
Even at a distance of several ten thousand meters, Wang An and Xue Yun can feel the rapid approach behind them, the Demon God-like silhouette.

Xue Yun’s face turned pale instantly.

Wang An also had his legs trembling. For the first time, he regretted that Ye Fei should not be offended, but when he thought that Ye Fei not only robbed the Small World he found, he also had no courage to pass. In the last pass, he obtained the precious Spirit Gathering Tower, and his eyes became spiteful and greedy. “Damn it, as long as we escape back to Lieyang City and announce the news of Ye Fei’s acquisition of the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, without us, the three Heaven Grade quasi-emperors will immediately tear this person to pieces!”

Chapter 1553 betrayed

“Yes, we want revenge and escape back to Lieyang City. Please Heaven Grade Zhundi to take action, and Ye Fei’s life!” Xue Yun was afraid of at first and also Immediately wake up, no matter how strong Ye Fei is, he is also a person. This is the Ancient Starry Sky Road. Any accident can happen.

And the spirit gathering tower on Ye Fei’s body is undoubtedly the root cause of the trouble. It is said that Ye Fei completely offended Wang An at this time.

Xue Yun immediately gave Wang An an idea and said: “Wang An, we can’t run away forever. You’d better pass the news of Ye Fei’s acquisition of the Spirit Tower to the three people now. Heaven Grade!”

“hmph, how to do this Young Master still use you to teach, useless waste, if it weren’t for you, how could this Young Master be chased by Ye Fei so embarrassed!” Wang An was very angry. He and Xue Yun were allied and wanted to use Xue Yun’s strength to deal with Ye Fei.

Where did you know that Xue Yun was so useless, he was not Ye Fei’s opponent at all, and he was also forced to follow bad luck. Not only was he defeated by Ye Fei in public, but now he was forced to flee in embarrassment. Even if he informs Fierce Sun Sect’s Heaven Grade quasi-emperor to kill Ye Fei, the shame this time is indelible.

Wang An naturally hated Xue Yun at this time, and he was rude and scolded Xue Yun. This also made Xue Yun pale, but he didn’t wait for him to refute.

a loud explosion sound.

Ye Fei is carrying Black Sword and has been completely killed out of the sea of ​​stone. Divine sense also locked the two completely in an instant.

“Wang An, Xue Yun, don’t you want to kill me? Now you are like this, what is the difference from the wild dog of the funeral!”

His voice is like a rolling thunder , Shaking the surrounding starry sky, he deliberately angered the two of them, hoping that they would have a bit of spine, and turned around to fight.

Hearing this voice, the faces of Wang An and Xue Yun suddenly became even uglier than pig liver, with complex emotions such as humiliation, anger, humiliation and fear on their faces.

Wang An suddenly sneered and said with disdain: “I want to provoke us with the stimulus method. It is a daydream. When my Fierce Sun Sect Elder arrives, I must let Ye Fei kneel in front of me!” Xue Yun also nodded and said furiously: “Yes, we are all top geniuses. Our future is destined to be a hundred times or a thousand times more brilliant than his kind of abandoned and abandoned man. At this time, he has suffered a little bit of humiliation. What’s wrong, when we become Martial Sovereign in the future, others will only look up to our glory

Huang, who will remember today’s shame!” “Hahaha, Xue Yun, what you said is right , But unfortunately, there is one thing you said wrong. The future glory belongs only to me, not to you. In the eyes of our Star Sect, you martial artists of Heavenly Martial Continent are all untouchables. We are fattened. The cattle and sheep are slaughtered! Now, this

Young Master orders you to use your life to buy more time for me!”

Feel Ye Fei chasing after you The killing speed is getting faster and faster. The three of them continue to chase and escape like this, and they can be caught up by Ye Fei.

Wang An’s eyes flashed a vicious rays of light, and even when Xue Yun was completely unprepared, he slammed a palm at the opponent, and there was a terror in the starry sky. The strong sun giant palm, fiercely patted Xue Yun’s body.

