bang bang!

Special spiritual nebula. The Spirit Attack that can be released seems to be more and stronger than ordinary wizards. After Ye Fei’s busy schedule, he quickly launched ten Spirit Attacks and tied back ten lively rock giants.

These giants are very angry, but under Ye Fei’s spiritual suppression, they can’t hurt Ye Fei at all. Instead, it’s one of the rock giants, carried by Ye Fei. He is like a human tyrannosaurus. Suddenly approaching the entrance of the Martial Emperor world. Then, under Zhu Xiaomei’s stunned gaze, Ye Fei smashed the rock giant into the Small World with a bang. That’s why I explained to the little sister Zhu: “I believe in these rock giants and would be happy to help us find the way. If Wang An is smart enough, he will definitely welcome him.”

p>Ye Fei kept holding the remaining nine rock giants with both hands, and threw them all in at one go, then turned to the instructed sister Zhu, “Don’t be stunned. In the past, more rock giants were brought over. This time I want to Give Wang An a big gift.”

“This big gift is too heavy… I didn’t expect Ye Fei to be so bad, but it’s quite interesting…” After understanding what Ye Fei is going to do, I wish my sister Of course it was ecstatic, and ran over to lead the rock giants.

At the same time. As Ye Fei threw the first rock giant in, a series of terrifying killing aura suddenly erupted at the entrance of this Small World. Wang An is a smart man and a top genius himself, even if he is beaten by Ye Fei very embarrassed. He also always does not forget to fight back, hoping to fight against Ye Fei.

No, the first thing Wang An escaped into Small World was not to heal his wounds, but to rely on his familiarity with the Small World, immediately, at the entrance, there were several horrible Killing Formations. Wang An has absolute confidence, as long as Ye Fei dared to rush in, even if he does not die, he will peel off his skin.

It’s just that Wang An didn’t expect that Ye Fei would rush in so fast, almost he had just finished the Killing Formation arrangement, a silhouette that had broken through the Small World and rushed in.

“hmph, these Heavenly Martial Continent martial artists are really a group of unseen hillbillies. Seeing the Martial Emperor’s Small World, they immediately fainted and wanted to rush in to grab the treasure, Ye Fei, This Young Master sees how you…die this time?” Wang An always felt something was wrong as he looked at the silhouette who rushed in.

But I didn’t wait for him to react. A furious rock giant has been smashed in. The rock giant shook its dull head, and its simple killing instinct could not make it understand what happened, but the moment it found Wang Angu was engraved on the rock giant within the body. Spiritual imprint, let it react instantly

, roaring on the spot, and killing the king.

Wang An was silly on the spot. He didn’t think about it for a long time. It was not Ye Fei who rushed in, but an angry rock giant. Then, this rock giant did not live up to Ye Fei’s expectations. His tall body directly crashed into Wang An and cost a lot of money. Among the several Killing Formations that were arranged, the entrance of this Small World suddenly flashed out. The terrifying formation mark rays of light, a loud explosion sound, the rock giant has been

by Killing Formation, all split up and in pieces torn.

pu! Wang An also exhaled a mouthful of blood on the spot, and then he finally realized that Ye Fei didn’t dare to come in, but shameless grabbed a rock giant and threw it in and destroyed him. Finally, the trap laid out was like an invisible slap in the face. Wang An was stunned, and then he jumped into thunder.

Chapter 1545 Crush all the way

“Ye Fei, you dare to fool me like this, this Young Master and you two cannot coexist!” Wang Anger was completely irritated.

But before he vented his anger, the furious rock giants were already raining, and Ye Fei threw them in. These rock giants were very confused, but after seeing Wang An, their stone eyes flashed with red light, without the slightest hesitation, and then killed Wang An. Faced with these rock giants, Wang An also thundered with red eyes, and screamed and immediately killed him. He is a top genius, and the battle strength is very terrifying, even if Ye Fei throws into the nine rock giants, it is basically Don’t be put in the eyes of Wang An, as long as he is given enough time,

Wang An believes that he can easily solve these puppets. At this time, little sister Zhu has led a large group of rock giants to the entrance of Small World, Ye Fei is waiting there, his whole body is blooming with golden light, like a golden Demon God, but in the eyes of little sister Zhu, Ye Fei It’s more like a skin is rough, flesh is thick, a humanoid Dragon Beast with amazing brute force


He rushed directly into the middle of the group of rock giants, allowing countless rock giants to punch and kick him, swords and slashes.

