mice! “

Shang Jing was completely angry, and a deep worry flashed in her eyes. She immediately ordered the quasi emperors to say: “Turn on the Void Transmission Array immediately, and we will kill it immediately!” “

“But the overall Alliance Leader, the starry sky teleportation requires at least a thousand breaths! Even if it is a short distance transmission, it takes at least 800 breaths. “A Zhun emperor in charge of Formation stood up and said.

His words were also clearly transmitted to Ye Fei and Shangluo’s ears through the witch mirror.

Shangluo’s face suddenly changed. Bai suddenly turned his head and looked at Ye Fei seriously: “Don’t let Heaven Grade Zhundi catch me, you must kill me when necessary! “

Ye Fei looked solemnly, and suddenly grabbed the witch mirror, and asked Shang Jing in a deep voice, “General Alliance Leader, can’t you hurry up?” “

Shang Jing said with a bitter smile: “If I were still Heaven Grade Zhundi, I could transmit at most 700 breaths, but not long ago, I used the flower of spirit to crack the slave Yin, this also caused my field to fall from Heaven Grade to Earth Grade. Eight hundred breaths are already our limit. “

Ye Fei said with a more solemn expression: “Don’t your business have other Heaven Grade quasi-emperors, so even if you come here as the Chief Alliance Leader, you are definitely not the opponent of Human Demon Palace…”

He still underestimated the temptation of the spirit vein aimed at the emperor, and also underestimated the madness of the Legalist school. He would rather have the spirit vein robbed by everyone than make him cheap. At this time, the witch mirror has already heard The giant Domain Portal opened, the roar of the void, and the voice of Shang Jing rarely brought a trace of anxiety. She loudly said: “Don’t worry, even if I can’t, the old bastard of True Martial Saint Court will definitely do, Ye Fei, I don’t care what means you use,

must block the Heaven Grade Martial Emperor and run as fast as you can! In this way, Zhang Chunyang and I can rush to save you! “

Zhang Chunyang is the name of Dean Taishang. But in True Martial Saint Court, Dean Taishang is too prestigious, everyone is called the Dean of Ether.

Ye Fei’s expression is still a bit solemn: “The life essence of the Supreme Dean has been exhausted, and he can’t leave True Martial Saint Court. Can he really come to save us? “It will certainly be possible. Others may not be able to do it, but I aunt will come forward. Even if Dean Taishang dies, he will definitely come. Now, what we should worry about is before Aunt and Dean Taishang arrive. , How to resist the attack of Heaven Grade Zhundi. “Shangluo experienced the fear of at first, and at this time

was gradually calming down.

Ye Fei nodded, I feel that this matter is very tricky. In the end, Heaven Grade Zhundi can kill them instantly. I tried it. Even if the Human Demon Palace wanted to catch alive, it would be difficult for them to resist.

“Unfortunately, if you give me a period of time, the Heaven Grade quasi-emperor’s attack, I can definitely Block it! “Ye Fei regrets it very much at this time. It should not be so early to release the immortal Sword Soul.

Now he is in a desperate situation, but he has lost his biggest hole card.

Shang Luo is shocked. Said: “What kind of freak are you, even Heaven Grade quasi-emperor’s attack can resist. Are you like that, the ancestor of Fajia who killed? “

Ye Fei nodded, knowing that this matter cannot be concealed, he sighed and said: “Yes, I have a secret technique that can release Heaven Grade’s attack power through Black Sword. But this secret technique can only be used once, and then you have to wait dozens of days before you can use it again. “

The immortal Sword Soul is of great importance. Ye Fei doesn’t want to say, but can only push this matter to the secret technique.

“It is comparable to the Celestial Emperor’s secret technique attack, Why didn’t you say earlier, this Fairy is a witch, don’t you know that the greatest power of our witch is to lift all restrictions? “Shang Luo suddenly said with excitement, not waiting for Ye Fei’s consent, she bit her finger suddenly.

A trace of red blood turned into a flower of blood and sank into the void. The void was contaminated with Shangluo’s blood. It started to vibrate, and at the end of the void, a mysterious altar appeared.

Ye Fei has seen that kind of altar. It is the altar of heaven and earth that only appears when the wizard sacrifices. Shangluo used the blood of the witch to sacrifice, and the altar at the end of the void, at this moment, burst out a bright light of heaven and earth, falling onto Ye Fei’s body.

Suddenly, Ye Fei felt it. With his within the body, he was able to sense again, the infinite destruction aura sealed in Sword Soul of the Immortal.

