Chapter 1554 Chasing Thousand Miles

Although Ye Fei refused his request, he heard Ye Fei’s firm words before leaving. I don’t know why, Xue Yun’s death At the corner of his eyes, two rows of transparent tears suddenly rolled down.

The former allies betrayed him, and the former enemies, for an unfathomable mystery reason, are willing to oppose the entire sect down the Road of Ancient Starry Sky Road. This is really a painful irony.

With this kind of pain, Xue Yun’s body suddenly disappeared under the burst of sword energy within the body, including his space belt, all turned into dust. This scene also deeply shocked the many starry martial artists who followed. Like Wang An, they came from the starry sky and have been affected by them since childhood. They have already regarded themselves as the masters of the starry sky, and they have forgotten the Heavenly Martial Continent. It’s so powerful, forgetting who built this Ancient Starry Sky Road.

Even many of them look down on those martial artists from Heavenly Martial Continent from the bottom of their hearts, but at this moment, their hearts are undoubtedly complicated.

Ye Fei, killed Xue Yun with a single sword.

However, this Demon King-like young man did not choose to stop. Even though he knew how terrifying Wang An’s identity was, he still, one person one sword, chased and killed by thousands of miles, with a bloody sword.

“Heavenly Martial Continent’s martial artists are so crazy?”

“No, they are all weak, but among them, there are always a few, dazzling like stars , Such as the white clothed War God Difan who entered the starry sky before, Fu Renjie the devil, Xue Yue, the knife god, and Ye Fei now…”

This is not to be counted, I don’t know, just count carefully. These martial artists in the starry sky were all taken aback. They discovered with horror that, unconsciously, Heavenly Martial Continent, so many peerless genius had been born. Such a grand occasion, in the starry sky, is fundamental. impossible appeared.

“Perhaps, Grand Era that grandfather said is really coming!” Little sister Zhu’s mood is undoubtedly excited. She holds the golden battle halberd tightly, like a fearless female general, Ye Fei goes to Wherever, she wants to follow there.

Other martial artists in the starry sky, all of them are excited, the starry sky is down, and in the end they are still peaceful, as they are now, the scene of killing people with swords and chasing enemies for thousands of miles, they have not met for a long time. At this time, the blood that belonged to the martial artist began to boil.

“I don’t know, can Ye Fei kill Wang An before Wang An escapes back to Lieyang City?”

“I think it is difficult! Wang An is also a top genius, He is also the son of Fierce Sun Sect Elder. There must be a lot of treasures to save his life.”

Many star martial artists are shaking their heads. Although they agree with Ye Fei, they don’t think, After Ye Fei beheaded Xue Yun, he still had enough energy to catch up with Wang An, who was trying his best to escape.

But everyone, still subconsciously, followed along at the fastest speed, no one wants to miss this battle between top geniuses.

Seeing Wang An’s despicable method of plotting against Xue Yun, Ye Fei would never allow such a person to continue to live.

“With this man’s despicable character, once he can’t kill him now, even if Wang An cannot avenge me, he will definitely avenge the people around me. This kind of thing is also a villain like Wang An. Good at it! As for the villain, either don’t mess with it. Once it gets messed up, just kill it once and for all!”

Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with a cold glow, even though Wang An was already leaning For a while, Xue Yun escaped from his divine sense sensing range, but the animal print space and Xiaocao, Wang An’s Spiritual Qi fluctuations were still within Xiaocao’s sensing range.

The distance between the two sides is five hundred miles!

At this distance, on land, Ye Fei can catch up with a few breaths, but the starry sky is not good. The Power of Stars are everywhere here, which will greatly hinder Ye Fei’s moving speed. If in the starry sky, the difference between the two sides is five hundred miles, it is absolutely hopeless for Imperial Capital.

Ye Fei did not despair, “Ordinary means can’t catch up with Wang An, but I still have special means, at most, I personally go to the Chamber of Commerce to apologize afterwards! Big Void Technique, I must practice it. !”


Ye Fei’s body suddenly showed a sense of emptiness. He began to hunt down Wang An while quickly cultivating the big Void Technique.

This is absolutely an extremely crazy scene.

