
The vitality and blood are connected. As Ye Fei launches the immortal Sword Soul again, Shangluo also spurt a mouthful of blood again. The vitality and blood are weaker, but she still Can’t help but stare wide, looking at the Destruction Sword River cut out by Ye Fei in a daze.

“Didn’t it mean that you need that Black Sword to activate the secret technique? He actually lied to me and also lied to the Human Demon Palace Lord! We were all fooled!”

At the same time.

When Ye Fei destroyed the Human Demon Palace Lord’s life-and-death fight and took the opportunity to run away, Human Demon Palace Lord also forcibly rushed into the void crack with his powerful strength, and was completely void in the Black Sword Before swallowing, he successfully rescued the “Supreme Treasure” in his eyes.

When I thought that this Black Sword could explode with an attack power comparable to that of Heaven Grade quasi-emperor, Human Demon Palace Lord was so excited that his whole body was trembling. He was so excited. Originally, He is the Heaven Grade quasi emperor, and his power is even Peak that cannot be improved.

But the emergence of Black Sword gave him the hope of improving his strength, and even the hope of stepping on all other Heaven Grade Zhundi.

“hahaha, as long as you have this Black Sword, this Majesty’s battle strength, you can double it immediately, when the time comes, any Heaven Grade quasi-emperor will surely die under this sword! “Human Demon Palace Lord high-spirited and vigorous, even ignoring the heavy injuries he was torn from the void crack, the moment the Black Sword was rescued, Human Demon Palace Lord subconsciously acted to erase Ye Fei’s consciousness. Then imprint his consciousness on the Black Sword, completely control this Black Sword, and also

master all the secrets of Black Sword.

It’s a pity that Human Demon Palace Lord not at all succeeded. In the end, Black Sword is just a star sword embryo at this time. To put it nicely, it is just a precious material for the creation of Demi-God Artifact. Point, it is a heavy iron bump.

Usually, only a complete weapon can imprint the consciousness of the martial artist and become the exclusive weapon of the martial artist. It is like a stone. It is impossible to imprint the spiritual consciousness as well. I declare that this is my own. , That is not stupid, but purely ashamed. The Human Demon Palace Lord at this time undoubtedly did such a silly thing, until his divine sense did not find any Formation or Spiritual Qi fluctuations in the Black Sword, he suddenly woke up, he did not hesitate to die, The Black Sword that was just grabbed, is basically a broken stone that has no other effect except its incredible weight, and he has completely awakened.

Ye Fei can release the treasure of Heaven Grade quasi-di’s attack power, simply not Black Sword, Black Sword, but Ye Fei one after another kind of cover, and he is a Heaven Grade quasi-di, actually Unfortunately for Ye Fei, he not only spent a huge price, but grabbed a broken stone from in the sky.

Even though this broken stone is formed by the condensation of stars, the Human Demon Palace Lord still has an angry complexion, and a huge anger emerges from his body, “Ye Fei, I will not kill you, swear Not a human! Kill Kill Kill……”

The moment he discovered that he was fooled, the Human Demon Palace Lord had already gone violently on the spot. His huge skeleton suddenly burst out of a three-meter-high white bone fire. Then this bone fire, with the Human Demon Palace Lord, madly killed the fleeing Ye Fei with the terror speed of teleportation.

At this time, if the gaze can kill people, the Human Demon Palace Lord even hates to stare Ye Fei to death 108,000 times across the beyond a thousand li, so that he can vent his anger at being fooled.

“Da Hei, run quickly. If I get caught up this time, I can only throw you out!” Ye Fei felt the Human Demon Palace Lord approaching again, and his scalp was a little numb at this time. Up. It can only scare Dragon Tortoise and make Dragon Tortoise run faster.

And knowing the Human Demon Palace Lord behind, and the shameless Dragon Tortoise who was played by Ye Fei, he was so scared that he worked hard and crawled wildly in the sky.

“Big black, eat more, eat more and run!” Shangluo broke free from Ye Fei’s immediate imprisonment, and hurriedly sighed, and poured out millions of high grade Spirit Stone, regardless of Dragon Tortoise I couldn’t eat enough, but I urged Dragon Tortoise to eat faster. If I eat more, I can run fast.

hong long!

in the sky, there was a sudden violent tremor, and then a Domain Portal with divine light projected directly onto this sky from the starry sky, God In the light, a dozen silhouettes could be seen faintly, rushing out quickly from the inside, and then at the same time, killing the Human Demon Palace Lord.

