
Xiaocao also quickly bypassed countless arrays, and suddenly rushed into one of the Formations. At this time, Ye Fei was already In the sea of ​​formation, the tens of millions of arrays fainted, and there was no time to think about it. He had already followed Xiaocao and rushed in.

“No, how did I break into Formation, if the array is activated here, it would be wrong. This is not Formation, this what the hell is that place, in Small World, how can there be Small World! “Ye Fei was stunned by the sudden break into the array. Where is the Formation where Xiaocao broke into, it is clearly a Small World hidden in the Small World, and such multiple Small World, Ye Fei is unheard-of, unprecedented.

Chapter 1566 Array Sect

You must know that even if it is a Martial God powerhouse, it can only form a Small World, like in Small World, ah, once again developed Small World It completely subverted the perception of martial artist!

Who is the one who has the ability to develop such a multiple Small World? Ye Fei’s soul has a shocking feeling.

Of course, Xiaocao will not have the troubles like Ye Fei. When he ran into this Small World, Xiaocao’s eyes were shining, he spread his feet, and ran up to a big rock, rolled around holding the rock, and bit down in one bite. Ye Fei was also shocked. Jump: “Little grass, don’t gnaw…”

I’ll go, that’s another Dao Comprehension Stone, and it’s bigger than the big bluestone Ye Fei has seen in the real Martial God Palace.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It was unpalatable. I didn’t like the grass at all, and I threw the big rock on the ground very hard.


To Ye Fei’s surprise, as the grass was thrown away like this, this huge Dao Comprehension Stone suddenly shattered from the middle, and the inside of the stone was even emitted. A strong aura, a closer look, that aura is actually a glowing bronze key.

Ye Fei and Xiaocao are a bit startled, isn’t this Dao Comprehension Stone? How come a key pops out of it? Could it be this kind of thing that attracted the grass?

He was a little curious, and the divine sense immediately penetrated into this Dao Comprehension Stone and the key, only to find that this Dao Comprehension Stone had already been lost. All the energy.

“It’s no wonder that Xiaocao finds it unpalatable. This stone, perhaps a long time ago, was a precious Dao Comprehension Stone, but in order to hide this key, this Dao Comprehension Stone seems to be exhausted. All the power, what kind of key is this, and where is this?”

Ye Fei picked up this key carefully. His face was full of doubts. At this time, his deep in one’s heart actually heard a wonderful female voice: “This is the array world of the array world, why, as a member of the Guardian, are you now forgotten even the array world? “

“Jianzong, what is Jinzong, and who are you? Xiaocao, have you heard anything?” Ye Fei was taken aback, and hurried to see Xiaocao, only to find Xiaocao I couldn’t eat the Dao Comprehension Stone, so I panting with rage and ran back to the beast seal space to find Dragon Tortoise to settle the account.

During the time Xiaocao was leaving, Dragon Tortoise had already swallowed 2/3 of the Spirit Stone inside.

Ye Fei is depressed and doesn’t know what to say. However, he also found the source of the woman’s voice, which was actually the key in his hand, Ye Fei thoughts move, trying to send a stream of true yuan into the key. The key in his hand suddenly burst out with a dazzling aura, as if some kind of seal had been unlocked. From the key, a silhouette of a beautiful woman came out and looked at Ye Fei strangely: “Weird, you are not the discipline of the Jinzong, nor the Guardian of the Ancient Starry Sky Road. How did you find this?

Here, do you know the way to open my seal?”


Ye Fei is a bit speechless, and found treasure, use the real yuan to probe to see if there is someone else’s Primordial inside Spirit branding, this is what a martial artist subconsciously would do, he just didn’t expect, there is a woman hidden in this key, and of course this is just the afterimage of the woman.

In other words, she herself may have passed away a long time ago. Coupled with the confidence revealed by the woman, Ye Fei couldn’t help sighing, and already roughly understood what was going on.

Obviously, this Small World is owned by the Zhenzong, and the Zhenzong is closely related to the Guardian who once guarded the Ancient Starry Sky Road.

Ye Fei said solemnly: “Senior, I don’t know the sect, the Guardian of Ancient Starry Sky Road, and they are all extinct. Now those who occupy Ancient Starry Sky Road are those star sects, this road, No longer belong to the martial artist of our Heavenly Martial Continent.”

“How is it possible, the Star Sect? They are just a group of losers who cannot be tested by the Guardian. How can they have the strength to occupy the dozens Martial God? Thousands of Martial Emperors, the Ancient Starry Sky Road jointly created?” The woman seemed unable to accept this fact.