As the top genius of the Valley of the Blades of God, Xue Yun’s reaction was not slow at all. A terrifying blade burst out of his body. The blade burst, like a meteor in the night, tearing the darkness apart. , The terrifying Martial Dao brilliance, but unfortunately, Wang An had been prepared.

His palm was not to kill Xue Yun, but to use his best to slap Xue Yun, who was running side by side with him, in the direction of Ye Fei. The entire starry sky resounded through Xue Yun’s angry roar, but he still couldn’t resist Wang An’s sudden attack.

a loud explosion sound.

Xue Yun’s body has been palmed by Fierce Yang God, who burst out suddenly by Wang An. He looks like a meteor, retreats rapidly, and keeps getting closer to Ye Fei. The intense fear and anger caused Xue Yun to scold furiously, “Wang An, you must die!”

“hmph, even if you come from the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, you are nothing but Heavenly Martial Continent. It’s just an escaped untouchable. It is your honor to use your humble life to protect this Young Master from disasters, Ye Fei, you can wait, wait for this Young Master to escape back to Lieyang City, that is your death date! “

Blood overflowed from the corner of Wang An’s mouth. Obviously, in order to repel Xue Yun to the greatest extent, he also paid a certain price. But it was all worthwhile, and at the same time, a handful of Raging Fire Pill appeared in his hand, swallowed it, and increased his escape speed.

The contradictions between the two of them completely exceeded Ye Fei’s expectations. But after a little thought, he understood Wang An’s shameless purpose. But the journey from the starry sky to Lieyang City was still very long. He decisively gave up chasing Wang An, and rushed towards the seriously injured Xue Yun as quickly as possible.

Xue Yun’s face suddenly turned pale. He exhausted his last hope and opened the mouth and said loudly: “Ye Fei, forgive me, I am willing to resolve the grievances with you!”


“Resolve grievances? If I am not chasing you, but you are chasing me, will you spare me and resolve grievances with me?” Ye Fei rushed forward indifferently.

Xue Yun’s face became paler, and immediately, his eyes became extremely crazy again, he shouted at Ye Fei: “Since I am going to die, let me die with glory, use you ’S strongest attack, come and kill me!”

“As you wish!”


Ye Fei put away the Black Sword, suddenly He took out the Spirit Sword again, and suddenly, the sword energy on his body soared into the sky, forming a howling sword river, shaking the starry sky, and shattering the world.

“Kill!” Xue Yun was also at this time, regaining the fighting spirit and pride of the martial artist. At this moment, all his bloodline burned, and the whole person was like a rays of light ten thousand zhang. A human-shaped torch, and then in this torch, a heavenly blade suddenly appeared, slashing the world, ten thousand zhang, and at this moment, it completely overwhelmed Ye Fei’s sword.

rays of light.

Ye Fei’s expression suddenly became dignified. He understood that the light of the sword at this time was the last glory of Xue Yun. He suddenly roared, and his within the body rushed out of four complete realms in a row.

Azure Dragon Realm!

Gorefiend Realm!

The field of ice!

Tai Chi field!

Boom ka! As soon as the four king-level realms came out, the starry sky trembled violently. In the mountain cry out and sea howl general violent true essence, Ye Fei cut out the two swords of Tai Chi, Also activate the Octopus Tianlong, this Heavenly Venerate-level Taikoo Tiangong, two sect merit law, at this time, the perfect fuse together, forming a more terrifying martial arts rays of light, violently shattered the front The light of the sword, and then another sword, pierced Xue Yun’s throat.

“Xue Yun, go well!” Ye Fei withdrew his bloody sword.

“Help me…revenge!” Xue Yun stared at Ye Fei fiercely. His body began to shake, but he never fell. Ye Fei didn’t even look at it, and rushed straight from Xue Yun to the distant starry sky, “I won’t help you, but Wang An’s scum, I will definitely chase to the end! As a martial artist, he is not worthy, as a top genius, He is even less worthy!”

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