Even if Ye Fei’s divine sense didn’t react to the sudden sneak attack of these rock giants, his powerful spirit strength still allowed him to instantly display a spiritual impact like the sword of reality.


Ye Fei roared, his spiritual nebula immediately condense a golden spiritual sword, rushed out of the eyebrows, and cut forward, the rock giant besieging him in front of him, suddenly stiffened, as if he suffered a huge His injuries and huge bodies began to shatter one by one.

“Sure enough, these rock giants are not desolate beasts, but war puppets made by wizards!”

These puppets are sand demons condensed with candle sheep in the desert The same, they are all very peculiar witchcraft puppets. When Xiaocao did not sense Spiritual Qi’s threat, these rock giants suddenly appeared, and Ye Fei immediately reacted.

The best way to deal with puppets formed by witchcraft is to use spirit strength to directly crush the Heaven and Earth Rule contained in these rock giants. As long as the rules are broken, these witchcraft puppets will naturally Completely collapse.

bang! bang! bang! However, there are too many rock giants around. Ye Fei just walked into a large sea of ​​rocks. These rock giants usually become scattered boulders floating on The starry sky absorbs the power of the stars. When someone invades, they will immediately assemble to form a giant puppet,

to fight.

Ye Fei’s true sword, only smashed a dozen rock giants, it was already weak, and the remaining dozens of rock giants still roared, countless stone blade stone swords, With a fierce whistling, it slammed on Ye Fei’s body.


He suddenly felt that a burning tingling came from his entire back, and he was a little surprised to discover that these rock giants, although they would not release witchcraft and martial arts, but their pure strength, Not much worse than Zhundi.

More than 20 rock giants, that is, more than 20 quasi emperors! “It’s no wonder that I came all the way, and I didn’t even meet a martial artist. Whoever ate was all right, and came to find trouble with dozens of quasi emperors. Fortunately, these are just puppets, and they won’t perform like quasi emperors. Martial arts, and more importantly, Spirit Attack, are very lethal to them!” Ye Fei did not shrink

, but suddenly rushed forward, directly following the gap made by the sword of truth , Successfully rushed out of these rock giants.

After that, Ye Fei suddenly turned around, ignoring the clothes that had been chopped into strips of cloth, staring fiercely, and activated the sword of truth again.

Boom ka!

Suddenly a golden sword light appeared in the starry sky, silently, it penetrated the bodies of these rock giants, and left what remained in them within the body. Witchcraft, the smash of strikes.

Witchcraft is the spirit that supports these rock giants. Once there is no spirit, these monsters are at best a pile of hard stones, and Ye Fei is as powerful as a wizard-like Divine Sea, and it is enough To support him, he fully launched the sword of truth several times. So in the face of many top geniuses, the rock giant who talked about the discoloration, Ye Fei’s real sword, but it was easy to turn these dozens of puppets into a pile of broken stones, weird Yes, when these rock giants smashed, their within the body immediately rolled out

Many blue spirit crystals came.

Seeing these spiritual crystals, Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s eyes straightened, and Dragon Tortoise roared to charge ahead. When they met, they had a black mouth. Three or two mouthfuls had already swallowed a spiritual crystal.

Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s face turned black at the same time, “This broken tortoise, let it be the first!”

Fortunately, he killed dozens of rock giants. There are a lot of spiritual crystals that burst out naturally, Ye Fei is too lazy to entangle, Dragon Tortoise occasionally goes black.

Immediately not giving Dragon Tortoise the opportunity to continue the black mouth, Ye Fei rushed over, took all the remaining spiritual crystals in his hands, and carefully checked it. “Sure enough, it is a spiritual crystallization! With these spiritual crystallizations, I will run out of spiritual strength in the future, and I can use it to replenish it.”

Chapter 1538 Sweeping

“Eh!” Seeing Ye Fei took away all the spiritual crystals and did not give it to her, Xiaocao said that she was wronged, and her eyes flashed with tears.

