
Then there was a loud dragon roar, which came from a distance. In an instant, before everyone’s eyes, the scene changed again. All around is no longer the bones of the sky. It’s a world of dragons, where the dragons roar, like meteors, gathering on the sky, around the huge Azure Dragon.

hong long long!

Azure Dragon sticks out the sharp claw and grabs it forward, but instead of tearing apart the world, the dragon claw extends, covering the sky and obscuring the sun. At this moment, it seems that the sky and the earth no longer exist, only that huge The dragon claw protruded from the sky and clouds, and slammed into the hell to suppress all the gods and demons under the dragon claw.

“This is Heaven Grade Zhundi, ordinary Zhundi, and they are too far apart.” Ye Fei shook his head, and he suddenly opened the eyes of thunder punishment. Heaven Grade Zhundi’s battle is very rare. He has to look carefully at this battle and can’t miss any western details. Not only him, Shangluo, and all the Zhundi of Chamber of Commerce, they are all stared wide-eyed at this time. I tried every means to break through the phantom influence of the Heaven Grade quasi-emperor, and wanted to see this battle clearly.

Shang Jing’s gaze was worrisome, looking towards the old and burly silhouette of Dean Taishang, the life essence of Dean Taishang is gone, facing the Heaven Grade of the same level. Emperor, it is inevitable that you may suffer.

“Zhang Chunyang, you are old, you are not wise to fight with me! Hahaha!” Human Demon Palace Lord raised the bone sword in a wild laugh. The bone sword suddenly became larger than the mountain . When he waved, in the sky, a terrifying bone shadow was formed, cutting the void, beheading everything, and seizing vitality.

“A person is old? The blood is not cold, the heart is not old! Can you kill? Say: You can kill!” The sky dragon roar keeps on, and the underground Dragon Vein suddenly begins with the actions of the Supreme Master. Move, dodge, bite, fight. One dragon and one claw, smashing void, continuously blasted on the huge bone sword.

Touch! Under the attack of the two Heaven Grade quasi-emperors, the sky was completely destroyed. The bone sword and the dragon claw, even if they fought dozens of times or hundreds of times, suddenly it was huge. The bone sword, the flames collapsed, and a pale skeleton silhouette rushed to Azure Dragon to slash the dragon with the sword.

Azure Dragon swayed fiercely, changing suddenly like a dragon, but it can be big or small, do as one pleases, the dragon shape in the sky disappears, and the burly and overbearing silhouette of the Supreme Dean appears again, and he burns Dragon Qi all over, billowing Dragon Qi, behind him, formed a huge Azure Dragon entrenched, and then, this Azure Dragon

raised again, and fell into the body of the Supreme Dean.

Suddenly, the Supreme Master was covered in the dragon armor, both of his hands clasped tightly, the blazing dragon light, condensed into two Azure Dragon Warhammers, and then Warhammer blasted the sky and smashed forward again. Smashed with the bone sword of the Human Demon Palace Lord, and heard a terrifying roar from behind both sides. The void behind the two of them shattered at the same time, and the Bone Sword and Warhammer burst out a terrifying shock wave, spreading all around. With this blow, the two Heaven Grade quasi-emperors were beaten by each other’s spit blood flying upside down. The Supreme Dean’s dragon armor shattered like a comet, falling to the ground, and smashed the earth out of the pit of several hundred meters.

Human Demon Palace Lord also vomited blood and roared. His indestructible bones were originally so hard that they couldn’t resist the hellish Supreme might of Azure Dragon. The bones all over his body squeaked and squeaked, and his backward body smashed a mountain into dust.

Immediately there was another crisp sound of ka-cha, and the hard bone sword in the hands of the Human Demon Palace Lord also appeared at this time a line of cracks. These cracks immediately made the Human Demon Palace Lord extremely angry: “Damage my bone sword, this seat will kill you all person! The corpse accumulates ten thousand li! The king is angry!”


in the sky, a burst suddenly appeared The corpse qi of grandiose, with the spread of corpse qi, the mountains and rivers and trees in a radius of thousands of miles, all withered.

The dozen or so quasi-emperors of Chamber of Commerce hurriedly protected Shang Jing in it. At the same time, they opened up the void, as if entering the other side of the world, resisting this terrifying corpse attack.

Ye Fei also quickly released Purple Gold Tai Chi, occupying a range of 20 meters, protecting him, Shangluo, and Dragon Tortoise, but the corpse Qi is too strong, even Purple Gold Tai Chi, It is also difficult to support for too long, at this time, the air suddenly becomes extremely hot.

Immediately, a silhouette of an endless flame rushed into the sky from the ground. It was the silhouette of the Supreme Dean. Both of his hands are huge, like a huge dragon claw, with wings on the back. , Such as giant dragon spreading its wings, but it emits a strong flame.

The most terrifying thing is the dragon armor on the Supreme Dean’s body. It is not only completely repaired, but also becomes extremely strong. There is an invisible baleful qi on it, such as the Dragon Mark flowing. Seeing this fighting form, Ye Fei was stunned. Of course, he could see that it was also the True Martial Four Phases that the Supreme Master displayed. But it is fundamentally different from the True Martial Four Phases. Ye Fei couldn’t tell the specific difference. Until the Human Demon Palace Lord saw the battle form, he exclaimed with a little


“Azure Dragon’s fury, Zhang Chunyang, you really succeeded. Before you completely died of old age, you actually improved the Taigu Tiangong!” Human Demon Palace Lord both shocked and angry.

