“roar roar!” In the beast seal space, Dragon Tortoise’s painful roar was also heard immediately, but Xiaocao took advantage of Dragon Tortoise’s attention, and suddenly lashed Dragon Tortoise. Turned to the ground, and then resolutely stayed in the beast seal space, and did not leave here even if he died.

While Ye Fei was moved, he was also helpless. If possible, he was unwilling to go to this step. But at this time, he couldn’t allow him to think about it anymore. It was in the face of this almost perfect attack from Deity. There is no other way but to prepare for the worst.

“Dragon Tortoise, it’s up to you to take care of the grass in the future! Spiritual sword!” Taking advantage of his copy, it is still resisting the Destruction Sword of the indestructible Sword Soul, Ye Fei is in pain Determined to directly activate his own spirit strength to form a spiritual rope, suddenly rushed into the beast seal space, and imprisoned the grass.

After that, Ye Fei said nothing, suddenly burst into the strongest strength, with red eyes, rushed towards that Deity again, and even at this moment, he hugged this Deity fiercely. .

“Dragon Tortoise, take the grass away!” Ye Fei hissed, like an injured wild beast. He exhausted all his strength, like a gangster in the market, holding this Deity , Pushing back desperately, when he wants to come, Dragon Tortoise will definitely seize this opportunity at this time, take the grass, and rush out of this Heavenly Tribulation at the fastest speed, but let Ye Fei

What trembled in my heart was that Dragon Tortoise not at all did this.

When he tried his best, sacrificed himself, hugged Deity, and fought into a ball, Dragon Tortoise did not take the grass in the space of the beast, but took advantage of the grass. Let it go, facing those Spirit Stones, calmly and sharply lowered his black mouth. Ye Fei’s heart was a little bit sour inexplicably, “I underestimated this dead turtle. When he died, I didn’t forget to slam the black mouth. That’s all, Dragon Tortoise can ignore life and death, and the outcome has not yet been determined. , How can I be discouraged at this time, even if I can’t beat the opponent, I have to bite the opponent

the next piece of meat!”

Deity not at all flesh and blood despite fighting with him , But Ye Fei didn’t care, because even if he couldn’t bite the opponent’s flesh, he still had to use the immortal Sword Soul to suck the opponent’s Heavenly Tribulation body for the last time!

Similarly, this is what Ye Fei can think of as the last counterattack.

If this method is still ineffective, it is to fight to death, and he will also throw Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise out of the scope of Heavenly Tribulation before dying.

Success or failure, in one fell swoop!

“Indestructible Sword Soul, suck me! aaaaaah…” Ye Fei roared like a wild beast, and in an instant, his bloodline within the body burned.

The bloodline god armor also appeared on him at this time, letting the opposite Deity attack frantically, how to release the powerful martial arts of formidable power, but as long as Ye Fei’s bloodline is not burned out, as long as this Zun Deity, there is no attack comparable to the Martial Emperor.

Just like the Indestructible Sword Soul, which cannot kill the Deity who possesses the bloodline god armor, this Deity cannot kill the Ye Fei who possesses the bloodline god armor. Suddenly, in this sea of ​​thunder, Ye Fei and Deity seemed to be dressed in heavy armor of humanity Dragon Beast. They couldn’t kill each other in a short time. They simply squabted and hugged each other in this thunder sea, like gangsters. , You kick me, I punch you, you bite me, I will just

a head and slam into it. In the end, due to the two people fighting and fighting, the entire Thunder Sea became violent. Ye Fei and Deity, fighting against each other, with their red eyes, rolled into this boiling sea of ​​thunder and continued to fight and fight. Ming, Ye Fei’s body quickly became drenched with blood. His entire face was scorched by Deity’s lightning computer bag, and the flesh and blood were turned over, revealing the same electrically charged inside. Charred black bones.

But Deity is also uncomfortable. In the process of fighting, Ye Fei within the body’s immortal Sword Soul is also constantly absorbing Deity’s energy. In the end, this Deity is not real If Ye Fei’s life is a real life, Ye Fei will be spared this time of enlightenment and will undoubtedly die.

Unfortunately, this Deity is a puppet of Heavenly Dao. He can copy everything about Ye Fei. The only thing that cannot be copied is the life of Ye Fei, the soul of Ye Fei, and Ye. Fei’s unyielding will that is as solid as a rock and has a bite of death. This is undoubtedly the most special life contest. At this time, it is not the strength of both sides, but the tenacious life force of both sides. Is Ye Fei relying on the immortal Sword Soul’s ability to absorb all energy and forcibly taking this Deity as a complete absorption of energy, or is this Deity relying on the huge Force of Tribulation in the body

By the time Ye Fei bloodline burned out and self-destructed, even Ye Fei himself couldn’t tell.

He just knew that he had to fight, and he had to fight, not only for him, but also for Xiaocao, for Dragon Tortoise!

