Then, Little Sister Zhu couldn’t move her eyes, her eyes were staring straight at the huge treasures in the treasure house. Ye Fei’s brows also jumped. Just within the range of his divine sense, he found hundreds of billions of Spirit Stones, fairy crystals, and various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, which are even countless.

And here, it is only a residence of Fierce Sun Sect. From this, we can see how much wealth these star sects have scoured on this Ancient Starry Sky Road.

“All the Spirit Stones belong to me, and you can take the others!” Ye Fei said directly. With his strength, ordinary heavenly materials and earthly treasures are of little use to him.

These Spirit Stones, fairy crystals, can let Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise open their belly to eat for a while.

“Sure enough, keeping two foodies is a bitter life.” Ye Fei’s very depressed incarnation porter quickly scoured the Spirit Stones in these treasure troves. But Ye Fei was still very dissatisfied. He looked up and down at this treasure, and opened the eyes of thunder punishment for this. Black Sword even pryed open several floors and dug the ground three feet and said: “No, with I have many years of experience. Since there are three Heaven Grade Zhundi who sit here all year round, then this Lieyang City, will not stop these ordinary treasures, there must be other more precious treasures here, which are hidden. I’m up.”

Seeing that I found nothing after digging the ground three feet, Ye Fei carried the Black Sword, and began to beat the surrounding walls again, looking very professional.

“How do I feel that Ye Fei seems to be better at searching than fighting…” Little sister Zhu blinked her eyes and couldn’t help but look at Ye Fei with admiration.

Then, she watched as the Black Sword smashed, a powerful counter-shock suddenly burst out on the walls of this treasure house.

Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly became brighter than the stars. He immediately shouted loudly, raised the Black Sword, and smashed it with all his strength.

bang! Under the violent destruction of Ye Fei, even if this treasure house is a wall, built by Myriad Cold Iron comparable to Emperor Artifact, it was also hit by Black Sword on the spot, and a huge black hole was smashed, but What appeared inside was not the secret room that Ye Fei thought, but it turned out to be a Small World of Martial Emperor.

Chapter 1565 Zhenhai

Is another Martial Emperor’s Small World? Ye Fei and Zhu Xiaomei are a little surprised, but they are relieved when they think about it. After all, this is the Ancient Starry Sky Road. There are two ancient and ancient times. There are countless Martial Emperors and Martial Gods here, leaving all kinds of tests. Since Fierce Sun Sect dominates the starry sky, so it’s not surprising to find a few Small Worlds here.

“No wonder Fierce Sun Sect. If you don’t put the treasure house in that luxurious palace, it’s mostly to hide this Small World, and you don’t want others to discover it. Fortunately, I met a veteran like me and changed to someone else. It’s been hidden long ago.” Ye Fei began to observe this Small World enthusiastically.

Sister Zhu couldn’t help it finally, and interrupted and asked: “Ye Fei, are you very experienced in searching?”

“How is it possible, I mean I have a rich experience in life! “Ye Fei’s face is solemn, with an awe-inspiring look.

I wish the little girl did not see anything wrong. This is nodded, but she still refuses to give up. She took the opportunity to continue to inquire: “Ye Fei, have we met before, I always feel that you are very kind?”


When she talked, the girl blushed a bit. After all, she felt the kindness of an elder from the peers. I wish the little girl herself feel very weird and crazy.

Ye Fei let out a dry cough, and thought to himself: “It’s more than just seeing it. At that time, I became the master wishing. You are still holding me, fiercely’s arrogance, if it wasn’t for me to be quick witted in an emergency, I touched your head a few more times and I almost got dressed.”

Of course, Ye Fei dare to think about it. If I say it, I wish the little girl will definitely kill him on the spot. .

Ye Fei was full of seriousness at this time and seriously reminded Zhu Xiaomei: “It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. I have searched the ill-gotten wealth here. If you have anything to say, go out and say it.”

In order not to keep asking the questions for Little Sister Zhu, Ye Fei took the lead and rushed into this Small World first. Sister Zhu had no choice but to follow in.

The Small World hidden by Fierce Sun Sect is very unique. It is stacked on top of each other, and it is all Formation, which is like a sea of ​​Formation.

