My brother’s approval was also approved by the Array Zong, so that you can use the Divine Formation! “

“District Sect, brother?” Fairy elder sister, can you explain it in detail? “Ye Fei rubbed his head and was almost caught in the mist that Fairy said. “Almost forgot, now it is Dharma End Era. You have lost your ancient memories. Let’s put it this way, in my father, I have a brother, After we breakthrough Martial God successively, our array concept has also been split, and the array is divided into three. Among them, I am in charge of the human array, mainly researching beheading

Martial God array, and my brother is in charge of the array. Zong, studies the killing of the Heavenly Venerate array, and his father is in charge of the strongest Heavenly Venerate array. Ancient Starry Sky Road, since then, has been divided into three roads: high, middle and low! “The so-called Starry Sky Sects in your mouth, they are all the losers who came to the Ancient Starry Sky Road to experience. The ancient road is far more cruel than you think. These people can neither pass our array test. , Became a Guardian, and did not have the courage and strength to completely finish this Ancient Starry Sky Road

Many people consciously had no face and returned to Heavenly Martial Continent, so they gathered together and kept warm, but I didn’t ‘t expect, this group of losers have the courage to occupy the Ancient Starry Sky Road and kill all the Guardians! “

When Fairy mentioned the Starry Sect, her tone of voice was angry, and a baleful qi naturally appeared on her body. Now this Fairy elder sister is not a soft-hearted person.

In the end. To become a Martial God, who is not one who walks up the bones of thousands of enemies step by step, the Martial Emperor Martial God that has never been cultivated, only the Martial Emperor Martial God that has been battled out.

Especially this Zhenzong, a three Martial God, can be described as an exaggerated metamorphosis. Ye Fei was a little frightened at this time.

Fortunately, Fairy’s anger was only a moment, and she had already subdued her anger. , Looking at Ye Fei with a solemn expression: “Ye Fei, now that you hear this, do you still have the courage to go to the sect to participate in the Guardian’s test? “


Frankly speaking, Ye Fei was a bit scared when he heard that the powerful Star Sect were all descendants of the failures of the ancient experience. But as long as Thinking of that Martial Sovereign that is almost mortal to the people who abandoned the sky, Ye Fei’s heart quickly became firm again.

“I don’t believe it. It’s even more powerful than the Martial Dao that I combined with the power of despair for the sixth time! “

Thinking of a few days ago, when he merged with the power of despair, but even the wrath of God appeared, and the result was not killed by him.

The assessment of the formation sect again Strong, can you still be strong enough to survive God’s anger? Ye Fei has nothing to hesitate at this time. Any opportunity to break through Martial Sovereign, he will not give up easily.

“The test of the sect, I am willing participate! “Very well, worthy of… Ye Fei, remember, Martial Sovereign will not be your hindrance, but the beginning of your glory, hehe, I really want to see and hear the breakthrough Martial Sovereign, Even Martial God, the bastards of the Witch tribe, looked surprised and terrified…Unfortunately, my time is running out…


Fairy’s silhouette gradually gradually changes. It must be vague, but her expression is full of excitement. At this moment, her divine sense seems to pass through this World, penetrate into the infinite universe, and then envelope the entire Heavenly Martial Continent.

“Martial God, how could it be Martial God?


endless void, the battle between Human Demon and Wang Bai has not known how long it lasted. Suddenly, Human Demon sensed something. His bones burst out The terrifying white firelight, that firelight, can melt the void and destroy Exterminating Heaven and Earth.

“Wang Bai, don’t stop, now there is Martial God, the deity will meet her, maybe her strength , Can kill me! “Human Demon roared, he is like a violent Bone Dragon, he seems to be rushing out of this void and fighting Martial God.

After that, Wang Bai’s body also exploded in a magnificent imposing manner. In that imposing manner, the angry Human Demon was forcibly pressed back. Wang Bai roared with seven faces, and at the same time he made a magnificent magic sound: “Human Demon, you admit it or not, brother is handsomer than you,” It’s better than you…”


Human Demon didn’t say anything, but suddenly calmed down from the appearance of Martial God, twelve Martial Emperor Bone Dragon , Roaring again, madly holding war chariot and Human Demon, moved towards Wang Bai and killed him.

“Hey, guilty, brother, this guy is too handsome to suffer. There are always people who are unfathomable. Mystery’s jealous brother…” Wang Bai sighed, and at the same time he killed Human Demon.

