
Dragon Tortoise roared, and in the blink of an eye, the speed was increased to the limit of six hundred miles. From a distance, it was like a burning black charcoal. , Rushed to the distance.

Shangluo’s eyes straightened, “This tortoise runs faster than my business’s Void Technique, damn it, why didn’t you take it out earlier and frightened me on purpose?”

Ye Fei smiled bitterly and shook his head, pointing to Dragon Tortoise and said: “Da Hei is desperate, and he can only hold for ten breaths at most. Unfortunately, I still have too little Spirit Stone on me, otherwise Da Hei may last longer.” /p>

“Can the Spirit Stone accelerate the big black turtle?” Shangluo eyes shined. She was cruel and took out her own space belt. It was directly a pile of Spirit Stones and fell on Dragon Tortoise’s back. “This Fairy has a lot of Spirit Stones! 1 billion, 10,000,000,000 are no problem!”


Ten billion is no problem? The number of Spirit Stones in Shangluo made Xiaocao’s ears pricked up. Dragon Tortoise was even more energetic. When running at full speed, he did not forget to turn his head desperately, and the big black mouth slammed into the belt of Shangluo space. Dragon Tortoise’s Spirit Stone has already been absorbed by Dragon Tortoise in one sigh. At the same time, Dragon Tortoise has gradually reduced

the slow speed has rebounded to a certain extent.

“This method actually works!” Ye Fei was a little surprised.

“Spirit Stone only, this Fairy is mostly black, eat more and run!” Shangluo didn’t care, her space belt was like a Treasure Gathering Pot, and the Spirit Stone was like a rainstorm. The crash-bang was poured out, but was unceremoniously swallowed by Dragon Tortoise.

roar roar roar!

Maybe because the number of Spirit Stones eaten is too much, the monster qi on Dragon Tortoise’s body has become more terrifying, and it actually burns in the sky like a torch.

“Stop this seat!” The Human Demon Palace Lord was so mad that he was originally at the speed of his Heaven Grade quasi emperor, even if Shangluo had the Void Technique, he would definitely be able to breathe after a thousand breaths. To catch up with Shangluo, immediately kill Ye Fei and capture Shangluo.

The terrifying speed of Dragon Tortoise made the Human Demon Palace Lord’s calculations go to an instant. A thousand breaths came quickly, and he still failed to catch up with the weird turtle ahead. The Human Demon Palace Lord, who hadn’t been angry for hundreds of years, also had an angry mood in his heart.

“I swear that once we catch up, we must stew this turtle! wu wu wu, wu wu wu…” The Human Demon Palace Lord suddenly made a crying sound like a ghost. In his ghost world, more ghosts rushed out. They swallowed and bitten each other, forming a hundred huge ghost Kings, carrying the Human Demon Palace Lord, such as Ghost King night walk, smashing void, and also let Human Demon The speed of Palace Lord, surprisingly, at this time, the breakthrough reached the limit of terrifying than Dragon Tortoise

The speed, even within ten breaths, had already rushed to the distance of less than 2000 metres from Dragon Tortoise. .


Of course, such terrifying movement speed also makes Human Demon Palace Lord unable to help Rinku spurt a mouthful of blood, but his expression is full of Excitement and murderous intention.

“Although we lost a hundred Ghost Kings, I finally caught up with you. This time let’s see where you run, hmph!”

Boom ka! Heaven and earth in this brief moment, violent shaking. Regardless of the injury, Human Demon Palace Lord directly photographed a white bone claw. This bone claw quickly became larger than a mountain. It shot to the sky, and the sky was completely shattered. He shot Ye Fei, a huge oppression , An invisible storm was formed, almost turning

the Dragon Tortoise the size of a mountain, and it was all overturned.

Kill! At this moment, Ye Fei suddenly turned his head. He took out the Black Sword again and awakened the indestructible Sword Soul within the body. Suddenly, an endless stream of destruction aura passed through the Black Sword and slashed forward. That invisible oppression disappeared in an instant, between Heaven and Earth, only Ye Fei’s Destruction Sword aura was left, cutting forward, and

together with the terrifying bone claws of the Human Demon Palace Lord, destroyed at the same time . “How could the attack power of the quasi emperor of Heaven Grade be possible!” Human Demon Palace Lord was shocked, and the whole person was a little confused. With his insight, of course, he could tell at a glance that Ye Fei did not produce a complete Demi. -God Artifact, it’s just a sword embryo of Demi-God Artifact, but it is this sword embryo that has exploded with an attack power comparable to Heaven Grade quasi-di?