“Unexpectedly, the restriction of the Immortal Sword Soul was really lifted! “Ye Fei looked at Shangluo in shock. The power of the bloodline of the witch is beyond his imagination. If there is Shangluo’s blood, then he can ignore the limit and inspire the power of the immortal Sword Soul countless times.

It seems that he knows what Ye Fei is thinking, Shang Luo’s face suddenly turned pale, and he shook his head and said: “Don’t count on me too much, I am not a pure witch clan after all. We witches can only sacrifice but cannot use witchcraft… …No, the Human Demon Palace is here…”

Although Ye Fei and Shangluo have been fleeing at full speed in the void, the strength of Heaven Grade Zhundi is too terrifying. This is the highest level under the Martial Emperor. Strong battle strength. Even some powerful quasi emperors can have the stunning battle strength that crosses the realm and slays the Martial Emperor. Although this kind of enchantment, at this time Heavenly Martial Continent, it will not appear, but 500 breaths The time passed, Ye Fei and Shangluo still clearly sensed that the void in the distance seemed to have a terrifying

rare beast, burning cold bone fire, constantly approaching them.

“Stop, kneel and surrender, my seat, forgive you… immortality! “Human Demon Palace Lord’s indifferent voice, like a thunder, burst the void, and also spread into Ye Fei’s ears. All Ye Fei’s blood flowed back, and the eardrums rumbling, like thunder. He and Shangluo They are all shocked at each other. The power of Heaven Grade Zhundi seems to be beyond their expectations.

Chapter 1521 Hyakki Yexing

“Not good, let’s run! “

Shangluo’s face is deadly pale. She grabbed Ye Fei and displayed the merchant’s most mysterious Void Technique at a rate of 500 miles per breath. This made the two of them form a lightning bolt rays of light, passing through the layers of void, constantly flashing forward.

This is a teleportation and terrifying secret technique that is more than the quasi-emperor’s teleportation. Generally, the quasi-emperor can only look at the void. Sigh. The strength of the Human Demon Palace Lord is very terrifying. He does not have the speed of Shangluo, but the bone fire around him seems endless.

These bone fires are burning, in the dark void, like a group of gloomy cold The Ghost Fire, the void exploded, and the speed of Human Demon Palace Lord was also rapidly increasing.

Four hundred breaths…300 breaths…200 breaths…100 Breathe!

“Finally let this seat catch you, donate the spirit vein, and the merchant’s big Void Technique, this seat, you can forgive your death sin! “

The distance keeps getting closer, the bone fire of the Human Demon Palace Lord burns more and more fiercely, in the divine sense induction, Ye Fei seems to see countless ghosts, from the field of the Heaven Grade quasi-emperor Only then did he see that the domain of the Human Demon Palace Lord turned out to be a very weird ghost world. That world was filled with countless souls. At this time, the Human Demon Palace Lord was burning these souls. The speed of his breakthrough actually reached a certain limit, reaching a more terrifying speed than Shangluo’s Void Technique.

Of course, this does not mean that the merchant’s Void Technique It was defeated. It is because Shangluo’s realm is still too low to show the subtlety of Void Technique.

“It would be great if I knew Void Technique. “Ye Fei has some feelings. If it were him, he would definitely run faster than Shangluo.

“Asshole, you still have my idea now! “Faced with the chase of Heaven Grade Zhundi, Shang Luo was nervous to die, where Ye Fei was still there, thinking about secretly learning her Void Technique, Shang Luo kicked Ye Fei out of the void with a single kick. However, her hands are still there. It’s to hold Ye Fei tighter and run faster.

However, Shangluo just held a sacrifice, causing a loss of vitality and blood within the body. She ran in the void for a while, and gradually Ye Fei has begun to lose strength.

Ye Fei still feels that it is most suitable for him to use the Void Technique. After all, he has eight Primordial Spirits. When it comes to the profoundness of the true essence, few people can compare Get on him.

“Da Hei, take us away! “

Seeing that Shangluo had reached the limit, Ye Fei punched the void decisively, and reappeared in the sky with Shangluo. This time, Ye Fei finally pulled Shangluo and ran away. Under his feet, Dragon Tortoise issued Roaring, the pitch-black tortoise shell is burning with the billowing monster qi.

The iron pillar-like tail also emits a jet of black smoke. This is the escape stunt of the evil monster, releasing the tail flame , Block the enemy’s sight, burn monster qi, and increase your movement speed.

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