Ye Fei really did not fight back. He broke through to the fleshy body on the 9th floor of the demonic path, allowing him to resist the damage of these stone blade stone swords for a short time, and then he slammed A giant rock fell to the ground, no matter how hard the opponent struggled or howled.

In the end, he still couldn’t escape the fate of being carried by Ye Fei and thrown into the Small World behind. Of course, in the process, Ye Fei also had to be beaten by the angry rock giants, bloody nose and swollen face. , Snorted, but compared to Wang An, Ye Fei is undoubtedly happier.

After all, his fleshy body is very resistant, but Wang An’s small body cannot withstand the rock giant’s attack power comparable to that of the Emperor Zhun.

When facing the nine-headed rock giant, Wang An was reluctant, but as long as there was enough time, he could easily destroy these puppets one by one.

It’s a pity that the number of rock giants in Small World is always increasing in an orderly manner, with ten heads, twenty heads, Wang Angu gritted his teeth, and he can continue. Thirty heads, 40 heads, Wang Angu endured his tears and paid a little price, and he was able to barely protect himself, but Ye Fei didn’t know how many rock giants could be prevented by Wang An’s strength, so Ye Fei was very happy. , To throw in a whole eighty rock giants, this is also the limit number Zhu Xiao can attract.

In the face of the crazy roar of these eighty rock giants, even the top genius, Wang An was green-faced, he vomited blood on the spot, and then turned around and ran without saying a word. He also cursed wildly at the outside of Small World.

“shameless! Too shameless!”

“Ye Fei, there is something waiting for me to recover, this Young Master is real thing with you, a fight to the death!”

“Ye Fei, it’s a man, just let me go out, I want to perish together with you!”

“…Please, let me go, my father is Fierce Sun Sect Elder, you Can’t kill me…”


The answer to Wang An is that it is eighty rock giants with angry roars. Their voices unite to form a piece The terrifying sound waves caused the Martial Emperor’s Small World to stir a layer of terrifying ripples, and these same sounds also conceal the voice of Wang begging for mercy.

Outside Small World, Ye Fei didn’t know. Wang An’s eighty heads of rock giants comparable to Emperor Zhun were chased and killed. Wang’s already scared courage would be shattered. Running around, simply didn’t have the guts to stop and continue fighting with the rock giant.

Obviously, under the absolute strength of the rock giant, Wang An has lost the confidence and courage to fight. Ye Fei is still considering another matter very seriously.

“Eighty rock giants, this number is not enough, I can smash them all in one hour at most, I wish my sister, should we bring in a little more?”

” Still quoted? But there are no rock giants nearby.” Little Sister Zhu was speechless. At this moment, she felt a little sympathetic to Wang An’s experience.

“It’s such a shame.” Ye Fei was a little unhappy. According to his original plan, he planned to throw in three hundred heads, which happened to form three hundred rock warriors, so no matter what this Small What is the danger in World, relying on these rock giants, he can crush it all the way.

Although the current number is a bit different from Ye Fei’s ideals, at least it is not a problem to flatten some traps set by Wang An.

At this time, Ye Fei walked into the Martial Emperor’s Small World confidently and boldly, and I wish my little sister followed in enthusiastically.

This is a gray world. There is no sky. The inside of Small World is also full of thick fog. Ye Fei was surprised to find that the fog can actually block the divine sense and make him It was impossible to judge where Wang An was chased by the rock giants.

Fortunately, the rock giant he threw in was still of a certain size. So many rock giants crushed it all the way, leaving a large mess on the ground.

At this time, Ye Fei and Zhu Xiaomei continued to hunt down Wang An along with these traces, and by the way study the Small World of this Martial Emperor.

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