“Also ask for instructions? It was those three Heaven Grade Zhundi who discovered that I was a counterfeit, so why not kill me directly.” Ye Fei was very depressed.

But I also know that it won’t work if you don’t pay for the road. In the end, he came into the Ancient Starry Sky Road this time to find a way to survive the Martial Sovereign, not to fight against these starry sects.

Ye Fei waved his hand very seriously: “You don’t need to disturb other people, just you guys, please give me an idea. Anyway, I don’t have a treasure, a beast core, and I don’t have it, or give it. Order Spirit Stone, three hundred, no, 100 high grade Spirit Stone, just use it as my road money.”


The faces of the guards are all green. You know, Heavenly Martial Continent lacks the Spirit Stone spirit vein, while the Starry Sect is not lacking. Even many Spirit Stones in Zhong Prefecture are transported from the Starry Sect. Seeing the genius of Ye Fei dignified Sword God Valley, he actually took 100 Spirit Stone and wanted to confuse the past. Several guards were very speechless. It was the middle-aged Martial Sovereign who reacted the fastest. He hurriedly retorted: “Young Master is polite, there are no beasts. It doesn’t matter whether it’s nuclear. I have a Star Domain map here, which shows several places where beasts often haunt. Young Master, go over and kill a few heads. You can enter the city after getting the beast core.” Beasts? Could it be that the giant beasts covered with starry sky are wild beasts?” Ye Fei took the map in surprise. The middle-aged Martial Sovereign shook his head and said, “No, they are not wild beasts, but all the wild beasts in the starry sky are their descendants! But the most common wild beasts have a half-emperor realm, and the leader of the wild beasts is even more so

Martial Sovereign Realm, and the Beast King is the quasi-emperor, the Beast King is the Martial Emperor, but here is just the bottom road of the Ancient Starry Sky Road, there is no Beast King.”

Look at Ye Fei For the sake of the valley of the sword god, this half emperor explained in detail, Ye Fei also took the opportunity to ask a lot of questions, and finally got a general understanding of Ancient Starry Sky Road. It turns out that Ancient Starry Sky Road is divided into three roads, high, middle and low. The deeper, the more terrifying the beasts entrenched, and the top road. It is said that there is also Martial Emperor Level Sovereign, which is a dangerous road to death. , And the only Safety Sector domain for these road sections is three meteorite zones the size of Imperial Capital


These meteorites have water sources, vegetation, and various restrictions placed by the ancient and Ancient Era Martial God powerhouse. With these restrictions, Wu Imperial Capital cannot harm the martial artist in the meteorite. However, to enter these meteorites, trial martial artists also need to pay a heavy price. After all, the current Heavenly Martial Continent has already declined, and many of the starry sky sects are still very powerful. These powerful sects are now in control. In these Safety Sector fields on Ancient Road, search for martial artists to bring back various treasures from waste

beasts and ruins.

Of course, in order to make everyone willing to hand over the treasures obtained, the Star Sect still made certain concessions. In addition to the basic purchase money, other treasures or beast cores obtained by martial artists can be sold to these Denominations, denominations will also pay a considerable amount of Spirit Stone.

In the end, these Spirit Stones flowed into Zhong Prefecture, where Spirit Stones were scarce. Of course, in this process, how much advantage the Star Sect took, and then only Heaven Knows. “However, who said that Heavenly Martial Continent Martial Dao is now in decline, Lianwu Imperial Capital does not have it, and it is even more impossible to keep this Ancient Starry Sky Road. It can only be slaughtered… But the identity of Dao Shen Gu is quite useful. Scared, these Fierce Sun Sect’s disciplines not only revealed a lot of information, but also gave me a copy of it.

Map…desolate beast…”

Ye Fei walking in the starry sky , I studied the map at hand very carefully. This map is actually very simple. It is the range of several tens of thousands of li around and the approximate location of the beasts.

In the lower road area, there are three types of desolate beasts, namely Teng Snake, Star Scorpion, and Rock Giant. Considering that Teng Snake and Venomous Scorpion are too venomous, they are the rock giants that seem to be the hardest to fight, which is very suitable for him to practice.

Ye Fei still decided that in his first battle in Ancient Starry Sky Road, it would be better to choose the Rock Giant, so after he collected the map, he rushed towards the starry sky where the Rock Giant was. And seeing the details of Ye Fei, several Fierce Sun Sect guards all looked strange, “He actually went to the area of ​​the rock giant, didn’t he know that the rock giant is not a barren beast, but some ancient wizards, making Not only the skin is rough, flesh is thick, but the general quasi emperor is very difficult to kill. Is he really the genius of the Valley of the Blade God?”