However, Ye Fei said that he would give Xiaocao all the spirit of slaying the rock giant, and Xiaocao immediately decided to forgive Ye Fei.

The area of ​​the entire stone sea is very large. They float in the starry sky and form a terrifying meteorite zone. The most terrifying thing is that under the action of witchcraft, the rock giant can absorb the power of the stars. Maintain battle strength at all times.

This point also surprised Ye Fei secretly. He suspected that this stone sea might have been left here deliberately by the Wu clan. In this way, once the wizard wants to invade Heavenly Martial Continent, wizards can easily control these puppets and form a powerful quasi-emperor-level puppet Legion.

Before martial artists became Martial God, there were very few means to fight the witchcraft, which also made the witches not worry, the rock puppets they discarded here were destroyed on a large scale.

“It’s just a pity that these rock giants met me. Since these things may become war tools of the Witch race in the future, they must be destroyed as much as possible! Kill them all!”

Ye Fei changed into a new robe and immediately rushed into another dense sea of ​​rocks. The rock giants inside were alarmed and roared. From all directions, they raised stone spears and spears, and spontaneously Formed a small army of more than a dozen people, and killed Ye Fei.


Ye Fei immediately activated the sword of reality, golden’s spiritual sword light, forming a peculiar beam of light, sweeping towards the bodies of these puppets, one by one, one after another. It collapsed, and then from the broken body within the body, rolled out one after another blue mental crystallization.

“hahaha, killing these rock giants is really faster than hunting Illusory Beast.” Ye Fei became more excited as he killed them.

At the beginning of the wizarding world of the merchants, although those Illusory Beasts can also explode spiritual crystals, usually Ye Fei needs to kill several Illusory Beasts to explode a small piece. These rock giants are different. They are all war puppets made by wizards. Within the body, there is a fixed spiritual crystallization. There is also the Heaven and Earth Rule formed by witchcraft. This kind of Heaven and Earth Rule, martial artist’s The true essence is difficult to erase, but if it is the spirit strength of the same wizard, then it will be very easy


For example, the spiritual impact formed by the spiritual sword released by Ye Fei can quickly wash these Heaven and Earth Rule, thoroughly, without the Heaven and Earth Rule, no matter how powerful the puppet, It’s just a pile of stones that cannot be moved.

“But the spirit strength consumed by the sword of truth is too terrifying, and the ten swords were released. I actually feel dizzy, or my spirit strength is too weak!”

After quickly searching the surrounding spiritual crystals, Ye Fei is still a little depressed, feeling that his spirit strength is still too weak.

Unfortunately, the witching scriptures given to him by the Candle Goat can only be regarded as the enlightenment of the wizard. If he wants to obtain stronger spirit strength, he must also master a more profound meditation method. “Originally, such a method was in the memory of the great witch of Shang Jiu, but unfortunately, after I refused to integrate the memory of Shang Jiu and became a new Shang Jiu, most of this memory has been lost.” Ye Fei regrets it a bit. Knowing this long ago, he should take advantage of the fact that his memory has not faded, and write down all the memories of Shang Jiu’s Great Witch


Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now. After releasing the sword of truth ten times in a row and killing hundreds of rock giants, Ye Fei has clearly felt the exhaustion of his spirit strength.

At this time, he can still use the spiritual crystallization he obtained to quickly recover, but in that way, did he kill that many puppets in vain?

Also, seeing Xiaocao sitting on the dragon turtle’s back, eating the spiritual crystals very happy, Ye Fei still dispelled the thoughts in his mind.

“Xiaocao eats Spirit Stone fairy crystal all day long. I must be tired of it, and it’s time to change the taste.” The most important thing is that the spirit crystal is full! In the past, Xiaocao breathed a sigh of relief and had to eat hundreds of Spirit Stones in order to barely get full. Now Xiaocao only needs to eat ten pieces of Spirit Stone to be full. This is a great opportunity to save Spirit Stone. In order to save Spirit Stone’s feeding grass, Ye Fei can’t wait to give up all the rock giants in this stone sea.

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