Dodge sideways.


While he dodges, the dim Taiji Sword picture, which was not what Ye Fei expected, exploded suddenly. All Ye Fei’s attacks were at this moment. , Was absorbed and condensed by the Taiji Sword map, and at this moment, all broke out. That formidable power, even Ye Fei felt a horror. He tried his best to avoid it, but Deity’s four-phase Tai Chi sword was too perfect and perfect. With Ye Fei’s speed, he could not completely avoid this sword. With the impact of light, he felt like he was hit by a heavy Black Sword once, and blood spurted wildly on the spot. The skeleton all over his body was shattered and displaced by the shock.

Only at this moment, Ye Fei was hit hard under Deity’s perfect martial arts, and even Ye Fei suspected that if it weren’t for his fleshy body, he had already breached the limit of the Emperor Artifact, approaching With the extent of Demi-God Artifact, that is, this time attack, he may fall on the spot.

But the worst is not Ye Fei. The most miserable thing is the three Heavenly Tribulation of Fierce Sun Sect. They thought that Ye Fei’s Heavenly Tribulation was just the vast ocean of thunder. They all didn’t expect in their dreams. Lei Hai was just this piece of Heavenly. The prelude to Tribulation.

When the real Heavenly Tribulation appeared, Heavenly Dao was furious, and Deity came, they began to fear, began to regret, regret that they should not be dazzled by anger, and even ran into such a terrifying Heavenly Tribulation.

Under Deity’s attack, Ye Fei can still rely on the immortal Sword Soul and powerful fleshy body to carry Deity’s attack, and the three Fierce Sun Sect Elders, even if they are Heaven Grade Emperor, their fleshy body strength is just comparable to Emperor Artifact.

even more how, what they faced was the same as Ye Fei, a perfect Deity, a perfect copy, so they were badly injured by their respective Deity within one move, and they were in Ye Fei again. During the period of injury, their injuries became more serious.


Among them, the white haired old man screamed at this time. He broke out all the cultivation base and was unable to defeat his own copy. Finally, He could only see a giant palm of flame, which ruthlessly swallowed him and turned it into fly ash.

“Not good, Great Elder is dead, he actually died, damn Heavenly Tribulation, damn Ye Fei, let me out, I won’t kill him, I won’t kill him again!”

The death of the white haired old man, the irritating gray-haired old man’s mind was in confusion. In the face of the terrifying anger, he completely lost the confidence to fight. He flees desperately, trying to escape the robbery cloud Range.

In the end, he managed to escape, his face showed a smile of avoided a catastrophe, but in an instant, his smile completely solidified on his face.

That Deity, in addition to the Heavenly Tribulation, was a musket that penetrated his body. Until this time, the gray-haired old man knew where Ye Fei was. It’s a life-threatening.

Obviously, the Deity formed by these Heavenly Tribulation is very special. They can ignore the scope of Heavenly Tribulation and chase the opponent to the ends of the earth, either to kill the opponent or be killed by the opponent. This is God is angry, Heavenly Dao is angry, that is irreconcilable.

There is no fluke, only you die or I live!


At the same time when the gray-haired old man died, the last scarfaced old man suddenly shattered, and then, his whole body was terrifying The blazing sun hit it and ignited a raging fire, which not only burned his body, but also ignited his soul.

“Old man hates it. Heavenly Dao is unfair, old man…death is so wrong…” Finally, in mournful scream, the last Heaven Grade quasi-emperor is no match for his own copy. He died tragically in Heavenly Tribulation. He was not defeated by Deity, but by himself.

Many martial artists who escaped from the city of Lieyang were all at a loss at this time, terrified by the horror of God’s wrath, and even more terrified of Ye Fei, who could trigger God’s wrath. Just when the three Heaven Grade quasi emperors died full of suffocation, I don’t know who shouted. The martial artist who was still here, whether Martial Sovereign or quasi emperor, all turned around and ran away. I am afraid of Ye Fei, lest Ye Fei are desperate, like dealing with three Heaven Grade quasi emperors

, and drag them into this terrifying Heavenly Tribulation to be buried together.

“This kind of Heavenly Tribulation, simply is not human, it is prepared for the gods and demons!”

