Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s fighting intent is even higher, and he simply pushes past one piece after another in this sea of ​​rocks.

Without spirit strength, he immediately took out the star sword embryo, raised the Black Sword, and smashed it at the rock giant that appeared. Although this might be less efficient, the Black Sword itself is extremely heavy, so Ye Fei can smash one to death within three swords and obtain the spiritual crystallization of the opponent. Soon, under the stimulation of a large amount of mental crystals, Ye Fei directly reddened his eyes, and Dragon Tortoise continued to spit out dragon flames to help Ye Fei. Xiaocao was full of spiritual crystals, and finally remembered something, and blinked. Her eyes suddenly opened her little hand, and a peculiar green bow appeared on her little hand. Following Xiaocao’s heart, the green bow immediately became bigger than the grass.

Xiaocao lifted the green bow so hard, trying very hard to pull the bowstring apart, and also help Ye Fei fight. After all, the spiritual crystallization of these rock giants fell, but they are all very It’s delicious!

At the same time.

At the location of the city gate of Lieyang City, Xue Yun’s face sank like water, pupil light stared at the city gate guards who had informed him indifferently and angry. Since the last time at True Martial Saint Court, Ye Fei brought tens of thousands of Saint Court disciples to Xue Yun’s mouth, and forced a group of geniuses from the Blade God Valley to flee in embarrassment. After the majesty was lost, Xue Yun was completely lost. I hate Ye Fei, not to mention, Ye Fei still doesn’t know where he stole his true sword from the Valley of the Sword God

, and hit him hard, Xue Yun is even more intolerable Up.

Only in Saint Court, there is the Heaven Grade quasi-emperor, the Supreme Dean, even if Xue Yun is the top genius of the Valley of the Blade God, he dare not be impudent, but it is different when he arrives at Ancient Starry Sky Road. Up.

On Ancient Starry Sky Road, it is normal for martial artists to fight against each other. Even Heaven Grade Zhundi will not interfere. This also makes the battle atmosphere of Ancient Starry Sky Road very tragic. In this environment, those who came to the end were absolute geniuses.

Only such a person is qualified to survive Martial Sovereign 100% and become Martial Sovereign!

Unlike those ordinary martial artists, gamble on luck or seize every opportunity, so even if it becomes Martial Sovereign, it can only be the weakest Martial Sovereign, and even the domain is impossible to own.

Xue Yun knew for a long time that Ye Fei would definitely set foot on the Ancient Starry Sky Road. During this time, he stayed on the bottom road. In addition to improving his strength, he was waiting for Ye Fei to come over, so that Ye Fei would be found. Revenge, reshape his invincible will.

As a result, I waited left and right. I have waited for dozens of days. Ye Fei’s shadow was not seen. Xue Yunqian’s face was green. This is the fiercely staring at those few A guard said: “You dare to swindle me, do you think you are the discipline of Fierce Sun Sect, I dare not kill you!” Xue Yun snarled at the guards. He waited a few times here. For ten days, I was onlookers like a monkey for dozens of days, but Ye Fei didn’t even see the shadow, which gave Xue Yun a feeling of being fooled by the guards.

Chapter 1539 Hot Potatoes

Faced with Xue Yun’s roar, several guards looked bitter and regretful. They informed Xue Yun that they suspected Ye Fei’s identity. It is because Ye Fei has no awe of the Star Sect, and simply wants to use Xue Yun to teach Ye Fei a lesson.

The only thing they didn’t expect was that Shihai, which is dangerous to others, was a treasure land for spawning monsters to obtain spiritual crystals for Ye Fei. During this time, Ye Fei was completely immersed in In the battle with the rock giant, the matter of entering Lieyang City has long been forgotten.

Several Fierce Sun Sect guards also lifted a rock, but it fell on their own feet. Ye Fei didn’t say anything, but instead attracted Xue Yun’s anger towards them. Now they I just hope that Ye Fei can come here soon to clarify their misunderstanding.

After all, although the Star Sect despise the martial artist of Heavenly Martial Continent, it still pays more attention to these Martial Emperor Aristocratic families who have taken root in the stars.

The middle-aged half emperor spoke, and said in a low voice to Xue Yun to accompany with a smile: “Xue Young Master, we have ten courage, and we dare not deceive you, that Ye Fei 80% It’s trapped in the territory of the giant rock giant and can’t come out. You can find it if you go there.”

“hmph, it can only be so…you’d better tell the truth, otherwise this Young Master’s Anger, you little guards, can’t bear it!” Xue Yun’s expression was extremely ugly, but he also knew that taking the initiative is the only way for now. After all, he has been waiting here for dozens of days, but he hasn’t even waited for Ye Fei’s shadow. This matter has already become a secret joke among many martial artists in Lieyang City, and he has to stop these people’s mouths. The good way is to kill Ye Fei, then bring Ye Fei’s head back and hang it on the

city wall.