“courting death! Who dares to stop, this seat will kill whoever! Ye Fei must die today, must die under the sword of this seat!”

Human Demon Palace Lord flew into thunder. He raised his bone sword in one hand and waved countless bone fires, and unexpectedly retreated the several Chamber of Commerce quasi-emperors who rushed towards him on the spot.

Then he furiously waved the Black Sword in his hand, the heavy star sword embryo, exploding the void and smashing Shang Jing to death on the spot.

His actions immediately angered the last white haired old man who walked out of the divine light. This old man had hair like silver threads and a rickety figure.

But at the moment he was angry, his white hair suddenly stood up like a silver needle, and his wrinkled face, also at this moment, instantly turned into a dashing eyebrows star. year. Then the burly middle-aged, an old and majestic dragon roar came out of his mouth.

That dragon roar, seems to be able to communicate the world, forming a terrifying force, shattering the sky and sinking the earth.

“It’s Azure Dragon Zhentian Hell, the Supreme Dean, he really came to save us!” Ye Fei was surprised and moved.

You must know that the life essence of the Supreme Master has been exhausted very early, and he can only be shot once at most, and he is likely to fall. Therefore, unless it is the decisive moment of the demise of True Martial Saint Court , Dean Taishang will never make a move.

In order to rescue them, the Supreme Dean did not hesitate to turn back. This old man, he abandoned his life, regardless of life and death, just to come to rescue them.

Ye Fei suddenly felt a little guilty, and Shangluo lowered his head a little ashamed. If it hadn’t been for the Fajia they ransacked to be too vicious, it wouldn’t be too exhausted to shock the dean.

“Zhang Chunyang, you are not dead! You are still for the sake of a few juniors, ignoring your life!” Human Demon Palace Lord both shocked and angry, to the quasi-emperor, he didn’t care about him, but to the same Zhang Chunyang, who is a Heaven Grade Zhundi, is very jealous.

“Rather than dying in despair, it is better to die in one battle!” The Supreme Dean’s voice was loud, without the slightest color of oldness, but a fiery fighting intent, let this The world has lost its color in general. This is peerless genius, and this is Heaven Grade!

Even if they get old, the rays of light on them are still so brilliant when they decide to fight.

Shang Jing looked obsessedly at the rays of light of Dean Taishang, she muttered: “Zhang Chunyang, when you die, I won’t be the Alliance Leader. I will bury you myself. Then, I will spend the rest of my life guarding your tomb.”


The Dean Taishang’s body trembled obviously, but he did not respond, and he didn’t know how to respond. All he could choose was to fight. In this life, maybe it was the last one. Battle of Peak. He began to roar, and the roar was like the roar of a dragon, and it was like a roar of a god or devil.

He raised his hand and slapped Dragon Qi, as if at this moment, it turned into a towering mountain, and gradually formed a clear Dragon Vein. The Supreme Dean, with his majestic body, stood on the Dragon Vein. He lifted his hand, and the continuous mountain range. At this moment, like Azure Dragon sticking out of the sharp claw, it completely shattered the sky. And at the end of the sky, Human Demon Palace Lord, a boneless body, burst out with tragic corpse energy, those corpse aura, like a treasure, behind him is a dead world. In his hand is a blazing bone sword: the boneless king is angry!

Chapter 1525 The Fury of Azure Dragon

Bone bones!

The king is angry! This is the ancient Heavenly Art created by Human Demon, and it is also the cultivation technique that the Human Demon Palace Lord of the past dynasties must learn. Only by learning this cultivation technique can they control the Nether Bone Ship and master the countless corpse puppets on it. At this time, the Human Demon Palace Lord, at the moment of swinging the bone sword, everyone seemed to have entered a piece of bone

the vast world.

In this World, they all lost their flesh and blood, and they seemed to have lost all their vitality. A dozen of Chamber of Commerce quasi-emperors suddenly discovered that their vitality began to drain and their faces became old. Shang Jing tenderly shouted, she shot a Dao Void palm against the void. The surrounding white bone world suddenly shattered. Until then, Ye Fei was surprised to find that the so-called white bone world was actually just an illusion, just that The illusion is too real, and it has reached the point where it can deceive ordinary quasi emperors


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