Chapter 1522 Sword Soul Burning

Shangluo is also stared wide-eyed with a weird face. Although I know it in advance, I can see a sword embryo of Demi-God Artifact. The Heaven Grade Zhundi’s attack power broke out, and she was also shocked. This is obviously not what Ye Fei said, it is as simple as casting secret techniques.

Obviously, this Black Sword itself is a Supreme Treasure! However, she watched Ye Fei have such a Supreme Treasure on her body, and did not squeeze Ye Fei dry, Shangluo was suddenly frustrated, “Compared to aunt, I am still far behind. Aunt, when will you come to rescue? I…”

She missed Shang Jing a bit.

Ye Fei was speechless, and it was a critical moment. Shangluo couldn’t forget it, but he still squeezed his baby. However, Black Sword does deserve the title of Supreme Treasure. Not to mention that it is a sword embryo made by stars. The weight alone is enough to kill any quasi-emperor, especially Black Sword can withstand the destruction of the immortal Sword Soul. Sword qi, which also made Ye Fei, finally, just and honourable, reveal the power of the immortal Sword Soul

in front of people.

“Maybe, I can use the Immortal Sword Soul to support the Alliance Leader, and the Supreme Dean is coming! Kill!” Without hesitation, after destroying the bone claw, Ye Fei At the same time as his confidence increased, he immediately launched a counterattack, and the heavy Black Sword slashed forward.

“Gong Zhufa and… I sacrifice Chi Tian with my blood!” Shangluo uttered witchcraft, and she cut her finger again and offered sacrifice.

At this time, the two people no longer need verbal communication, and they can understand each other’s thoughts. Ye Fei wants to use the immortal Sword Soul to resist the Human Demon Palace Lord and delay time. Shangluo, It is to hold a sacrifice to lift the immortal Sword Soul and the restriction on Ye Fei.

hong long! With Shangluo’s sacrifice, at the end of the void, the mysterious altar reappears, releasing a stronger light of heaven and earth, which sinks into the bodies of Ye Fei and Shangluo respectively. Facing Shangluo, it was a seizure. Facing Ye Fei, it was a gift, given to him, he can ignore the restrictions and continuously use the power of the immortal Sword Soul.

This kind of power is difficult for martial artists to achieve, but for wizards who master the Heaven and Earth Rule, it is very easy and can do it.

“Trifling is only half the emperor, dare to oppose my Human Demon Palace, it is a courting death! hmph!” Human Demon Palace Lord is full of flames, his flesh and blood body, even at this time, It completely became a bone-like body, and then this bone-like body has swooped down.

The bone claws are sensational, with a howling cold light and terrifying corpse energy, they directly grabbed Ye Fei’s skull.


Ye Fei growled. He completely integrated the power of the immortal Sword Soul with the Black Sword. The original star sword embryo, at this moment, actually exudes Destruction Sword light out of terror.

Suddenly, sword light tore through the world, destroying the sky, and also destroying the sky. This is obviously only the attack power of the Heaven Grade quasi emperor, but the power it exudes has caused this world to be produced. There was an invisible tremor.


Human Demon Palace Lord’s bone claws haven’t grabbed Ye Fei’s head. The heavy Black Sword has already hit his bone claws first. The destruction of sword energy has exploded at this moment, Ye Fei A sword pierced out, bursting the void, and a terrifying void crack appeared. But at the most dangerous moment, the Human Demon Palace Lord suddenly retreated, and there was a white bone sword in his hand. He swung the bone sword, and countless tragic green bone fire broke out on it. The Human Demon Palace Lord was tall. Leaping high, the bone sword clasped in both hands has formed an infinite green flaming meteor, which smashed at Ye Fei like a torrential rain.

“Shangluo, get down!” Ye Fei didn’t change the color. Just when Shangluo got down, his whole body was already spinning like a spinning top, forming a terrifying Destruction Sword. Wu, centered on him, between Heaven and Earth, suddenly a sword energy storm rose up. This storm, with an infinite aura of destruction, instantly extinguished all the green fire in the sky. “What kind of weapon is that? It can release such terrifying Destruction Sword gas?” The Human Demon Palace Lord was completely shocked, but when he felt the Destruction Sword gas, he was faint, with a kind of fear. Shy, this is either his illusion or the hidden power of the Black Sword

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