“I don’t look like it!”

“But this person is very arrogant, if it weren’t from the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, would he dare to play in front of our Fierce Sun Sect?”

” hmph, even if it is the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, it is just a group of losers in the ancient war. The Heavenly Martial Continent has long since fallen, and now many geniuses in our clan are clamoring to enter the Heavenly Martial Continent and bring these people , All become our beasts and horses!”

“Hush, silence! Heavenly Martial Continent is not easy to occupy! But this person does not know anything, whether it comes from the valley of the sword is really doubtful, hateful I was frightened by him just now, and gave him a starry sky map for nothing!” At this time, the middle-aged Martial Sovereign had already reacted a little, his face was very ugly, and the guard beside him suddenly reminded him of something. Said: “Commander, I remember Xue Yun of the Valley of the Sword God, didn’t he still have not left in our city of Lieyang, the man said he came from the Valley of the Sword God, I think we will tell Xue Yun the news,

Things will be very interesting.” “Hahaha, you brat is sinister enough, but I like it, just do it, let these people of Heavenly Martial Continent bite their dogs.”

Chapter 1537 Rock Giants

A group of terrapins from Heavenly Martial Continent, dare to be so arrogant in the stars?

These half-emperors of Fierce Sun Sect are undoubtedly quite unhappy with Ye Fei, especially Ye Fei even scared them with the identity of Sword God Valley.

Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, although it also occupies the starry sky, compared to these sects of the starry sky, the background of the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family is still a lot worse.

Under the instruction of the middle-aged half-emperor, there was immediately a guard who used the image stone to rub the image of Ye Fei, hurried to Lieyang City, went to look for Xue Yun, and inquired by the way. , Does Ye Fei come from the valley of the sword god.


The starry sky is no better than land.

On land, Ye Fei can charge ahead a hundred miles in one breath, and can charge ahead five hundred miles in an instant by taking the Dragon Tortoise.

But in the starry sky, Ye Fei is only a pitiful 10 li at a distance of a hundred miles! This is because he is strong enough to withstand the influence of the heavy star power in the starry sky. As for Dragon Tortoise, it is even more pitiful, and the fastest is only 50 li.

So, even in the starry sky, within the range of several tens of thousands of li, Ye Fei still needs to fly at full strength for several days before he can get there. This is because he has the Starry-Sky Diagram in his hands. Under the circumstances, if there is no Starry-Sky Diagram, in Boundless Starry Sky, he will definitely have to go more wronged.

“According to the mark on the map, it should be the gathering point of the rock giants in front. The grass, does it induce Spiritual Qi fluctuations?”

Enter the rock giant’s territory, Ye Fei They also began to be careful. The guards had said that in the starry sky, there were quasi-emperors, and even the Beast King and Beast King of Martial Emperor Realm. If they met, he could only run away quickly.

Knowing the danger of the starry sky, Xiaocao looked serious and felt it carefully for a while, then shook her head at Ye Fei, saying that she did not sense a particularly dangerous aura, but found many stones.

Yes, it is a stone.

I saw the starry sky far away, scattered everywhere, and there were stones everywhere. These stones floated in the starry sky and could not see the end at a glance.

“Strange, there are only stones here, where did the rock giant go?” Ye Fei entered this sea of ​​rocks, not at all found the breath of monster, and Xiaocao did not find too strong Spiritual Qi fluctuations.

He didn’t know that after he entered this sea of ​​rocks, in the starry sky, a pile of rocks, one of them, actually flashed two substantive eyes, staring at Ye Fei indifferently.

Then, silently, behind Ye Fei, countless rocks began to gather regularly to form special rocks, which even changed.


When dozens of rocks were put together, a strange rock giant quickly formed from the sea of ​​rocks, instantly surrounding Ye Fei In the middle, countless stone blade stone guns, with a layer of hazy stars rays of light, smashed towards Ye Fei, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

If you change to another martial artist, facing such a scene, it is estimated that the rock giant will instantly become powdered, but Ye Fei is different, he has almost cultivation War God to the 9th floor, The War God Road directly reached the 9th floor.

Now he has already reached the level of a top genius. In spirit strength, he even surpasses a top genius.

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