“Dead, all dead, this Lieyang City, 80% It’s almost finished!”

“Go, Ye Fei is a complete demon. He found that he couldn’t survive Heavenly Tribulation. Under madness, he will definitely pull us to die together…”

Hearing the words of these martial artists running away, Ye Fei couldn’t help but smile wryly even though he was seriously injured. He was obviously an honest man, the Holy Son of True Martial Saint Court, why, where did he go, All have been misunderstood as demon.

“Could it be that I really have the talent to be a demon?” Ye Fei could not help but secretly guess, and then, his body has shaken, the immortal Sword Soul absorbed Heavenly Tribulation, and released the Thunder Tribulation liquid instantly Pour into his body to recover from his injury.


Ye Fei yelled, even if he saw three Heaven Grade quasi-emperors die in battle, and saw countless martial artists flee in horror, he still did not lose his confidence. On his body, the raging war was burning, he Within the body, billowing magic blood is boiling.

“What about Deity, what about Heavenly Dao? If even a Heavenly Dao puppet can’t be defeated, how can I break through Martial Sovereign, how can I set foot on Peak of Martial Dao, I want to fight!”


Boom ka!

The bloodline burned again, and Ye Fei waved the Black Sword again, rushing up crazy, his Black Sword became more ruthless, heavier, and seemed to be smashed. Star Fragmentation was empty and smashed everything in front of me. Heavenly Dao was also furious. Apart from killing the three quasi-emperors, Deity slowly disappeared under the rules of heaven and earth. The only remaining copy of Ye Fei, suddenly, suddenly, the body composed of thunderbolt bloomed. Out of the eye-catching sword light, Tai Chi four-phase sword, once again shot, ruthless, cut to the leaf


At the moment when Deity shot, Ye Fei also moved, but this time, he was no longer as simple as smashing the Black Sword, but at this moment, suddenly, he launched within the The body has accumulated a long time for the immortal Sword Soul. “Indestructible Sword Soul, cut it for me!”

Chapter 1562 Sword Soul Swallowing the Sky

While there is no one, Ye Fei finally showed his last killer move, he I don’t believe it, this copy of Heavenly Tribulation is really so heavenly, and even the Destruction Sword qi of the Immortal Sword Soul can be perfectly copied, so Ye Fei made a bold move and instantly used his strongest attack.

The Black Sword in his hand also burst out at this time with a terrifying Destruction Sword light. This rays of light penetrated the starry sky and completely shattered the Tai Chi Sixiang sword cut by Deity. But just when Ye Fei was full of joy, thinking that the indestructible Sword Soul would definitely be able to kill this Deity.

hong long!

The entire sea of ​​thunder suddenly boils at this moment. The infinite thunder and lightning is sucked into the body by Deity, and it burns like a flame in an instant, looking at the road With the burning flame, Ye Fei was like being splashed with cold water, and his hands and feet became cold.

“Why did I forget that I have the immortal Sword Soul, but the attack of Sword Soul is only equivalent to Heaven Grade, and I burn the bloodline condensed bloodline god armor, but it can resist A blow from the Martial Emperor! No matter how strong my Sword Soul is, I can’t kill this Deity!”

Ye Fei’s face was bitter, he watched the Destruction Sword aura, and was hit. Deity’s body was blocked by the burning bloodline armor.

At this moment, no matter how strong he is to fight and his confidence, he will inevitably be shaken. For the first time, he began to hate his strength. If he can be a little weaker, he will never die. Sword Soul can completely kill this Deity at this time.

“It’s really a god-like success, and a god-like defeat. Could it be that I’m going to die here today, just like the other ancestors who walked on the path of despair, I couldn’t see hope in the end, I could only die This way?” Ye Fei’s heart suddenly became a little bit depressed.

He had to face the fact that at first he had to face the road of despair. In the end, although there is hope of becoming the strongest Martial God, this road is more desperate. There have been countless , Ten times stronger than Ye Fei, a hundred times genius, all died on this road.

“Maybe, the sixth fusion is the end of my path of despair, but I can die, I can’t let Xiaocao die with me! Dragon Tortoise, while I still have battle strength, you Run immediately with the grass and never come back again.” Ye Fei roared loudly.

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