As soon as he rushed in, Ye Fei fell into an imaginary formation. Fortunately, this Formation only has an effect on the weak Martial Saint. As a powerful half emperor, Ye Fei is simply not affected by these formations.

Little sister Zhu clearly knows the origin of this sea of ​​formations. When she came in, she covered her mouth in surprise and said in surprise: “This is not the Small World that tests us, but the ancient city array hub of the starry sky! Whoever controls this sea of ​​formations can control all the defenses of the ancient city of the starry sky!”

Ye Fei was also taken aback, “My sister, are you sure you did not admit your mistake?”


“How can you admit your mistakes, these all are common sense, you should also have records in True Martial Saint Court, haven’t you learned it?” Little sister Zhu is a little strange.

Ye Fei suddenly felt a little awkward on his face, but he quickly thought of something, and his expression suddenly became excited.

“So many Formations require a lot of energy to be activated. Spirit Stone Impossible provides only a large number of spirit veins to activate this sea of ​​formations. In other words, there is a lot of energy here. Possibly, there are still a lot of spirit veins hidden!”

“I don’t care about spirit veins or spirit veins. This sea of ​​formations is not something my strength can explore. Ye Fei, you have to be careful. Point.” After Xiaomei Zhu finished speaking, she suddenly turned and walked out. She is a measured person, knowing what to ask for and what not to ask for.

Looking at Xiaomei Zhu’s silhouette, Ye Fei also secretly nodded, but looked at Xiaomei Zhu a few more times, but it’s really not one to find the hidden spirit vein in such a huge sea of ​​arrays. Easy thing.

“But for this matter, it must be difficult for Xiaocao, Xiaocao, I will work soon.” Ye Fei yelled at the beast print space, thinking that Xiaocao would run happily After coming out, I waited for a long time, but I didn’t see Xiaocao’s response.

Ye Fei froze slightly, his consciousness entered the beast seal space, and his face suddenly became black.

I saw in the beast print space, Xiaocao was dragging Dragon Tortoise’s tail, walking around inside, a small grass is now very angry, very busy.

Ye Fei smiled bitterly at once, knowing that it wouldn’t work if he didn’t hurry up to coax the grass, he immediately took out a killing move, a large number of Spirit Stones, fairy crystals, all thrown into the beast seal space, almost The grass and Dragon Tortoise were flooded on the spot.

“Xiaocao, these Spirit Stones and fairy crystals, you and Dragon Tortoise can eat whatever you want!” Ye Fei is very generous, anyway, Fierce Sun Sect, he searched a lot.

As a super foodie, Spirit Stone eats this temptation casually. Xiaocao is almost completely unable to resist. The struggle on his face lasts only for a second. Xiaocao has decided to forgive Ye Fei temporarily. Let’s talk after eating these Spirit Stones.

Xiaocao dropped Dragon Tortoise casually, and ran out of the beast seal space with excitement on his face, and ran towards one direction, ignoring the large amount of Formation around.

Ye Fei eyes immediately lit up and understood the route that Xiaocao took. It may be the only safe route in this sea of ​​formations, and it is very likely that the spirit vein is located.

He hurriedly followed Xiaocao and rushed into the sea, but Xiaocao and Ye Fei had forgotten. He put a lot of Spirit Stone and Dragon Tortoise together. What a terrible situation.

Unfortunately, Ye Fei was focused on those spirit veins. Along the way, he also saw a lot of traces of array destruction.

“It seems that Fierce Sun Sect has taken control of this place, and has done a lot of damage to these Formations. Their purpose is definitely the spirit vein here. I hope they don’t take them all at once…”

Ye Fei’s complexion is a bit ugly, especially when Xiaocao ran deep into the ocean and saw the originally huge Killing Formation, all the arrays in it were invalid. The spirit vein that was originally the core of the Formation, a All the articles disappeared, Ye Fei directly destroyed Fierce Sun Sect’s heart.

But when I saw Xiaocao and continued to run inside, Ye Fei looked Much better, and Xiaocao continued to run, which proved that there must be some amazing things of Spiritual Qi, which attracted Xiaocao. attention.

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