Ye Fei was also shocked fiercely. Hundreds of Martial Gods? That absolutely impossible is the number of Martial Gods Ancient Era can possess, and the identity of that woman is ready to be revealed.

“Senior, what is the origin of the formation sect, what is the relationship between the star sect and Guardian?” Ye Fei was very strange.

He always thought that the Star Sect were aliens, but now it seems that it is not like that.

“I don’t like the title Senior. You can call me Fairy. By the way, what era is it now?” Fairy glanced at Ye Fei with some discomfort. Obviously the title of Senior is very Dissatisfaction, although she was already in Ancient Era, she had already died in battle. Having dealt with Shang Jing, the General Alliance Leader, Ye Fei was very fascinated and immediately changed his words: “Fairy elder sister does not know it. Now it is Martial Dao Dharma End Era. There is no ancient, ancient glory, let alone Martial. God, even the Martial Emperor, we can’t break through. If Fairy elder sister can break the secret of Martial Sovereign Martial Emperor, please must tell me and let me also Heavenly Martial Continent martial artist, To regain the ancients, to regain the glory of the ancients, to regain this ancient Starry Sky Road that belongs to us!” Ye Fei is full of enthusiasm, and there is a kind of passion and heroism of a passionate youth. It is a pity that Fairy has already seen through Ye Fei’s purpose, but Ye Fei’s With a sound of Fairy elder sister, Jin Fairy was more pleasing to Ye Fei’s eyes. She pursed her mouth lightly said with a smile: “My body has fallen since Ancient Era

I am just a trace of incomplete distraction. I am not at all the memories of Martial Emperor and Martial God. What I have is just countless array memories, and your aptitude is not suitable for inheritance of my array. However, you still have a chance. Become the new Guardian.”

Ye Fei was disappointed, but still asked: “What are the requirements to become a Guardian? I’m a person who has been abandoned by heaven. Can I also become a Guardian?”

At this time, Ye Fei didn’t know what the Guardian was, or even what the formation was. He didn’t know very well, but Ye Fei knew that Ancient Era, but the strongest era of Heavenly Martial Continent, could start from that era. , The remaining ones are great characters.

He doesn’t care about that many, he hugs his thighs before talking.

“What, you are actually the body of abandonment? No wonder you can break into this place. You know, in the ancient times, you people who were abandoned by the sky were called…”

Jin Fairy seems to have thought about something, she doesn’t say much anymore, just the look towards Ye Fei has a strange brilliance, and Fairy’s tone becomes serious, staring at Ye Fei and asking: “Young man, what is your name? Name.”

“Fairy elder sister, my name is Ye Fei.” Ye Fei showed an honest and honest smile, his smile is very clean and very reliable at first glance. I don’t know why, seeing this smile, Fairy’s heart also warmed up a lot, her tone became soft, staring at Ye Fei and replied very positively: “Ye Fei, you can become a Guardian, as long as you want, You will become the strongest Guardian! The Martial Sovereign that is mortal for you who are abandoned by heaven, we can also let you pass through without a catastrophe!”

Chapter 1567 One-Sovereign Martial God

Pass without a catastrophe?


Fairy this remark shook Ye Fei’s whole heart. What is Wujie? That is, there is no Heavenly Tribulation, directly breakthrough Martial Sovereign!

This is simply unimaginable. You must know that Martial Dao cultivation, which is against the sky, will be punished by Heavenly Dao, which is Heavenly Tribulation.

Martial Sovereign is the first punishment of Heavenly Dao’s martial artist, since ancient times, I don’t know how many martial artists died under the Heavenly Dao Tribulation.

Especially, as a person who is abandoned by the sky, Martial Sovereign is especially terrifying, and Fairy actually said that he can directly break through Martial Sovereign without suffering. Hearing this news, I feel like a rock. There was also a huge wave in Ye Fei’s heart.

“Fairy, are you sure there is a way to get me through and become Martial Sovereign?” Ye Fei suppressed the excitement in his heart forcibly, and his expression was full of seriousness. Array Fairy is affirmed: “Of course, I can be sure of this. My father is a God of Array. He once created a Divine Formation that can compete with Heavenly Dao. Naturally, he can also help you smoothly breakthrough Martial Sovereign. However, This kind of Divine Formation, I don’t have it here, you have to go to the middle road and pass through the ground

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