“hmph, as a man who is abandoned by the sky, this Ye Fei can be regarded as a different kind. If you kill him, this Young Master will not only wash away the shame, but may also receive more attention from the valley of the sword.” Xue Yun is also a decisive person. After waiting for a long time without news, he finally chose to take the initiative.

As the top genius of the Valley of the Sword God, Xue Yun’s every move has attracted the attention of countless people. When it was discovered that Xue Yun had left the meteorite and entered the starry sky, many martial artists in Lieyang City were startled.

“Xue Yun of the Valley of the Sword God actually left, isn’t he going to block Ye Fei at the city gate?”

“Block Ye Fei? You are the title of Ye Fei’s demon saint It was called for nothing. The Black Prison Holy Son has assassinated several times, but failed to kill Ye Fei. This Ye Fei can be regarded as an alternative peerless genius in Zhong Prefecture.”

“It is said that Ye Fei is Abandoned person, isn’t that Martial Dao’s waste? A Martial Dao waste can become an influential figure in Heavenly Martial Continent. It seems Heavenly Martial Continent has really fallen…”

In Yangcheng, there are not only martial artists who have come to experience, but also many powerful disciples of the star sect. They will also gather here. When hearing about Ye Fei’s various deeds in Zhong Prefecture, many of the geniuses of these star sects were dismissive.

Different from the decline of Heavenly Martial Continent, these sects of the starry sky, not at all, have been affected by too many ancient wars, and relatively retain some of their heritage.

These backgrounds also make the Star Sect look at martial artists on land, many of which are aloof and remote, and even secretly despise them extremely.

So, even though Ye Fei’s deeds also spread to the stars, many people still didn’t take it seriously, or just treated it as a joke.

At this time, I saw Xue Yun fantasizing and ran to find Ye Fei. Many people were also thinking of watching the excitement. In small groups were following behind and wanted to watch a good show.

“One thousand and one!”

“One thousand and two… strange, this number is not right, I obviously destroyed 1,050 rock giants, How can I get a lot less spiritual crystallization, grass?”

On a pile of broken rocks, Ye Fei, after dozens of days of endless struggle, stopped destroying the surrounding rock giants and destroying them. Ye Fei was very clean and got a lot of spiritual crystallization. It was this number, which was a bit wrong, which made Ye Fei very puzzled and couldn’t help but look towards Xiaocao.

Xiaocao blinked her squirting eyes innocently, and then after thinking about it, she turned her head and looked towards Dragon Tortoise, Dragon Tortoise turn pale with fright, and immediately shook her head, and the tail fluttered into a whirlwind. It means that it is definitely not the black mouth under it, but Dragon Tortoise’s tail is shaking too fast.

Acidentally, a half-bitten blue mental crystal rolled out from the gap in the turtle shell, and Dragon Tortoise opened its mouth subconsciously to bite.

Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s faces suddenly became dark.

“Xiaocao, I feel that Dragon Tortoise is necessary. I have been hungry for a while to lose weight.” Ye Fei told Xiaocao seriously: “You are responsible for supervision, and a piece of Spirit Stone is not allowed to be given to it. Eat!”

“Eh!” Xiaocao nodded very hard, and Xiaocao also has an angry expression. Dragon Tortoise was suddenly shocked, and then repeated the trick, hurriedly roaring to show his loyalty.

Not only did he slam Ye Fei’s thigh, he quickly took out a big black pot, the jewel in the pot, all the amazing treasures of Spiritual Qi.

These treasures, Dragon Tortoise was originally used to coax Xiaocao, but Xiaocao lost interest after playing for a while. Dragon Tortoise simply put it away by itself, presenting Buddha with borrowed flowers, and Take it out to please Ye Fei.

Seeing the jewellery exuding from the black pot, Ye Fei was also completely speechless, “Shangluo lost a bit miserable this time. After fattening Dragon Tortoise in vain, he also lost a lot of treasure…Huh, then What…”

He has no interest in these Holy Artifact Emperor Artifacts and so on, but at the top of the black pot, a black stone book, which shocked Ye Fei extremely. , Impressively engraved with Wuwen, he quickly picked it up and carefully identified it, and found that it turned out to be the two ancient Wukong characters “Void”.

“Could it be that this is the big Void Technique of the merchant, and it is also the complete volume!” Ye Fei’s heart was also startled, and he quickly opened the black book and read it. It doesn’t matter, his heart is fiercely shocked again.

It is indeed a big Void Technique!

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