“Improve Taikoo Tiangong?” Shangluo’s shocked mouth couldn’t close. Ye Fei’s brain was also roaring. You know, Taikoo Tiangong can only fully exert formidable power in the hands of Martial God. Below Martial God, it’s pretty good if you can master the fur.

Like Dean Taishang, it is absolutely unprecedented to directly improve Taikoo Tiangong. Even peerless genius is basically impossible to do. However, Dean Taishang did it. Ye Fei finally understood what was different.

“so that’s how it is, what the Supreme Master displayed is not the ordinary True Martial Four Phases, but the Improved Azure Dragon Fury! He is based on the Azure Dragon body combined with Vermilion The advantages of Bird, Black Tortoise, and White Tiger form the fifth phase!”

The fifth phase is the battle form of the Supreme Master, Azure Dragon Fury. Then, the Supreme Master moved, he urged this fifth aspect, and instantly became a terrifying dragon incarnation. He shook the fire wings, like a giant dragon, and he waved the sharp claw, the mighty Dragon Qi, and penetrated The void, agitated a series of terrifying killing ripples.

Chapter 1526 Guarding Celestial Court

Touch! The Human Demon Palace Lord also furiously launched a counterattack. His bone sword showed a tragic corpse energy, and turned into a pale bone fire, slashing fiercely on the body of the Supreme Master, but the Supreme Master’s body The Dragon Mark immediately appeared, as if the reverse scale had been triggered, and suddenly roared, actually

bounced the bone sword of the Human Demon Palace Lord high.

In the end, there was another dragon claw fiercely, which directly pierced the chest of the Human Demon Palace Lord. This was not over yet, at the moment when he penetrated the Human Demon Palace Lord’s body, the Supreme Master seemed to be completely violent. He waved the dragon claw frantically.

The dragon claw, forming a terrifying light net, quickly enveloped the Human Demon Palace Lord, causing the Human Demon Palace Lord, who is also Heaven Grade quasi-emperor, to let out a painful scream , Can only be very embarrassed, and quickly retreat, but the Supreme Demon not at all gave the Human Demon Palace Lord a chance to retreat.

Behind him, the flame-like dragon wings, the speed has reached the limit, suddenly from the front, like lightning, appeared behind the Human Demon Palace Lord,

bang! Huge The dragon claw, with the huge roar of heaven falls and earth rends, directly pats the back of Human Demon Palace Lord’s head. If this claw hits, even if Human Demon Palace Lord is Heaven Grade quasi-emperor, his skull head is also It may be smashed. It is the Supreme Dean who displays the Fifth Phase. The battle strength is too terrifying. This is almost the ultimate battle strength of the Heaven Grade Martial Emperor.

Ye Fei even suspects that as long as this limit is exceeded, the Dean is too good to be able to use Azure Dragon’s Fury to exert a battle strength comparable to the Martial Emperor and completely become a monster. As a result, apart from guarding the real Martial Emperor like Elder, no one is his opponent. “Peerless genius that has grown thoroughly, too terrifying!” In Ye Fei’s heart, there was a touch of shock and a touch of worry. From the Supreme Dean, he saw the limit of peerless genius, which can grow, compared to this This kind of limit, although the Human Demon Palace Lord is also a peerless genius, it is too long compared to the Supreme Court


In the end, it’s also the Taikoo Tiangong. The Human Demon Palace Lord is still in the stage of learning, and the Demon of the Supreme Master has entered the stage of creation. Which one is better, and the former was beaten by the Master of the Supreme Master. You can see it if you keep roaring.

“However, Dean Taishang was able to take a brand new path in the incomplete Taikoo Tiangong. Why, I can’t like this, and also create a Taikoo Tiangong that belongs only to me!”

Seeing the power of the fifth phase of the Supreme Master, Ye Fei’s soul was undoubtedly received a huge impact. This impact soon caused Ye Fei to fall into a sudden enlightenment. His The eyes became brighter, and the thunder-punishing eyes on the forehead formed a group of purple thunder and lightning vortex.

At this moment, Ye Fei seems to have forgotten that he is still on the battlefield. There may be mortal danger at any time. He suddenly sat down and stared at the amazing battle strength of the fifth phase of the Supreme Master. In my mind, the four aspects of True Martial I have learned are mutually confirmed.

Shang Jing looked at Ye Fei in surprise: “He has enlightened?”

Shangluo was a little stuttered and speechless, “This way can also enlighten, why not this Fairy, I also learned the True Martial Four Phases!” “That’s because you only learned the fur, unlike Ye Fei and the Supreme Master, who have already understood martial arts to some kind of extremely Profound Realm, I have to say, this kid The talent is not very good, but the perception is surprisingly terrifying, Luoluo. You have to hurry up.” Shang Jing said that he had a great heart, seize the opportunity, and educate Shangluo.

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