Everyone didn’t expect, Ye Fei was chasing and killing the enemy, cultivation martial arts, this Demon King-like youth, what else would he dare not do?

Don’t say that many martial artists in the starry sky that follow can’t understand it. Even Wang An, who secretly received a whistleblower, is a bit unfathomable mystery.

“Now in the cultivation martial arts, do you want to catch up with this Young Master like this? The untouchables are untouchables and have no knowledge at all. Here is the starry sky. Do you think it is the Heavenly Martial Continent like a hillbilly?” Wang Angrily sneered constantly, but when he learned that Ye Fei was chasing him, his head was distracted by cultivation martial arts, Wang An finally stopped swallowing medicine pill and fleeing for his life, in the end Raging Fire Pill Although medicine can temporarily improve his strength, it also needs to pay a certain price. This price is his lifespan!

Swallowing Raging Fire Pill will consume a certain degree of life force. Unless it is a life-and-death crisis, Fierce Sun Sect Elder will not dare to take it lightly. People like Wang An who cherish their lives, Even more dare not take it casually.

So after Xue Yun’s death, the chase in the starry sky quickly evolved into an unfathomable mystery situation. Although Ye Fei has never given up on chasing Wang Hao, most of his mind, Obviously it is placed on cultivation martial arts.

Although Wang An has been running for his life, he is obviously not as nervous and scared as at first. Sometimes he deliberately slows down and wants Ye Fei to lure to the vicinity of Lieyang City, which is even more so. It is beneficial to Fierce Sun Sect Elders to kill Ye Fei.

Many martial artists have seen Wang An’s intentions, and they are very puzzled, “Could it be that Ye Fei is chasing Wang An, just doing something, in fact, he is still afraid of Fierce Sun Sect secretly. “

“It is possible. After all, Fierce Sun Sect controls the formidable sect of the entire starry sky. Ye Fei, even a peerless genius, cannot afford to offend at all!” There is also a martial artist. , Sigh slightly.

“cannot afford to offend? Ever since I knew Ye Fei, great aunt has also seen it, there are some Ye Fei who dare not provoke him, he was fettered by True Martial Saint Court before, he can still be honest, now He has been expelled by True Martial Saint Court, and he has nothing to do with him. Ancient Starry Sky Road, who can tie this leaf demon head?” I wish my little sister secretly amused the comments made by these martial artists in the starry sky, but others did not pay attention. However, Xiaomei Zhu keenly noticed that when Ye Fei was cultivating, the aura on his body became more and more elegant. That kind of feeling is as if Ye Fei is no longer walking in the starry sky, but completely integrated into this piece.

Starry sky.

Finally, after more than ten days of such tepid pursuit, Ye Fei’s silhouette suddenly disappeared from the starry sky in this brief moment. He was completely integrated into the void and even more in the sky, run fast.

10 li, 50 li, 100 li, 200 li! Ye Fei’s speed is getting faster and faster. Soon, the martial artists around have lost the breath of Ye Fei. In addition to several hundred li, they were originally at a moderate pace and laughed at Ye Fei 80% as silly Wang Angu. At this moment, I suddenly felt that from in the sky, a terrifying matchless breath rushed towards him at lightning speed.

“No, this is impossible, how could his speed suddenly become so fast, Elder, help, dad, help me!” At this moment, Wang An’s legs trembled in fright.

Chapter 1555 Celestial Emperor Wrath

Seeing Ye Fei’s sudden increase in speed and rushing in, Wang An’s face was full of fear, and the strongest bloodline immediately burst out at this time. Breath, while burning the bloodline, Wang An didn’t care that it might be embarrassing. He directly took out a strange mirror and directed it inside, just yelling loudly


This mirror is a sound transmission mirror unique to the starry sky. Although Ye Fei does not know the sound transmission mirror, he has used a witch mirror before, and naturally understands the purpose of Wang An taking out this mirror at this time. Ye Fei’s body is even more murderous. In an instant, his eight Primordial Spirit and spirit strength erupted at the same time. The merchant’s Void Technique is very magical. To use this martial arts, not only Strength of Primordial Spirit, but also spirit strength, the stronger the combination of the two, the moving speed of Void Technique will also

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