For the breath of Martial God, they no longer cared about it, but fell into eternal nothingness. In the ceaseless battle. And while they are fighting, the middle road of Ancient Starry Sky Road, the originally unremarkable starry sky, the knife god Xue Yue, is engaged in a desperate battle with a peerless genius from the Starry Sect. , Exploded the starry sky and turned it into a Nihility Zone, but at the moment when they

played their skills and wanted to kill the opponent, a group of terrifying bursts suddenly broke out under their feet. formation mark divine light, that divine light not only shakes the two of them out of several tens of thousands of li’s distance.

In the following time, it forms an ancient portal, standing above the stars. .

“That is, Jinmen! The gate of the sect! “

“This impossible, the Guardian of Ancient Starry Sky Road, we have already been killed, how could there be anyone who can open the gate of the Earth Front Sect? “No matter how this mountain gate appears!” For our Starry Sky Sect, this is the best opportunity for us to wash away the shame of our ancestors. We kill the Guardian and cannot completely control this Ancient Starry Sky Road. Only by passing the test of the Ancient Formation and gaining the identity of Guardian can we It’s just right, take it

According to this Ancient Road! “The order continues, and immediately summon my Starry Sky Sect, the strongest genius, no matter what method they use or how many people die, they must pass the test of the sect and become the Ancient Starry Sky Road, the new Guardian, and Inheritor! “

Chapter 1568 Going to the Middle Road

For the appearance of the Dizheng Zongshanmen, the most surprised is Xue Yue, the small sword god, and the Blood Spirit of the Blood River Sect. One of them is the valley of the sword god. Young Master, known as the strongest generation of peerless genius, is the strongest star sect that occupies the starry sky, the Head Disciple of the Blood River Sect.

At the same time, due to the transformation of Heavenly Dao, Grand Era’s The brilliance is about to begin. Not only the Heavenly Martial Continent, but also the Foreign Domain starry sky, are affected, and some powerful geniuses have begun to appear. For example, the blood spirit child is the peerless genius born in the starry sky. Originally, the blood spirit child is They competed with Xue Yue for a treasured sword, and then fought life and death in the starry sky. As a result, they fought. There was a huge Small World in the place where they were fighting. It was Martial God before they could hold it.

Some Small World.

Almost subconsciously, the two stopped fighting, and both took this Small World as their own possession. Xue Yue opened the mouth and said indifferently: “Blood Lingzi , This Small World belongs to me, if you leave now, I can’t kill you! “Xue Lingzi hearing this said with a sneer: “Joke, this starry sky road, but the territory of our Blood River Sect. Any Small World that appears here should belong to our Blood River Sect, but Xue Yue, you quickly I can leave a way out and kill you! I heard that your cousin Xue Yun has died under the stars. Don’t you want to take revenge? “Hmph, Xue Yun is just a trash, he is dead, I can only blame him for his inferior skills!” It’s your Starry Sect. Don’t think I don’t know your origins. You are just the descendants of a group of losers. This Ancient Starry Sky Road does not belong to you. When I break through the Martial Emperor, I will let you.

Recognize this! “Xue Yue raised the treasure knife, his blade light, like a flame burning, illuminates the starry sky brightly.

On the body of the blood spirit child, there is an infinite breath of blood, that breath, and Blood The cultivation technique of Demon Religion is somewhat similar, but the cultivation technique of Xue Lingzi is stronger and more terrifying. It is completely the most authentic Demon God cultivation technique.

The so-called words are not speculative, and there are many half sentences.


These two peerless genius, who were originally a treasure knife, played True Fire. At this time, they accidentally discovered a hidden Small World. Naturally, they played more fiercely.

But they are all peerless genius, already standing in the pinnacle of the half-emperor state, their battle, of course, is impossible to decide the winner in a short time.

The blood spirit entangles Xue Yue and prevents him from rushing in. At the same time of Small World, it was very simple, and directly took out a spirit mirror and sounded transmission to the Blood River Sect, hoping that the Blood River Sect could bring a large number of experts to come to support, and also drive Xue Yue away by the way.

“hmph, I want to beat more and less, don’t think about it! What belongs to our Heavenly Martial Continent, you can’t give in even an inch! “Xue Yue sneered. The Valley of the Sword God is the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, and Xue Yue is a peerless genius. Over the years, he has also made a lot of friends. At this time, Xue Yue simply gave these friends of the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family and the World Emperor a sound. transmission, let them come to support, and for the first time, Xue Yue used a spirit mirror to send a message to Goddess Lu Qing.

“Xue Yue, you are courting death! ”

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