“Heavenly Dao, today I will fight you hard, fight to the end, fight to death! Immortal Sword Soul, suck me, suck fiercely!”

bang! When Ye Fei’s mind came to the immortal Sword Soul, at this moment, Ye Fei trembles violently, and Ye Fei’s whole body has become a terrifying vortex at this time. In this vortex, Deity is also desperate Struggling, the entire Thunder Sea seems to have come alive, setting off huge thunderbolt ripples, but this Thunder Sea is not a living thing after all. This Deity is not a real life after all. Although he continues to explode terrifying martial arts, he is under the emperor Ye Fei bloodline. Not only was Deity unable to harm Ye Fei, but also under the mad absorption of the immortal Sword Soul, this Deity suddenly touched and could no longer maintain its own form. It gradually turned into a majestic Force of Tribulation. Destroy Sword Soul and completely absorb it.

Chapter 1563 Thunder Tribulation Wu Jian

“Heavenly Dao, I can’t beat you, but I can suck you to death!” Ye Fei fiercely spat blood. , Moved towards the sky again, and raised a middle finger.

Unfortunately, Heavenly Dao is ruthless and doesn’t care about the provocation of the ants. There seems to be several Deity roaring in the thunderbolt Heavenly Palace in the depths of the robbery cloud, but helplessly, as Ye Fei copied Own Deity, complete refining, Heavenly Dao’s power, also at this time, gradually exhausted.

The first thing that disappeared was the thunderbolt Heavenly Palace in the emptiness, then the terrifying Jieyun, and finally the ten thousand meters thunder sea around Ye Fei, attracted by Jieyun vortex, I wanted Return to the void.

“Where did I go, I was so miserable for the chopping, it almost made me desperate, how can I do without paying interest!” Ye Fei was a little anxious. He defeated Deity and it was a terrible victory.

At this time, not only the body is blurred, but also the life essence of Ye Fei is greatly depleted. If there is no way to make up for this damage, he will become another too. The dean, Sora has a powerful talent, but in the face of exhausted life essence, he can only be a hero.

The best way to make up for the life essence is Thunder Tribulation liquid. This is a special liquid formed by Force of Tribulation, which can strengthen the life essence and make up for the loss of Ye Fei bloodline.

At this time, Ye Fei certainly wouldn’t let this piece of thunderbolt simply return to Heavenly Dao’s vortex. He immediately disregarded the pain of fighting all over his body and directly activated the Void Technique, one step , Just blocked in front of Jieyun vortex.


Ye Fei’s behavior is undoubtedly a great contempt for Heavenly Dao, even the unsentimental Heavenly Dao, at this time there is an instinctive anger The color.

I can’t believe that in the world that Heavenly Dao absolutely controls, there is an ant so bold that he has survived the Heavenly Tribulation. It’s not a big deal. He actually blocked this piece of Heavenly Tribulation. Pian Lei Hai is all refining.

In the depths of the robbery cloud, the vortex of Heavenly Tribulation has become larger, as if this starry sky has formed a special Heavenly Tribulation black hole, but because Ye Fei has passed the relationship of Heavenly Tribulation, Heavenly Dao For Ye Fei, who had his teeth pulled out of the tiger’s mouth, I felt helpless.

At this time, what Heavenly Dao can do is to recover the thunder sea formed by the Force of Tribulation as quickly as possible.

What Ye Fei has to do is to refining this piece of thunderbolt as much as possible before the Force of Tribulation disappears.

“Indestructible Sword Soul, suck me! Fiercely suck! When I have suffered such a loss, Deity almost scared me to collapse, Heavenly Dao must compensate, fiercely compensates me , Heavenly Dao does not compensate, then I will take it myself!” Ye Fei vigorously resigned.

Ye Fei has already felt that he has lost a lot of time without completely refining this piece of Heavenly Tribulation. Of course, he has to take advantage of the fact that Lei Hai has no news yet, and how much he can suck.

Sword Soul of the Immortal has never been able to sustain it so much. It has just absorbed a powerful Deity, and now it has to absorb a large piece of tribulation thunder.

It’s also the master of Nine Heavens Sword, who is beyond Heavenly Venerate’s existence, leaving behind the special Sword Soul, otherwise it will be replaced by the ordinary Sword Soul. Under the crazy absorption of Ye Fei, early Just when Sword Soul collapsed, it was blown alive by these terrifying Force of Tribulation.

Of course, it is also with the immortal Sword Soul that Ye Fei can counterattack Danger Land, successfully refining that Deity, through Heavenly Tribulation, and completely completed the sixth fusion of the power of despair.

But at the moment the integration was successful, Ye Fei suddenly felt that his talent at this time had completely stood in the Peak position of the top genius. At the same time, he has absolute certainty in battle strength and domain, and he is fighting peerless genius. “Now I, even if I can’t beat peerless genius, I can definitely remain unbeaten. Although in battle strength, I and peerless genius are still weaker, but in spirit strength, I absolutely surpass them. Not to mention, I still have four king-level domains! I also have the Taikoo Tiangong and the bloodline god

A, by the way, I now have a stronger sword, which is the Taiji Sixiangjian !”

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