Boom! Xiaomei Zhu tried to attack this Small World, but even if her golden battle halberd bursts out of the dragon soul, it cannot cause any damage to this Small World. This makes I wish the little sister is very shocked, “This Small World space is so strong! It is worthy of being opened by Martial Emperor, if we can bring this little

world back to our Zhu Family…” “Don’t think about it, you have to move it away Small World, unless there is a Martial Emperor or above, refining this Small World in advance, and this Small World is obviously used to bury himself after Martial Emperor died, not at all refining, compared to taking away Small World, What I’m more interested in is the level set here

!” Ancient Starry Sky Road, originally the Martial Emperor Martial God of the ancients and ancients, is a test and training for the younger generations, of course they will not let Later generations can easily get their treasures from before their lives. Therefore, in many Small Worlds, there will be various levels and tests. Only through passing can you get the treasure inside.


Ye Fei was very depressed to discover. Maybe Wang An was the first to discover the relationship between this Small World. Many levels and traps along the way were cracked by Wang An, and the treasures inside were also Search thoroughly.

“I won’t come here for nothing this time. If that’s the case, when I catch Wang An, I will drag it out and kill him!” Ye Fei walked into a level again unhappy.

In this level, it turned out to be a large area of ​​peculiar fog, the edge of the fog, Ye Fei saw the remaining 70-odd rock giants, standing motionless in confusion, Ye Fei and Zhu Xiaomei approached , Failed to arouse their alertness, and their reaction was obviously slower.

Ye Fei’s heart suddenly snorted, and he understands that the fog in front is very likely to be somewhere in this Small World level. “This Wang An is still a bit of a brain, 80% knows that he can’t beat these rock giants, so he took the risk, broke into the level and got his life back. I wish my sister, you follow me, and we rush in too!” /p>

The last level of Chapter 1546

Since there is fog here that can block the footsteps of the rock giant, it means that the level here is very promising and has not been passed by Wang An. Ye Fei certainly wouldn’t let go of this opportunity, he immediately took the lead and rushed towards the group of rock giants.


Although the surrounding fog made the rock giant’s reaction very slow, but when Ye Fei was 50 meters away from them, these rock giants were still very Quickly reacting, they immediately turned around, almost instinctively, crushed towards Ye Fei hong long long.

Little sister Zhu’s face turned pale, and she finally understood what exactly Wang An was feeling when facing these rock giants. This was enough to make the top geniuses collapse in their hearts.

“Sword of Reality!” Ye Fei yelled suddenly. This time he no longer hesitated and directly crushed dozens of mental crystals prepared in his hand. At the same time, his eyebrows were one after another golden The sword of truth, condensed by Ye Fei’s spirit strength, continuously slashed at these heavy rock giants. With a roar, these puppets quickly fell down a large area and turned into a pile. Broken stone.

The two also took advantage of this gap, successfully surpassed the rock giant, rushed into the mist, and then, in their eyes, it was a palace made up of mist. This Ye Fei was a little surprised, this was the first time he saw such a strange palace.

“Xiaocao, can you sense Wang An’s Spiritual Qi?” Ye Fei asked.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .

“This is troublesome. It seems that I can only take a chance.” Ye Fei finally gave up searching the endless fog around and went straight to the palace.

He was obviously more interested in this palace than chasing Wang An. Just walking, Ye Fei obviously found something wrong. It was obvious that the misty palace was right in front of him, but no matter how he walked, he couldn’t get close to the palace.

“How could this happen? Did we enter some kind of maze?” Zhu Xiaomei’s face looked a bit ugly. The maze is a very dangerous trap. Those who can arrange the maze are all very talented in Formation. .

Ye Fei walked for a while, and found that he still couldn’t get close to the palace in front of him. His brows were also frowned, suspecting that this might be some kind of special maze or a trapped array.

“It’s just that since Wang An broke in, even if he was persecuted by the rock giant, but since he dared to break in, it proves that the danger here is not great. No matter how dangerous it is, it is definitely not mine. The rock giants thrown in are dangerous. There must be something in it, I didn’t think about it clearly.” Ye Fei simply stopped and fell into deep thought. The same is true for my sister. She is also a top genius, although not as good as Wang An is powerful, but her knowledge should not be underestimated. She thought for a while and looked up hesitantly said: “Wang An must have broken through this mist, otherwise

he wouldn’t risk rushing in. This shouldn’t be a maze. Once in a maze, no one can get out unless it is completely solved. Wang An is a sinister person, and he will never let himself fall into a desperate situation.”

Look around Looking at these fogs that can block all divine sense and induction, Ye Fei agrees with Zhu Xiaomei’s analysis. He said solemnly: “If this is not a maze trap, then it is a certain test. I seem to understand a little bit what the test is here. Don’t stop, let’s keep going!”

“What should Wang 嗔 do?” Little sister Zhu worried. After all, Wang 嗔 is the son of Fierce Sun Sect Elder, and Fierce Sun Sect, now controls Ancient Starry Sky Road’s bottom road, dominates one side.

Ye Fei smiled bitterly and sighed: “Count that guy’s good luck. There are so many rock giants that haven’t been able to kill him. In short, we still need to get through this fog as soon as possible.”

Then, the two stopped talking, and both continued to move forward in silence. The palace in front, still faintly discernible, appeared in front of them, and it seemed that as long as they worked harder, they might walk over.

But this effort is futile.

One day, ten days, one hundred days!

Ye Fei is still advancing, but still can’t get close to the palace in the mist, even one step, walking like this boring and desperate, changing to other martial artists, many may be desperate, thinking that they cannot pass The test here can only go back the same way.

But Ye Fei and Zhu Xiaomei are different. They are both powerful top geniuses. Not only are they strong, but they are also very determined. Even after walking for more than three months, they still can’t get close to the mist In the palace, Ye Fei’s eyes became brighter and brighter.

I wish my younger sister had some enlightenment, and there was a touch of joy on her face. Obviously, they all understood what this hurdle was going to test.

The eyes of the two became firmer, and their footsteps became more calm. After another hundred days, suddenly the mist in front of them disappeared completely, and an ancient palace appeared in front of them.

“We are coming out!” I wish the younger sister relaxed.

“I didn’t guess wrong. The test here is patience! Even though Peak of Martial Dao is out of reach, there are still martial artists who will never stop or look back, just go all the way silently. “Ye Fei looked at the palace in front of him solemnly.

Then he walked into this palace. In the palace, I still didn’t see Wang An, but inside, Ye Fei found a Transmission Array, which showed signs of activation.

Zhu Xiaomei’s face suddenly turned white, “Wang Ai has run away!”

Ye Fei also smiled bitterly, helplessly said: “This Martial Emperor world was discovered by Wang Ai first. He is sure Knowing this place better than us, the escape is expected, but he seems to have no time to pass the last level.”

Since Wang An is the first to pass the test and enter this misty palace, the inside is good Things, naturally, had been scoured by Wang An a long time ago, but this palace, and the last level, Wang An didn’t dare to continue breaking in anyway.

Because it was written clearly on the stone tablet of Inside the palace, the test of this last level turned out to be the full strength attack of the Martial Emperor during his lifetime!

“What, we have to take a blow from the Martial Emperor, we are only in the half-emperor state, how can we do it!” Zhu Xiaomei was very depressed.

Ye Fei is also a bit speechless. If Martial Emperor shoots with all his strength, not to mention the half emperor, even the quasi emperor can be killed directly, but he still decided to give it a try.

“Since you are here, you can’t go back empty-handed! I wish you quit first, little girl, I will try to see if you can withstand the full strength attack of the Martial Emperor.” Ye Fei said.

“It is indeed the rumored demon saint, this guy is not only abnormal, but also very crazy!” Zhu Xiaomei whispered.

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